31 quotes from Edmund Burke
cool breeze
2023-07-24 00:12:13
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Knowledge is precious.

2. Ambition can crawl and soar.

3. People's ideological progress is slow.

4. Good order is the foundation of everything.

5. Learning without thinking is like eating without melting.

6. Good order is the foundation of everything.

7. Superstition is the religion of the weak willed.

8. Education is the main defense force of a country.

9. Uncertainty is the essence of all great things.

10. Education is a cheap defense of a country.

11. Standing guard and sleeping soundly all the time is tantamount to defecting to the enemy.

12. It is always wise to be generous.

13. About Edmund Burke

14. Great talent is more unusual than great success.

15. A nation will never accept the rule of a conqueror forever.

16. The only condition for the evil man to win is that the good man does nothing.

17. The precedent is the institution of human learning, from which human beings can only learn truth.

18. There is a limit to restraint, beyond which it is no longer a virtue.

19. The only thing needed for the triumph of evil is for good people to stand by.

20. If freedom is worthy of its name, everything will obey it.

21. Evil wins because good people do nothing!

22. A common mistake is to think that the loudest complainer in the crowd is the most injured.

23. It is the basic principle of human social attributes to like a small group of like-minded friends in society.

24. A certain amount of power must exist in the community in some name and in the hands of some people.

25. Because wealth is power, all forces will inevitably seize wealth in one way or another.

26. The tolerance of everything and the ability to improve everything are the standards of home in my opinion.

27. Wisdom cannot create materials. Materials are gifts of nature or opportunities. The pride of wisdom lies in using them.

28. Opponents who fight with us strengthen our muscles and hone our skills. Our opponents are our helpers.

29. Hypocrisy likes to hide in the most noble thinking. It has never tried to get away from thinking, because thinking can make it get a noble reputation with no effort.

30. In his opinion, the behavior of is in essence a compromise and exchange. In fact, the history of mankind is a history of constant compromise and exchange of various interests. Only through constant compromise and exchange can various interests achieve relative balance. He then pointed out that, in fact, "all the benefits and happiness of human beings, all the virtues, and all the wise behaviors" are compromises and exchanges.

31. Edmund Burke, an Irish family, writer, speaker, theorist, and philosopher, served as a member of the Whig Party in the British House of Commons for several years. His most well-known deeds include his position against King George III and Britain, his support for American colonies and later the United States, and his later criticism of France. His reflection on France made him a major conservative figure in the Whig Party (he also called himself "Old Whig"). Burke, the "New Whig" advocated by the anti system party, also published many works related to aesthetics, and created a journal called Annual Register. He is often regarded as the founder of British and American conservatism.
Burke's Reflections on France was very controversial when it was published. The fierce tone and many exaggerated descriptions in the book also made many people think that Burke has lost his judgment. However, this book has gradually become Burke's most famous and influential work. In the English speaking world, Burke is often regarded as the founder of modern conservatism, and his thoughts also have a profound impact on classical liberals such as Friedrich Hayek and Karl Popper. Burke's "liberal conservatism" insists on opposing the rule based on abstract ideas, or implementing "overall" changes, which forms a sharp contrast with European philosophers who believe in authoritarian conservatism, such as Joseph de Maistre.
Burke also had a great influence on the economic thought at that time. He was a firm supporter of free trade and free market system. He believed that if he tried to manipulate the market by any means, he would violate the principles of market economy. In fact, Burke insisted on the economic principle of "laissez faire". Burke wrote many of his economic thoughts in his Thinking and Research on Shortage. Adam Smith also said: "As far as I know, Burke is the only person who has the same economic thoughts with me before I met him." The liberal historian Lord Acton listed Burke as one of the three greatest liberal thinkers, alongside William Ult Gladstone and Thomas Macaulay.