112 painful maxims
Sea Blue has no soul
2023-06-23 08:00:20
A complete set of maxims

1. It is better to love the pain than to love someone.

2. Happiness based on the pain of others is not true happiness.

3. The degree of a person's thorough understanding is just equal to the depth of his suffering.

4. It is easy to persuade the suffering people to stand outside the pain.

5. No wise man can deny the exercise value of pain and sadness.

6. Pain often makes the weak tired of life, but makes the strong more sober and energetic.

7. Those who are not afraid of pain are strong, and those who are not afraid of death are stronger.

8. Humor is a kind of skin cream, which helps me avoid a lot of friction and pain.

9. Perhaps the most unbearable pain is to want to do something without doing it.

10. No wise man can deny the value of the exercise of pain and sorrow.

11. All pain can destroy people, but those who suffer can also eliminate pain.

12. All pain can destroy people, but the suffering people can also eliminate pain!

13. Personal pain and joy must be integrated into the pain and joy of the times.

14. What is style? What is power? More labor, more pain.

15. Deceptive friendship is a painful wound, and hypocritical sympathy is a sharp poison arrow.

16. The painful sighs of the white headed queen were all written in the boring time when they were young!

17. A sensitive person can find the factor of beauty even in the most painful time.

18. Compared with those who are cheated, cheats suffer dozens of times. Because he will fall into hell.

19. How much pain a relationship can bring you, how much happiness it has brought you.

20. Man's courage can bear all burdens; People's patience can bear most pain.

21. Physical work can release mental pain, which is the reason why poor people are happy.

22. Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never never say goodbye.

23. Pain in life is like salt. It depends on how big a container you dissolve it in.

24. Pain and death are part of life. To abandon them is to abandon life itself.

25. No matter what the situation, women suffer more than men, and to a greater extent.

26. Even a small thorn will hurt you more than anything in the world.

27. The sky is very bright. Blue like a disease. The blue of incurable pain.

28. I hope you are happy, because you are suffering, and your audience will suffer with you in the future!

29. Love is a sweet pain. Sincere love is never a smooth road.

30. The real pain is the pain that people bear silently and do not want others to pity and comfort them.

31. Language is fragile. It can't span life and death, time, pain, and despair.

32. Morality is not the humble stratagem of conscience, but struggle and hardship, and pain.

33. Love is a sweet pain. Sincere love is never a smooth road.

34. When people live in the world, happiness and pain are indistinguishable. So I just want it to be genuine.

35. It will pass, it will pass. Our pain, our sorrow, our guilt.

36. It is better to be sober through suffering than to think without suffering.

37. Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time brings pain to dreamers and happiness to creators.

38. The inhuman attitude caused by pain is humane. Too human!

39. When human suffering reaches its peak, it must fall back. Either die in pain or get used to it.

40. Any pain should be faced directly, and do not escape, because escape will only make the pain expand infinitely.

41. If a person can only live alone and only think about himself, his pain will be unbearable.

42. Fortunately, I am in pain now. If it is Jose, I will fight with God to replace him.

43. When I stand in front of you in pain, you cannot say that I have nothing, nor can you say that I am empty handed.

44. After filming, I didn't know whether it was two people or being raped. It was painful like being raped.

45. If one person says, look! I am in pain. Obviously, he is not in pain, because grief is dull.

46. When you love a person, you often love him too deeply. What you finally get is not eternal love, but only temporary and painful love.

47. If you love someone, there may be long suffering; But the happiness he gave me is also the greatest happiness in the world.

48. Life is pain. It is thought and philosophy that sublimate it. Therefore, happiness comes from a happy heart.

49. It is extremely painful for a person who is immersed in mental labor to not move his limbs frequently.

50. Friendship can enhance happiness and alleviate pain; Because it can multiply our joy and share our worries.

51. Between grief and joy, after laughter and tears, I experienced unprecedented pain and happiness.

52. For a person with a highly conscious and profound mind, pain and trouble are his essential qualities.

53. The unbalanced load is the pain of the camel; Abnormal love, cold and hot, is a mental pain.

54. There is no happiness or pain in the world; There is only one situation compared with another, that's all.

55. Life pain is a popular topic among cultural people, and it is often accompanied by less painful eating, drinking, playing and palm reading.

56. Jealousy is a kind of hate, which makes people feel painful for the happiness of others and happy for the disasters of others.

57. I admit that there is nothing more painful than the punishment of love, and nothing happier than serving it.

58. Far away, there is nothing but distance. Farther away, there is more loneliness. How painful is the happiness in the distance.

59. Most of the pain is the result of refusing to leave the scene. There is no destined misfortune, only the persistence of dying.

60. The struggle for happiness, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happiness, but comedy.

61. When you feel sad and painful, you'd better learn something. Learning will keep you invincible forever.

62. Lazy people are happier. They are not willing to search hard, and naturally there will be no pain and disappointment.

63. The most beautiful and painful thing is love! The most noble and lowly are marriage and family.

64. Pain also has its solemnity, which can transform ordinary people. To do this, just be a real person.

65. Who can be more painful than this kind of people? Although they are alive, they have personally participated in the funeral to bury their own reputation?

66. It is one of the sad characteristics of human nature to be sensitive to one's own pain and extremely insensitive to the pain of others.

67. Philosophers of speculative reasoning have paid so much pain, but they are often formed spontaneously by laymen without thinking.

68. Stupid is characterized by clumsiness, meanness, meanness and servility, which reveals many of the most painful diseases of human beings.

69. The more we understand emotions, the more we can control them, and the less pain our hearts feel.

70. If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear to part with it, it's painful.

71. Faith is the power that governs the action of soldiers. He can endure all hardships and sufferings to achieve the goal he has chosen.

72. Life is a mass of desires. If desires are not satisfied, it will be painful. If desires are satisfied, it will be boring. Life swings between pain and boredom.

73. All kinds of painful experiences have proved that in the process of understanding truth, profound knowledge is not the same as justice and justice.

74. God's rule is: give pain first, then give way. The devil's rule is to make trouble and then rationalize it.

75. If all you hear is sweet talk when you are in love, then the pain in the future is not your ears but your heart.

76. If someone is happy, someone will suffer. If someone suffers, someone must be happy. This is human. This is life.

77. Men ask women to give everything. When a woman makes all her contributions and lives according to this, a man will suffer from the unbearable burden.

78. The noblest, strongest and most personal pain is the pain of love.

79. If you always treat yourself as a pearl, you will always be afraid of being buried. Treat yourself like dirt! Let people trample you into a path.

80. Anyone who can ignore life and death will become a new person. Who can overcome pain and fear, he can become God himself.

81. A wise man would rather prevent disease before it happens than cure it after it has happened; It is better to encourage people to overcome pain than to seek comfort for pain.

82. There are two kinds of people in this world, one is a happy pig, the other is a painful person. Be a pain man, not a happy pig.

83. Only in struggle can life be valuable... Only when suffering, can one be rewarded.

84. Sorrow itself is beautiful, and more injuries are harmful. Sorrow without injury is a kind of state, greater than struggling in pain, greater than blinding in happiness.

85. All the reasons for our injury, pain and hatred can be summed up in two words "expectation"

86. People who regard pain as the greatest scourge in life cannot be brave; Those who regard happiness as the most wonderful thing in life cannot control themselves.

87. Be happy when you are happy in life. In fact, when frustrated, we need to indulge. Because happiness can be shared. But pain has no sound.

88. Sorrow itself is beautiful, and more injuries are harmful. Sorrow without injury is a kind of state, greater than struggling in pain, greater than being blinded in happiness.

89. If you put everyone's pain together and let you choose, you may still choose your original share.

90. What's the point of living if there is not so much moving, so much pain, and back and forth between ecstasy and despair?

91. The struggle for happiness, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happiness, not tragedy, but drama.

92. The reason why people lie is to hide their inner vulnerability, protect those irreplaceable things, and escape the pain that cannot be extricated.

93. Ordinary people will not suffer because they have not become emperors, but the deposed emperors will suffer greatly because they have become ordinary people.

94. If a person fears pain, various diseases, unexpected events, danger of life and death, he can't stand anything.

95. There is no equal love between men and women. They always love and be loved one by one. Love means suffering, and being loved means causing pain.

96. There is no pain in liking someone. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

97. If the pain is to get to know the truth and adhere to the truth, you should consciously and gladly bear it. At that time, and only then, will the pain turn into happiness.

98. Our real life will become boring and boring when there is no drive. Once driven, it will soon become unbearable.

99. Life always has its mystery to be feared. The bearing of pain is just like the longing for joy, which needs to be calmly opposed with a pure heart.

100. All things, happy, happy, moved, beloved, sad, painful, disappointed, disgusted, past, forget it.

101. My imperfection is exactly perfect. I feel happy in pain and become strong in vulnerability. I am beautiful in my own way, because I am me.

102. Life without love is incomplete, and love without pain is not profound. Love enriches life, while pain sublimates love.

103. Life is very short and pain is very long. I can bear unlimited pain with limited life. If I can see the shadow of beauty in others, I will be satisfied.

104. Forgetting is very painful. It used to be like this, and it is like this today. However, the former pain is because I can't remember, but today's pain is because I'm afraid I can't forget it.

105. The love that truly belongs to you will not make you suffer, and the person who loves you will not make you worry about gain and loss. Some people win the first prize with one vote, and some people become famous with one book written.

106. The heart is a house with two bedrooms, one with pain and the other with joy. People should not laugh too loudly. Otherwise, laughter will wake up the pain in the next room.

107. A certain amount of sorrow, pain or trouble is necessary for everyone at all times. If a ship has no ballast, it will not be stable and can not go straight to its destination.

108. Life is so unpredictable. There is neither eternal pain nor eternal happiness. Life is like flowing water, sometimes flat, sometimes winding.

109. Between grief and joy, after laughter and tears, I experienced unprecedented pain and happiness. Life brings me into it with happiness and beauty I never had before.

110. Love has not come yet, and the day is carefree; The most painful things are just tests and exams. At that time, I felt a lot of pressure. Later, I looked back, but it was so small.

111. Pain can invade the bone marrow more than happiness, occupy the heart more permanently, and have more subversive power. Love is a moment of ecstasy, suddenly met. There is love, but there is no love forever.

112. Why should you forget someone so painfully? Time will naturally make you forget. If time can't let you forget the people you shouldn't remember, what's the meaning of the lost years?