Beautiful sentences describing courage Complete sentences describing courage (65 selected sentences)
Forget memories
2023-06-08 01:40:13
Complete sentences

1. The biggest difference between a brave man and a coward is that the courage of a brave man will never show in peacetime except when necessary, while the courage of a coward disappears when it is most needed.

2. If you have been desperate, it is difficult to have hope. You can't muster up courage and feel that you can do nothing. But the important thing is that you must never give up on yourself.

3. One failure can only make the possibility of one success lost, but it contains the courage to dare to fail, which can create a hundred chances of success.

4. I also like the high fashion festival of __, praising its fearless cold, appreciating its spirit in full bloom, daring to compete for beauty, daring to fight in the wind and snow, and its courage even more impressed me.

5. One cannot choose the beginning of life, but one must have the courage to take the last step.

6. Many talents disappear in this world due to lack of courage. Every day, unknown people are sent to the grave. They have never tried to work hard because of their cowardice; If they can accept induction to start, they are likely to become famous.

7. Youth endows us with courage, ideals and __. Let's embrace youth and gallop in the joy of youth.

8. Each section of the road of life, there will be one less section ahead. We are all on the way, we all need courage. If there is a storm on the road, please fly over like a swallow, because it is a kind of bearing.

9. He didn't have the courage to cry when he was mad, but he was insightful when he fell to the ground. When he saw the wind and sand blowing thousands of miles away, someone put his wrist down and pulled his stirrup.

10. Whenever I see those flowers and plants holding their heads high in the wind and rain, I will tell myself to cherish life and have the courage to overcome difficulties like them. Life is full of glory.

11. But the more essential conflict in reality does not come from courage and cowardice, but from the courage to resist and bear. It takes courage to reject Utopia as much as to pursue it.

12. High end clothing stores are often daunting, but we don't need to muster up courage when we walk into an ordinary store that is not pretentious.

13. Not the wind, I am afraid that I am already haggard; Not rain, I'm afraid I'm already pale; Without your company, I'm afraid I've been overwhelmed by troubles... Thank you for teaching me to be mature; Thank you for your encouragement, giving me courage and strength.

14. Sometimes failure is inevitable. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is that you cannot confess failure and treat failure kindly. Frankly speaking, the premise of failure is an open mind and the courage to face up to oneself.

15. He didn't have the courage to cry when he was mad, but he was insightful when he fell to the ground. When he glimpsed the wind and sand over thousands of miles, someone raised his wrist and stirrup, and wrote a line quickly: "Forgetting each other in the Jianghu". The cinnabar is like blood, shocking.

16. Only by bravely admitting what you don't know can you learn and make progress. Courage is just one step beyond fear. Most people who complain that they have no chance have no courage to take risks.

17. I can't forget your words like gentle breeze and gentle rain, which cleansed the dust and mud on my soul; I can't forget your exhortation like the mighty east wind, summoning up my courage to move forward. Teacher, I thank you all my life!

18. There is no need to hesitate. Competition is not only a struggle, but also a battle of wits and courage. If you don't have the courage, how can you stand in the market and surpass the land?

19. The light sounds so insignificant, but this seemingly small light brings people infinite courage and hope.

20. This person is always like this. After entering your life selfishly, he doesn't care about the consequences. In fact, I admire his courage.

21. Use the cleanest and most thorough courage at this age to trust a person.

22. It is a choice to step on the runway. It is a kind of courage to leave the starting point. Running on the field is a victory.

23. I pass by you every day, but I never go in to see you. Today, I finally decided to summon the courage to knock on your office: boss, happy holidays!

24. The greatest happiness in life is to let it go. In personal life, it is a kind of courage to be able to take it, and a kind of capacity to put it down.

25. For me, failure is not terrible in life. It is not only a challenge but also an enjoyment. It gave me encouragement, courage, confidence and success.

26. There is a kind of person called hero. Heroes are always disobedient. Must be carrying some kind of burden, and from the difficult pace to see the hidden courage.

27. Pulini once said: "In the duel of hope and disappointment, if you hold on with courage and determination, victory will belong to hope." Indeed, life needs this spirit of perseverance and never giving up.

28. Courage is the guarantee of success. When faced with a choice, many people will hesitate and miss the fleeting opportunity. But if you have a decisive&# 39; With boldness and courage, opportunities will not slip away.

29. Life is a tool for acquiring knowledge. As long as we adhere to this principle, we will not only have courage, but also enjoy life and laugh heartily!

30. It is not that you have courage before you dare to speak, but that you cultivate courage while speaking.

31. There should be two lights in everyone's heart, one is the light of hope; One is the light of courage. With these two lights, we are not afraid of the darkness of the sea and the dangers of wind and waves.

32. Human beings are miraculous because of dreams, but have you found that your dreams are getting farther and farther away from you as you grow older, until they finally disappear. At this time, you can confirm that your dream has been stolen, and you don't have the courage and ability to find it again.