43 beautiful love sentences
Mature and steady
2023-05-26 13:15:43
Complete sentences

1. The warmest thing in the world is the lover's temperature.

2. Love does not need much, as long as you are enough!

3. Love, either not to start, or a lifetime.

4. I'm afraid I love you too obviously, but I'm afraid you can't see it.

5. Only after love can we know what pain is and what renunciation is.

6. If you have a beauty in your heart, the rest are all passers-by.

7. I can't see you when I open my eyes, but it's all you when I close my eyes.

8. How many reunion, how many separation, edge to edge to go with the heart.

9. Love is hard to invest, but once invested, it is more difficult to go out?

10. I hope the night train will not drive to the isolated shore, and I can return to the boat even if I wander in the wind and rain.

11. Once the sea dried up and the rocks crumbled, after all, it was no more than a good gathering and scattering.

12. I am waiting for the wind and you, but you are not worth waiting for.

13. I can't love while walking. He blocked the sea of people alone.

14. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

15. People are not lovely because they are beautiful, but because they are lovely.

16. If you want to enjoy happiness, you must have the courage to bear the sorrow behind.

17. When you are forced by life, can you cry for your feelings.

18. I don't want to escape. Just be calm. I know your taste can't be erased.

19. What's the reason to complain here if you give others the sincerity they don't need.

20. The feeling of loss is so strong that I have nothing at last.

21、? More charming than the star in the spotlight is someone waiting for you in the street lamp.

22. I hope you are just late, instead of getting lost and turning a corner to others.

23. If you leave, I will not see you off; You come, no matter how big the storm, I will go to pick you up.

24. I have no advantage over you except that I love you more than you love me.

25. I didn't have time to be young seriously. When I understood, I had to choose to be old seriously.

26. No one will love me, even if I cry again, my heart will tear and my lungs will crack.

27. Those who love you are afraid that they will not give you enough. People who don't love you are afraid that you ask too much.

28. You can give the rest of your life to me for safekeeping, and you can occupy every word of my love.

29. You are the Northern Hemisphere, and I am the Southern Hemisphere. If we are together, that is the whole earth.

30. No matter how long and beautiful the story is, as long as it lasts, it will be forgotten, just like you and me.

31. We put down our individuality, principles and freedom, just because we can't put down a person.

32. Smoking is just to regain the feeling of madness for you, and quitting smoking is just to regain the feeling of quitting you.

33. I will use up all kinds of my feelings to make you restless every day without me.

34. If you like the waves, I will fight for the world. If you like Wen, I will give up military service to your family.

35. How many people love someone in the name of friendship and think that having is the beginning of losing.

36. You are the prince in the fairy tale I made up, and I am just a passer-by in your life.

37. Some people, once they meet, will see for ten thousand years; Some hearts, once started, it is difficult to recover.

38. No one will suddenly disappear. Everyone is just choosing to contact the person they want to contact.

39. Time will leave the best person for you at the end. After all, love is a gust of wind, while love is a long flow.

40. True love is not a temporary favor, but I know it's not easy to meet you and it will be a pity to miss it.

41. True love is like a beautiful flower. The more barren the ground it opens, the more beautiful it looks.

42. First, it is better not to meet each other, so that we can not fall in love; The second best thing is not to know each other, so that we can not miss each other.

43. Don't think of me when you break up. It's just a dream. After all, we are not respective harbors, but just passers-by.