Sentences expressing feelings of giving up
Tears and pharynx are silent
2023-03-26 07:48:12
Complete sentences

1. Some people say that falling in love with a city is because someone who likes lives in the city. In fact, falling in love with a city may be because of a vivid scenery in the city, a green plum past, and a familiar old house. Maybe it's just for this city. Just like falling in love with a person, sometimes it doesn't need any reason, no antecedents, no romance, just love.

2. Do you think the most sour feeling is jealousy? No, the most sour feeling is that you have no right to be jealous. It's not your turn to be jealous. That's the most sour.

3. It's very tiring to love someone. Why can't I refuse lovesickness!

4. You may forget the person you have laughed with; But you will never forget the person who cried with you.

5. Emotional things are very strange. When you are very committed, the other party pulls away. When you are very withdrawn, the other party is very committed.

6. In this life, I wander on the edge of loneliness, waiting for reincarnation. In fact, what I need is not too much. I just want to pick up a leaf and write down my love in this life. Pray that we will not be separated in the afterlife, and get rid of this worrisome fate!

7. Don't be afraid that love will hurt, but believe that it hurts not you.

8. Waiting is not terrible. What is terrible is not knowing when the end is.

9. I tried to forget, but found that the eyes that condensed tears had become the window of missing.

10. I haven't forgotten anything, but some things are only suitable for collection. Can't say, can't think, but can't forget.

11. We often hear others complain that someone is no longer his own. In fact, this may mean that he is no longer the person we like to meet. Or in the final analysis, it is just our battle slogan, which is used to counteract the serious threat to things we are accustomed to, and the concern and concern for others is just a cover up.

12. Happiness is not to live forever, to be rich in fish and meat, or to be powerful. Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish in life. When you want to eat, you have to eat. When you want to be loved, someone will love you.

13. Even if happiness is broken, it is also happiness.

14. How can you refuse to get hurt while having love? Don't forget that Cupid shoots an arrow, not a rose.

15. There is a kind of love, called to grow old together, and there is a kind of happiness, called to be accompanied by you.

16. We used to believe that it was worth pursuing and defending with our lives. It was nothing and nothing. We ran in the opposite direction and adhered to these two different beliefs, but in the end, we got the same result by different routes. Many years later, I couldn't understand whether it was fate that was too cruel or fate's mercy.

17. When I know my mistake, silently reflect and show weakness, you should stop the cold war, scoffing and sarcasm. You treat my mistake in the wrong way, which is not conducive to my correction.

18. The eyes are responsible for input, the head is responsible for recording, but it is your heart that gives up. When the heart is alive, the mind is fixed, and the body will move and keep moving. On the contrary, if the mind dies, the spirit will disperse and the body will be destroyed. Remember: everything that happens to you is fixed and unchangeable, and what changes is just your inner feelings.

19. You can't find yourself without suffering. People are like a piece of marble, and they are also sculptors of their own.

20. I always hide in the depths of dreams and seasons, listening to flowers and nights sing all nightmares, sing all prosperity, and sing all the ways of memory.