112 classic sad quotations in 2021
When I become excellent
2023-05-30 09:15:15

1. Don't give the person who hurt you a second chance to hurt you.

2. How can I leave your dream slowly after dawn?

3. We are going farther and farther, and finally we can never return to the end.

4. How I want to rub myself into your arms when I turn over every day.

5. Tears are the embellishment of happiness, which no one can understand.

6. That's all for today. Say a few words a day to prove that you are still alive.

7. I can see whether you treat me well or not, and I will remember it.

8. How are you doing now? Will you think of me occasionally.

9. Loneliness strikes my chest, but love is wandering outside.

10. At the moment you turned around, I was in tears.

11. I have already torn my heart and lungs. There are cracks in how I fight.

12. I don't care about your first love, I only care about your final love.

13. There is a kind of silence called forgetting, and there is a kind of happiness called death.

14. The unspeakable pain is what I suffered.

15. The sun is shining all over you, but my day hasn't cleared up yet.

16. You treat my words as air, but I treat your words as oxygen.

17. Don't wait for me to close my eyes. At that time, you are no longer mine.

18. So your every move can still affect my heart.

19. You can make one or two cheap mistakes, but there will never be a third one.

20. It's said that happiness is very simple. It will be diluted once time passes.

21. I blew away the dust around me and found that it had already rotted.

22. I believe that every bath will wash away all my sadness.

23. Autumn has passed, and I am a fallen leaf with tears flowing in my blood.

24. Turn just to meet you, but forget that you will also turn.

25. Who did you sing the ending of the song about us to.

26. What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you.

27. Don't say that it's not easy to love me, mainly because you really love me?

28. Scars are only painful at the time of injury, and the scars after pain are just souvenirs.

29. Just thinking of the time you held my hand, I felt white haired.

30. Only when you leave home can you know how warm the place is.

31. Tell me that you don't love me anymore, so that I can die.

32. If we meet at the wrong time, will you wait for me?

33. If there are so many ifs, where can there be so many right and wrong.

34. Learn to let go and stop owning; Let you free, is a kind of gentle.

35. When I am beside you, I would like to be your brightest star.

36. When the dream is not proportional to the ideal, I cannot continue.

37. I always hope I can do it again. I always look at your photos and giggle.

38. I like overcast weather and have a comfortable sense of adaptation.

39. To give up one thing, first find another thing to replace it.

40. It is the hurt of the past that makes me unable to believe in eternity.

41. The loss of something is more unforgettable than the possession.

42. If loving you is really a sin, I am willing to fall for you.

43. It's just a catchphrase that customers are God. In fact, customers are just fooled.

44. If you can't give me a sense of security, I would rather not have this relationship.

45. When we see through everything, we realize that losing is more reliable than having.

46. I can't do it if I forget you. It would be better not to go to the ends of the earth and stay with me.

47. I am not afraid that you will not love me. I am afraid that one day I will not love you.

48. I want to tell you that missing after a breakup is not called missing, but being cheap.

49. I didn't say I was a bad person, nor did I say I was a good person.

50. No matter how small you are, I can see you at a glance in the crowd.

51. There is no reason why anyone owes someone, and there is no saying that anyone can't live without someone.

52. Mona Lisa smiles because she sees Da Vinci crying.

53. Even if my heart is strong enough, that doesn't mean I won't be injured.

54. When you feel tired, it is because you are on the upslope of life.

55. I would rather say goodbye gracefully than watch you leave in embarrassment.

56. I have appeared in your world, but I have never lived in your heart.

57. Romance and vagrancy are just one word short, just like one and two are one bar short.

58. It is a happy thing to express love or hate.

59. What should be forgotten will eventually be forgotten. No matter how hard you don't give up, it will always be useless.

60. Those who said they would always accompany me forgot my existence in the end.

61. At that time, tears were true, feelings were true, and words were true.

62. In fact, we are all afraid of pain, but in our minds, we are more afraid of unhappiness.

63. You can accept failure, but you can never accept that you have never fought.

64. After many years, you and her are as close as the sea. Would you think of owing me a future.

65. I can wait for you for a long time. I'm not afraid of waiting for you in the end.

66. I would rather remain silent than complain to those who don't care about me at all.

67. It can't last forever, but please don't deprive me of what I once had.

68. It is said that there are many people around me, but who knows my loneliness.

69. I'm not afraid of your broken heart, but your broken silence!

70. You say: Is there a person in the world who makes you want to grow old?

71. Feed loneliness, lock memories, embrace warmth and make peace with loneliness.

72. It was silent for a long time, decadent for a long time, sighed for a long time, and sad for a long time.

73. Love is not all. So don't blindly want to pursue eternal happiness.

74. The sunshine in midsummer is bright and true, just like the bright smiling face of a child.

75. It's not scary to turn your face over faster than turn a book. What's scary is that she still turns it around.

76. The pain in the wind and rain is nothing. Don't be afraid to wipe away your tears. At least we still have dreams.

77. Two people cannot go on together, not because they don't love, but because they don't love enough.

78. At this last look, you just calmly and hysterically bid farewell.

79. It is your problem or mine to be concerned about gain and loss and keep an indifferent attitude.

80. The so-called maturity means that no matter what happens, you can always smile.

81. Some things, some people, should forget that too much friendship will only hurt themselves.

82. I think I am strong and won't lose to loneliness, but I lost to love in the end.

83. No matter how happy you are, there is always someone whose name will make you lose your smile immediately.

84. After breaking up, you seem to have changed your personality. Since then, I can never see through you!

85. In front of everyone, even if he is wrong, he can only brazen and laugh.

86. Heaven is still forgiven for its wrongdoing, and cannot live for its own wrongdoing! Forgive you not once or twice.

87. I live at the head of the Yangtze River and you live at the tail of the Yangtze River. Every day I miss the king, but I don't see him.

88. I have deleted all traces of you in my life, except your memories.

89. Why do you always have so many excuses? Why do I believe everything you say.

90. If there is no "if", no "once", no "memory", what will be left.

91. You, whom I once thought so important, can also be calmly put in memory.

92. Farewell and reunion are the constant performances of life. Once you get used to them, you will no longer feel pitiful.

93. It turns out that there are many things that have nothing to do with love.

94. The most tacit thing we do is that I do not contact you, and you do not contact me.

95. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness because I can't put you down!

96. I believe that I am an ugly duckling. Although I have no destiny of white swan, I also live happily.

97. There are more and more strangers who know me, but fewer and fewer old friends who remember me.

98. Wise people always put their mouth in their heart, while foolish people put their heart in their mouth instead.

99. Everyone has his own story. You know, all the disasters are a memorial to growth.

100. Although everything will pass as time goes by, there are always some things that can't be erased when they happen.

101. If the knife is stuck in your body, I will feel distressed. If the knife is stuck in my body, will you feel distressed?

102. When the moon is full and the moon is short, the spring is gone and the autumn is bleak. Tell me where to hide my sadness and where to talk about desolation.

103. Sometimes I don't ignore you. In fact, I miss you too, but I don't know what to say to you.

104. I don't know whether I fell in love with your gentleness or your intelligence, or your hypocrisy.

105. Who can drink alone under the moon when the clouds are far away. Who can laugh and put out the lights on the balcony.

106. From birth to death is an ignorant process, full of doubts. Then it becomes a cocoon and finally a scar.

107. There will always be a person in this world who will swallow arsenic as honey if he gives you a hug.

108. I have believed that some people I never have to wait, so I understand why I cry at the lamplight fence.

109. The vulgar age brought me into this corrosive world. I can't tell whether I should be happy or sad in my heart.

110. I didn't realize that my tears were not shed for you, but for others until I made friends with you for many years.

111. Is there such a person who once occupied all of your life, but now even a greeting would be embarrassing.

112. The word "later" sums up all the things that we don't want to change, but which are totally different.