Reflections on "The Little Horse King"
2023-09-29 05:24:09
high school
impressions of after reading

I once saw an American cartoon, "The Little Horse King". The main character in the movie - an unbridled pony full of wildness, is a symbol of all indomitable souls yearning for freedom. This natural leader was captured by human beings because of curiosity. He fought with the knights' colonel who wanted to occupy it, chased his lover Rain, and played tricks with his Indian friend Crick. After a lot of twists and turns, he finally got rid of human imprisonment under the indomitable efforts of his Indian friend Crick and himself, He Yu returned to the beautiful western United States - his hometown.
After watching it, I felt deeply. I was not excited by the bravery of Sirte, nor gratified by Crick's friendship and loyalty, nor admired the beauty and loyalty of Rain, but angry at the atrocities of the knights' colonel.
It is said that dogs and horses are human's best friends, but why are there only "pet dogs" and no "pet horses"? In people's eyes, it seems that there are only two kinds of horses forever, artificial domesticated horses and natural wild horses. The natural wild horse is as indomitable as Spilt, but what about the artificial domesticated horse? People think that they know them well, that they are born to serve mankind, that they must contribute themselves unreservedly, and that they cannot refuse any mission. Horses also seem to run and work for human beings without complaint, as people think. But actually, who really knows what they think? It is impossible for them to have no idea of human cruelty.
No one has ever lifted their bridles, so that they have to live a lifetime with fetters and shackles; Their galloping hooves have been pierced by iron nails, but they still have to satisfy people's desire to run hard, so that the bleeding hooves are dyed red by blood. This is an insult! People were riding on the horses, and they screamed as hard as they could, struggling in the end. The poor and ridiculous human also said, "Look, even the horses are singing happily!"
Is it really singing? If so, what sad songs they should sing! The pathetic song is a wailing voice made with all my strength, and a fog that hides the sad tears in my eyes.
I cry for you, Ma Er.