56 New Year greetings for my daughter
Drunken Beauty Knee
2023-04-08 14:33:32
SMS Collection

1. Wish your baby a strong body and learn to stick!

2. Look at the good side of life and never do stupid things.

3. In the new year, I wish my baby grow up tall and bright.

4. There is no shortcut to learning, ability to enhance self-confidence, optimism is beneficial to life!

5. Don't be timid, don't turn back, step forward bravely!

6. I hope my daughter can grow up healthily and happily and live happily every day!

7. I wish you happiness in every growing day! Happy New Year!

8. You are the most beautiful flower, blooming your own splendor towards the sun!

9. Run, run, run hard, don't ask about your future, but ask for no regrets!

10. The longer, the more beautiful, the more intelligent, healthy and happy growth in the new year!

11. Cultivators believe in their own sweat, and every drop is pregnant with a seed of hope.

12. I wish you health and happiness in the New Year, health and happiness every day, and may all your wishes come true.

13. No matter how nice you are, not everyone will like you. Just try your best and be honest.

14. Some self willed, procrastinate, learn to pick the light and fear the heavy, and know that a hard work, a harvest.

15. Your footsteps of happy growth are printed on Mom's increasingly profound fishtail pattern. I wish you to grow up healthily!

16. Thank you, baby. Because of you, the flowers are blooming, the fruits are fragrant, and the sky full of hope comes with you!

17. The sunshine of youth smiles and dances to a happy beat for the day that belongs to you. Wish you a happy New Year!

18. You are the bud of the flowering season, you are the eagle spreading its wings, tomorrow is your world, and everything is brilliant because of you.

19. Success depends on your own efforts, even if there is only one ten thousandth hope, you can't give up, and believe that I can do it!

20. For climbers, it is not a pity to lose the footprints of the past, but it is dangerous to lose the direction of the past.

21. Cultivating the habit of reading is equivalent to building a shelter for yourself, which can almost avoid all disasters in life.

22. I hope you can study hard. You are not the most stupid child. We believe you are the best.

23. Hope is a tough crutch, and patience is a travel bag. With them, you can embark on an eternal journey and travel around the world.

24. Life is a profound book, and other people's annotations cannot replace their own understanding. I hope you can find something and create something.

25. You are the child with the most beautiful smile in the world! Of course, I hope you can become the bravest child in the world!

26. Baby, I hope you will step into our arms with light steps, cute like a fairy and happy like an angel!

27. In the new year, I wish my baby a happy and bright life! Wish your baby a strong body and learn to stick! Wish your baby happy every day!

28. A new year, a new beginning! I hope I can laugh like a child, fight for what I want bravely, and stride forward!

29. May your New Year be filled with endless happiness, may your memories today be warm, may your dreams today be sweet, and may you have a wonderful year!

30. The world is more wonderful with you today, the stars are more brilliant with you today, the world is warmer with you today, and I feel happier with you today!

31. Your talent is like a spark. If you use your diligence and hard work to support it, it will become a raging fire, emitting incomparable light and heat.

32. Your beautiful and intelligent eyes tell me that you are very smart. Unfortunately, your laziness has failed your talent. Remember, a pay, a gain!

33. If life is a river, may you be a boat persevering forward; If life is a boat, may you be a sailor, rain or shine.

34. May you be like that small stream, taking the high mountain as the starting point of life, jumping and rushing all the way, courageously and courageously running to the sea of life.

35. Bright buds are in bud, and young eagles are ready to fly. The road to the future is long and distant. The course of growth is all over the jungle. You are the pillar of the motherland.

36. Child, do you know? When you were born, your mother felt that she was the happiest person in the world! I wish my baby a happy New Year, always healthy and happy!

37. Baby, I hope you are the wind, raising the ocean sail; May you be a ship, cleaving the waves. The future life is smiling at you, bravely going forward and embracing colorful life.

38. Life is a book, the cover is given by my parents, the content is written by myself, the thickness is determined by myself, and the wonderful can be created by myself, so most of life is still on my own!

39. May you be the wind, with white sails; May you be a ship and cut the blue waves. Life is smiling in front of you. Go forward bravely and embrace the colorful life.

40. We hope that children can learn modestly, strengthen their learning and make continuous progress if they have strong points, and strengthen their learning if they have shortcomings, so as to strive for noble moral sentiments and good cultural literacy.

41. Baby, I hope you can use your clever hands to draw beautiful pictures one after another. Mom would rather you write one vivid story after another with your pen.

42. Green is the color of life, and the romance of green is the romance of life. Therefore, I chose this green world as a gift for you in the New Year. May you be full of vitality and youth.

43. We should have ideals. Ideals are not illusions, nor delusions. They are real dreams that can be realized through our own efforts. Where there is an ideal, there is power, there is a goal, and we will not waste our time!

44. May you be a tree: in spring, you can smell the faint fragrance of a mountain; In summer, sprinkle a cool shade like a spring; In autumn, take a tree of sweet green fruits; In winter, have a good dream of recuperating!

45. Learn to take responsibility, and strive to be a person who can stand up to himself, face any difficulties, and stand setbacks and failures. Only when you know how to respect others can you become a person recognized by society!

46. In the new year, I hope you will embrace peace, health, happiness, happiness, warmth, sweetness, fortune, auspiciousness, enter the New Year and spend every day happily!

47. Dear child, I wish you to grow like spring grass, like Xia Yang, enthusiastic and unrestrained, to reap fruits in autumn, and to paint dreams in winter. In the new year, I wish you the courage to climb high and sail far. The fire of life is dazzling and bright.

48. Baby, now you are the beginning of a beautiful fairy tale. The future stories may be inclusive, but they must be beautiful; It is a gorgeous morning light. There may be wind and rain, but there must be bright sunshine to greet it.

49. The road of life may be thorny and rough; Maybe flowers, applause; Perhaps it is plain and mediocre; But your parents' endless love for you will always be with you. I hope you will always be happy, brave, confident and philanthropic.

50. Children, live with dignity! The four essential qualities of an excellent person are: integrity, courage, wisdom and moderation! This is what Caesar said, and I think it is right. But I will not impose it on you. Children, I love you!

51. You are a lovely, quiet and versatile girl. You are self-conscious in learning and have excellent achievements. Your handwriting must be very good, but you are timid. You should answer boldly in class. I hope your study in the next semester will be as good as before!

52. If people want to grow up in setbacks, they will gradually understand that the road ahead will be more difficult. There will be all kinds of difficulties and setbacks waiting for them. If they want not to be defeated by them, they have to defeat them.

53. In the past 365 days, you cried, you laughed, you played, you made a noise, and moved everyone around you in your way to prove your existence. In the future, please do not save your bright smile, let it fill your future every day.

54. Dad has always known that you are a good boy. I hope you can not go astray in the future. You should be an upright person. If you have the ability, you can also help some people in need. This is a very meaningful thing.

55. Hope is the seed of happiness, and you are a drop of water. Watering the seed fills my heart with hope and grows into fruit under the sun. The sun is your smile, and the fruit is my happiness. I love you and hope you will be happy all your life.

56. Children, time will grow old, and only dreams will last forever. Please continue to carry your dreams in your trivial life, which will empower your progress. Dreams don't matter in size. They are all seeds sown in your heart. What seeds you plant, your life will blossom.