Thoughts on Moral Education Lecture
It's you in and out of dreams
2023-10-19 13:50:24
Senior 2
impressions of after reading

Although people's thoughts are important, they are not words on paper, but should be put into practice. At noon, we watched the awarding activity of "Moral Lecture" and felt deeply.
When talking about the topic of returning money, I put a clip: two sanitation workers found a leather bag with 1 yuan, 5 yuan, 10 yuan and 20 yuan change when cleaning the street. Nowadays, when people see a wallet, few people can turn it in and will eat it alone. The two of them did not. They waited for nearly five hours in the cold wind before the owner arrived. Although the face value is small, the total amount of zero is 20000 yuan, which can be imagined how worried the owner was at that time. Cleaners may be looked down upon or even despised by many people. Although they are humble, they are very optimistic and full of longing and confidence for tomorrow. When the owners got the money they had recovered, they insisted on giving them a reward, but they repeatedly refused to accept it.
In the face of the temptation of money, I believe that many people will take it for themselves, but some people will return the money, but after all, there are a few, so today's society needs to encourage people with such things. When talking, some people will say that they will not take possession of the wallet after picking it up, but when the real wallet is in front of them, few people will be able to do what they say. As the saying goes, "A gentleman loves money in a proper way", which means that a gentleman also likes money, but they all get it in a formal way and never take ill gotten money. If one day I lose my wallet, will anyone come back? We should put ourselves in the other's shoes and think: if I am the owner, I must hope that some kind person will return my wallet. Similarly, if we find the wallet, we must try our best to find the owner and help others!
Socrates used an experiment to explain: "There is only one way to eradicate weeds in the wilderness, that is, to plant crops on it; similarly, the only way to eradicate weeds in the soul is to occupy them with virtue." We should also use this sentence to reflect on our own shortcomings.