2023 Tell me about Daquan, sad
Dust Flyer
2023-04-03 22:47:10
Complete sentences

1. Whose youth has no superficial bruise

2. What I can't forget is not you but the past.

3. You suddenly become so quiet that I can't find your existence

4. Brother Sheng walked together, forgetting the dogs behind him.

5. Don't let me see what I shouldn't see and hear what I shouldn't hear

6. I'm dying of hanging, and you said I was swinging

7. Don't think you are an angel with a bird hair

8. It is you who want to leave. You don't love me at all.

9. As long as you come back before I give you up, it's not too late.

10. As time goes by, I miss you more and more

11. I just want to leave my last love to the person who can marry me.

12. I am most afraid of seeing a so-called good friend because of money.

13. The taste of being drunk. No one understands that your night is still so dark.

14. My warmth is not much, all left to those who are good to me.

15. How happy the past imagination is, how long the present regret is.

16. The cruelest love in the world is not lost, but lost.

17. When money stands up and speaks, all truths go to sleep.

18. At this moment, love is as deep as sea, and life is doomed to be lonely as blood.

19. What's wrong with me? It's none of your business. You don't support me anyway.

20. Growth is the pain of childishness. The reckless part is called youth

21. I don't know much about music, so sometimes I don't rely on music or tune.

22. It began to rain in my sky, but I felt hurt without an umbrella

23. I hate that this love song will never be sung again. I will forget you and never think of you again.

24. Between time and reality, youth and beauty are as fragile as wind dried paper.

25. I am a Man with Altman's height, gourd baby skills and more changeable than Transformers.

26. If you step on the banana skin and slip, you must get up and continue to step on it. If you step on it, you will not slip.

27. Is there someone who will read all my words and understand my emotions every day.

28. The favorite is not necessarily the best; The best is not necessarily the most suitable; The most appropriate is the most valuable