105 slogans for traffic safety
2023-06-23 08:16:05
Complete set of slogans

1. Don't drive a sick car on the road.

2. Take a break, the lights are red.

3. Life is beautiful, be careful every step.

4. People oriented, caring for life.

5. Dora, run quickly.

6. Carelessness brings trouble. Be careful.

7. Damage is a disaster, let people be a blessing.

8. Driving without a license is harmful to others and yourself.

9. Give way three times first, and the road will be smooth and the people will be safe.

10. Overload and overspeed are the source of accidents.

11. No accident on the road is wealth.

12. Keep the right of way, you and I are safe.

13. Cherish life and don't climb over the guardrail.

14. People can't get on the bus when they are ill, and cars can't get on the road when they are ill.

15. As drivers, courtesy is the first.

16. More caution, more security.

17. Safety is wealth, and peace is happiness.

18. Don't drink while driving, and don't drive after drinking.

19. The heart is wider and the road is wider. Peace is with you.

20. Branch lines give way to main lines and rush to cause trouble.

21. There is no return journey in life. Never go against it.

22. It is easy to drive on the wrong road, and it is difficult to be safe against violations.

23. No speeding, safe and happy.

24. If you are greedy for instant gratification, danger will follow.

25. One mouthful of wine will harm the whole family.

26. Traffic accidents are as fierce as tigers, and safety is better than gold.

27. Try to be happy for a while and hurt for a lifetime.

28. There are thousands of roads, safety first.

29. Drowsing while driving, unable to get up.

30. Ride without people, and do not turn violently when driving.

31. Compulsory scrapping is implemented for scrapped assembled vehicles.

32. Observe the traffic regulations, and do not go and stop in disorder.

33. Please care about the traffic safety of the elderly.

34. Think before you act, think about life and home, and think about the future.

35. The crosswalk is the green channel of your life.

36. Stalls are set up on the road, which may hinder the traffic.

37. Reflect on accident lessons and summarize safety experience.

38. Your travel safety affects your family.

39. Life is only once. Don't give up easily.

40. A red light can wait, but life cannot be restarted.

41. Be civilized step by step and have a secure future.

42. Please take care of your children when driving.

43. Pay attention to traffic ethics and abide by traffic laws.

44. Obey the traffic laws and regulations, and be safe with you.

45. Don't be faster than you are. Just be steady. Going home safely is the essence.

46. Millions of families want to get together and drive safely.

47. Ride, ride and walk safely.

48. One person's safety is related to the whole family, and the happiness of the whole family is related to one person.

49. Strict is love, loose is harm, and the descendants of the accident pit.

50. Things must be done, money must be earned, and safe driving is the guarantee.

51. Traffic safety concerns all families, and safety is happiness.

52. Traffic safety shall be observed, and fast driving and drinking are not allowed.

53. See the traffic rules clearly, and it is not hard to drive on the road.

54. If the traffic rules are observed, all parts of the country can walk in peace.

55. The mother of children who travel thousands of miles is worried, and the mother who abides by traffic regulations is not worried.

56. As long as you and I pay more attention, bad traffic will not happen.

57. Everyone has one family, and the traffic safety depends on everyone.

58. Keep your head tight and fasten the safety belt when driving.

59. Don't drive fast in front of the school. The driver gives a little love.

60. Safety and law-abiding coexist, and accidents and violations go hand in hand.

61. Safe driving is a major event, and civilized walking is not a trivial matter.

62. Driving to answer the phone is dangerous for pedestrians.

63. The traffic lights are always on in the mind, and safe driving is accompanied by life.

64. To earn gold and silver, traffic safety is the backer.

65. Stop and watch the civilized traffic, and pay attention to comity in driving safety.

66. Love your wife, love your son and love your family. Ignoring traffic regulations is equal to zero.

67. When meeting you on a narrow road, you should go first.

68. Life and property must be insured, and traffic safety is indispensable.

69. Correct your violation and give you a piece of care.

70. Stop at the red light and go at the green light. Keep the traffic laws in mind.

71. Stop at the red light, go at the green light, do not cross the line, and do not rush.

72. A red light always shines in your heart, and a green light can accompany you for life.

73. Abide by the law and love on the way, and come home safely and warmly.

74. Vehicles and pedestrians shall keep order and enjoy safety and security.

75. Look at the image when passing the road, and look at the cultivation in front of the traffic lights.

76. Strictness is love and laxity is harm. Accidents and disasters have occurred for three generations.

77. If the mind is less paralyzed, there will be more guardrails for safety.

78. Everyone abides by traffic rules and has traffic safety.

79. A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and traffic safety starts with me.

80. Strengthen the concept of traffic legal system and comply with traffic behavior norms.

81. The safety belt is always the lifeline, and the traffic lights always protect the people who obey the regulations.

82. It is safe to drive carefully and smoothly.

83. The transportation unit has the responsibility to eliminate the potential safety hazards of motor vehicles.

84. Comply with traffic regulations, and the road is smooth. Civilized travel is safe every day.

85. Slow down, look twice, pass three times, paralyze and rush into big trouble.

86. Strengthen management for the people and strictly enforce the law to ensure traffic safety.

87. At the crossroads and crossroads, life and death are related.

88. In case of an accident, protect the scene, rescue the injured, and call the police in time.

89. Take a closer look to ensure safety; More prevention and fewer accidents.

90. It is difficult to find a lesson from the big things; If things turn out to be trivial, there will be many future troubles.

91. Comply with traffic regulations to welcome spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the security personnel will accept all wealth from east, west, north and south.

92. Comply with traffic regulations to welcome spring, summer, autumn and winter, and Fubao is safe to accept the wealth in the east, west, north and south.

93. Hand in hand to create civilized transportation, heart to heart to create a harmonious society.

94. Drive a thousand miles in a civilized way, share the beauty of the moon, and observe discipline and law, and all families will be reunited.

95. The doctor of the diseased tree is the woodpecker, and the doctor of the hidden danger is the safety officer.

96. Enter the campus and study hard; Get out of school and walk well.

97. Civilized and standardized traffic behavior is the guarantee of your safety and happiness.

98. Be courteous to others and respect yourself. Driving safety requires our efforts.

99. Gathering, gathering and dispersing are all laughter and laughter, and there is always peace and good luck in coming and going.

100. Violation is the curse of traffic accidents, and luck is the hidden danger of traffic accidents.

101. The road is smooth due to civilized driving, and life is happy due to safe access.

102. The red light is short, but life is long. The green light is still on, and life does not start again.

103. When relatives and friends meet at a table, drivers will not be advised to drink wine. They will take good care of the wine and have a safe and happy journey.

104. You contribute, I contribute, and make great efforts to civilized transportation; You add color, I add color, harmonious society is more wonderful.

105. Solid and dotted zebra crossings are lifelines; Big cars, small cars and bicycles are all civilized cars.