A famous saying about helping others A famous saying about unity and friendship (65 selected sentences)
I'm here to hold you on the other side
2023-05-07 10:38:26
A complete list of famous sayings

1. A goose feather sent thousands of miles away is a light gift and heavy affection.

2. Bricks make walls and tiles make houses.

3. We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

4. One fence with three stakes, one hero with three helpers.

5. Don't expect others to help you, expect others to need you.

6. A thousand cups of wine with a bosom friend is less, and half a sentence is more.

7. Our life is a gift. We can get life only by giving it away.

8. What is really remarkable about a real scholar is that he has done a lot of great work secretly and is not famous for it in his lifetime.

9. To help others, we should start from the daily small things and not stop because of the small things.

10. The style of pine trees is that they demand little from people and give much to people.

11. When others are in trouble, we should be enthusiastic about helping them. We must never sit back and turn a blind eye to help them.

12. Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small.

13. A single thread does not form a thread, and a single tree does not form a forest. He who looks congenial and leaves his heart alone.

14. Human life is limited, and serving the people is unlimited.

15. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by giving.

16. Don't give up because of your kindness. Give roses to others and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands.

17. If you study alone without friends, you are lonely and ignorant.

18. Reading is to build up your own thoughts with the help of other people's thoughts.

19. Friends see their friends as transparent, and they exchange lives with each other?

20. Throw our heads, build a pyramid of freedom, sprinkle our blood, dye it into a red flag, and fly for thousands of years.

21. Even if it is a small act of love, as long as we start from ourselves, help others, and spread our love to the people around us, we can leave happiness to ourselves.

22. If you want to spread sunshine to others, you must first have sunshine in your own heart.

23. Trust a false friend and add a hostile witness.

24. I will devote my limited life to serving the people limitlessly.

25. Helping others is a sign of personality sublimation.

26. It is enough to know one's own self in life, and we should look at it together.

27. A gentleman respects others but belittles himself.

28. Modernization requires the spirit of helping others.

29. Our generation is the generation that fertilizes. It is our generation's task to irrigate the paradise that will soon be realized with our own blood, so that future generations can enjoy all the happiness that human beings should have.

30. Gold and silver are not really rich. Unity and friendship are happiness.

31. To help others is to help ourselves, because our good deeds will eventually return to us.

32. Helping others is the embodiment of the communist world outlook.

33. If your friend needs your help today, don't wait until tomorrow.