2023 Simple Life Sentiment Motto
cherish high aspirations
2023-03-17 16:41:48
A complete set of maxims

1. Anger begins with stupidity and ends with regret.

2. One must face what one cannot bear.

3. Music belongs to the masses, which is for everyone.

4. We want to live, we want to know, we want to be human.

5. The master of time, the master of luck and the helmsman of soul.

6. Responsibility is to love what you ask to do.

7. On the premise of being able to grasp the overall situation, don't go after everything personally.

8. Sweet after suffering, sweet after suffering, the road turns around, and cause and effect are inevitable.

9. Not taking risks is the biggest risk, not making mistakes is the biggest mistake!

10. Eighty percent of people associate themselves with successful people, and 80 percent are unwilling to change the environment.

11. Being unable to get rid of is one of the sources of trouble in life, especially in love.

12. The soul of man is the god of brain cells, and the soul of the earth is the god of man.

13. You can marry for love, but don't love for marriage—— lisa

14. Friendship is not a rockery made of rubble. It will not be weathered with the years of learning.

15. When we see everything, whether we can really see it depends on whether the "heart" wants us to see it.

16. On the back of time is a leather bag, which contains many forgotten gifts.

17. But I want to emphasize that although the way we do music is old, it does not mean it is wrong.

18. Choose the things that are important to you and try to do them. As for other things in life, just do them.

19. The greatness of human beings lies not in what they are doing, but in what they want to do—— Ro Browning

20. The change of environment and the consistency of human activities can only be seen and reasonably understood as revolutionary practice.

21. Ma Yunyu: Free is the most expensive thing in the world. So try not to be free. Wait until you have money to consider free.

22. The turning point of luck starts from the moment, and the most frightening display is to mourn the past, dream the future, and waste the present moment.

23. Women are like sparrows. Although they don't know what to say when they meet, they talk happily and cheerfully; After saying that, they flew to their own places and went to find their own rice valley.

24. Justice and good are inseparable. In other words, good is an inexhaustible force and the inevitable result of all sentient beings' indispensable self love—— Rousseau

25. The past is the past that cannot be returned. People always know how to cherish when they lose, and people always know how sweet it is when they aftertaste. The past is over, what should be put down should be put down, and what should be forgotten must be learned to forget.

26. Charity can relieve others' pain more than money. If you love others, they will love you; If you help others, they will help you; If you treat him with sympathy, he will treat you like a father and son—— Rousseau

27. Life is not easy at first, and people are very hard. Living in the high-rise buildings above the temple also has tears, and the cottage vendors and poor houses also have jokes. Rich people are not necessarily happy, poor people are not necessarily painful, as long as there is sunshine in the heart, it is also sweet to drink cold water in the severe cold.

28. My hope is to make sure that the world is better because I live in this world. Only faith can spark thoughts, and only hope can make the future shine. Hope is a tough crutch, and patience is a travel bag. With them, people can embark on an eternal journey.