A brief confession to his wife
to end
2023-06-15 18:48:10
Complete sentences

1. Miss you: day and night; Miss you: clouds rise and fog disperse; Miss you: flowers and moonlight; Miss you: eyes and heart; Miss you: this life and the next life!

2. Love is a feeling, pain also feel happy; Love is a kind of experience, heartbreak also feel sweet; Love is an experience, broken and beautiful. You are the one who makes me happy, sweet and beautiful!

3. I don't love so much, but I love a little bit. People's eyebrows come and go, and I only peep at you.

4. Being single is understanding, falling in love is a mistake, breaking up is awareness, marriage is a mistake, divorce is disillusionment, remarriage is obsession, no lover is waste, more lovers are animals.

5. One chance to know you, two times to see you, three times to date you, seven times to miss you, 90% should like you, very sure I love you. After a hundred years of practice, we can meet true love. After a thousand years of practice, we can help you and me. Is everything possible.

6. Unexpectedly, you who love me are fading away in my confidence. I hate myself. Why don't I cherish it when I have it. Now, I regret that I only wish you happiness and peace!

7. Be happy, be natural, love more deeply, be romantic, be warm, lead a happy life, be careful, use feelings, love more truly, leave no regrets when time is short, happiness will not lose a smile soon, wish true love is happy to the end, and feelings will remain unchanged until death.

8. Seeing love falling in love with you, I hugged you without saying a word. I came to see you every day. Nobody kissed you around. I will marry you in five days, and I will not be separated in 60 years!

9. I hope you know that someone cares about you all the time, and someone thinks about you all the time. Like stars shining, are your smiling eyes. It hangs on the curtain of my heart, shining every night.

10. Love a person is when you dial the phone, suddenly don't know what to say, originally just want to listen to the familiar voice, originally really want to dial a chord in your heart.

11. Even if you shine like a distant star in the sky, I still can't stop my love for you. It is my right to love you, my duty to miss you, and my duty to take care of you. Would you like me to do this for you?

12. No matter the ends of the earth, spring, summer, autumn or winter, I will take you with me. Wherever I go, you will be the heaviest bag in my life. Think twice, only you are the best for me, you don't want me, who wants me?

13. When I miss you, I send a short message to make our hearts closer to each other; When you are lonely, send a short message, so that the loneliness will be far away and no longer close; Only then did we realize that a few short words can also make us happy.

14. Big apple with red flowers and green leaves, you are a lamp in my previous life, illuminating the second half of my life!

15. Baby: Recently, my teeth hurt, because I often miss you at night. It feels too sweet, and my teeth will decay.

16. You told me you would take care of me all my life, but you broke your promise. But it doesn't matter. I will wait for you all my life, waiting for you to fulfill your promise. There is a drop of your tear in my heart. When will you come back and wipe it dry.

17. I want to see your smiling face during the day, your tenderness at night, your hand when walking, your waist when climbing the mountain, your dancing when singing, your happiness when working, and your happiness when sharing!

18. Baby baby, I love you just like a mouse loves rice. You are the phoenix flying in the sky, and I am the jackal chasing on the ground. I don't beat you or scold you. I torture you with my feelings.

19. Quitting smoking is easy, but quitting you is too difficult. When the virus of love came quietly, when you put the first kiss downloaded from my heart into the recycle bin, I decided to lower the level of love and let the memory format. Do you know my heart is crying?

20. It doesn't matter if you don't see me for a day, as long as you are willing to send messages! It's not a big problem if I haven't seen you in two days. I must call you! I can't stand seeing you for three days. The ends of the earth will find you! Dear, I love you all my life!

21. I am too old to be crazy about love, and I never believe in the story of love at first sight! I miss you, but I can't help it! What you see is the real me! An endless touch! Moved by the most beautiful existence of you and me in this world!