Kindergarten heatstroke simple copy
The most handsome old man
2023-01-29 17:35:16
Complete sentences

1. May you be happy in the summer.

2. I wish you a colorful summer life!

3. How to eliminate the heat and stay in the green shade.

4. Three autumn days are approaching in the summer heat, and Lin Zhongjiu is moving in the summer.

5. Calm down in the heat, and I wish you happiness forever.

6. There is no scorching heat in a hot summer.

7. The heat is extremely hot! take a rest!

8. The solar term is approaching in the summer, and the breeze is here.

9. The lotus fragrance is thick in summer, and the heart is calm in midsummer.

10. The heat is overcast, and gold is everywhere.

11. Wish you a hot summer and good health!

12. A cup of wine calms the heat, and the mind is naturally cool.

13. Hot summer, I wish you a cool summer.

14. The temperature is high in the summer. I wish you a happy summer.

15. Today is the summer heat, you are most blessed!

16. Friend care, I wish you a happy summer!

17. Today is the summer heat, you are most blessed!

18. In the hot summer, I wish you infinite coolness!

19. I send you Oolong tea and wish you a safe summer.

20. When summer comes, happiness is the most important thing!

21. Give you a cup of tea to cool off from the heat!

22. The heat is coming gently, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

23. The heat is pervasive, and the love for life continues to rise.

24. May you still have a good mood in this hot summer!

25. I got up at four or five in the morning to spread straw mats in the severe heat today.

26. I hope you have no limit in the heat!

27. You can't stay in the summer, and you can live up to your years.

28. If there is any idleness, there is something fresh to hide in your heart.

29. Let me give you a greeting in the summer: I wish you health and happiness!

30. Today's severe heat. I wish everyone a cool heart in hot weather.

31. I send you a cool blessing and wish you happy every day!

32. In the hot summer, I wish you all the best!

33. I wish you a happy, cozy and refreshing summer!

34. May you be happy, comfortable and cool in the summer!

35. The great heat is like the scorching sun. I wish you a cool and refreshing summer.

36. When the summer comes, may the breeze surround you and the green shade walk with you.

37. I wish you a good mood, smooth work, long happiness and beautiful life in the summer.

38. The summer has come again, and the blessings have also been sent to you. I only wish you happiness still in the summer!

39. It's not terrible to feel hot in the summer. You can feel calm and cool under your feet.

40. The heat is scorching, and the breeze is blowing, bringing you endless coolness. May you have a happy summer!