72 Sentences of Sad Departure of Colleagues
Ash falling keyboard
2023-03-19 12:00:54
Complete sentences

1. Departure and reunion are the constant performances of life. Once you get used to them, you will no longer feel sorrowful.

2. Before leaving, please drink a cup of water from your hometown. When you travel around the world, don't forget to put your hometown in your heart.

3. Absence is to love what wind is to fire: it extinguishes the spark, but it can fan the flames.

4. Farewell, tears become a message, you said: this tear can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memorial.

5. The road is far away, the heart is long, and it hurts to leave; The wind is blowing, the night is long, I hope you will arrive, and I will not sleep.

6. The fiery rosy clouds are after the rain, the sincere friendship is after parting, the flowing water is not blocked by stones, and the friendship is not estranged by distance.

7. Departure is temporary, sharing life is forever, departure breeds lovesickness, and makes our love more intense.

8. The sadness of separation is because of the joy of reunion. If there is double joy of reunion, then I would rather suffer greater sorrow.

9. Dear friends, please don't be sad, and cherish each other after leaving. Blossom the most gorgeous smile, give a more beautiful dream tomorrow.

10. We had to separate and say goodbye quietly, with gratitude in our hearts. Thank you for giving me a deep friendship.

11. Knowing you is happiness, leaving you is pain. In the days of parting, supporting me is a deep hope for the joy of reunion.

12. Farewell is a bit difficult, but not disappointed; It is a bit regrettable, but not pessimistic. Because we have the hope of meeting in comfort.

13. When we meet, we don't know the value of friendship; Only then did we know that it was the most needed thing in life, just like salt. What would it be like without it?

14. Through thousands of years of tears, I can see endless yearning. Over a thousand years of love, we can see the sadness of parting.

15. You are gone. In that long time, my heart is like an autumn tree. The leaves have no choice but to float on the ground, leaving loneliness hanging on the branches.

16. We parted in the mist. Dew, like your pure eyes; Fog, misty, like my thick sadness of parting.

17. Wave goodbye and sail away. It is the friendship cable you threw that is firmly tied to my heart.

18. Break up silently, just as we met in silence. May the warm breeze here bring you my affectionate wishes and prayers.

19. You go quietly, just as you come quietly; You waved your sleeves, didn't take away a MM, buddy, I thank you in my heart!

20. Farewell tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass accompany you to spread a long future.

21. Farewell tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass will accompany you to spread a far future.

22. You are a small poem, and lyricism is your essence. I believe that your future will be full of bright flowers, emitting the most charming youth.

23. The time that cannot be kept will separate us. Please leave my affection in your heart. The white clouds fly from morning to evening. I will always ask them to greet you.

24. Meeting and parting, parting and gathering; The autumn wind blows in the wilderness. I will cherish your friendship and look forward to the meeting time.

25. Departure can weaken the shallow feelings, but make the deep feelings more profound, just as the wind blows out the candlelight, but it will fan the fire more vigorously.

26. The years of life are a string of pearls; Long life is a group of music. And youth is the most brilliant movement of the most brilliant pearl.

27. If I am destined to miss you, what can I choose except to give up? I opened my mobile phone and sent a short message. It's really hard to give up!

28. Don't say cherish, don't say goodbye, just leave silently. Hopefully, in the golden autumn, the tree of friendship will drop its rich fruits.

29. I don't know how sad it is to leave. I don't know how strong it is to say goodbye. Only separation, let time forget this tacit understanding.

30. There are wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, which is my sadness of parting; However, my mind is as clear as the sky, because I think of the reunion.

31. There are wisps of white clouds in the blue sky, which is my sadness of parting; However, my mind is as clear as the sky, because I think of the reunion soon.

32. Friends are always heart to heart, and intimate friends are worth thousands of dollars. Under the light, I think of good friends, and the little news spreads good news. Seeing friends is like seeing people. Always remember your friends.

33. Don't hesitate in the face of the towering peak, and don't give up the original hope and efforts. We should have been prepared for this: there is no smooth road in our career!

34. Nothing in the world can last forever. If it flows, it flows away; If it exists, it will dry up; If it grows, it slowly withers.

35. The light turns into fleeting time, and the time runs happily. I can only grasp the tail of youth, recall our memories, miss our miss, but the old man is not here.

36. You leave behind the image of the flower, the fragrance of the flower, and the hope that we watered together. When I think of you, my years will always be bright and beautiful.

37. Your figure is a sail, and my eyes are the river. How many times I want to keep you, but I can't. I know that the most precious thing in the world is friendship, but more precious is freedom.

38. Our dreams are free from dust. Even if we accidentally fall to the ground, we should also take the dust away to restore the original appearance of a dream, which is my loneliest miss.

39. Four years is not long. At this time, we stand at the crossroads, and only at this time can we really taste the taste of parting.

40. People have their ups and downs, and the moon has its ups and downs. Life has always been capricious. I hope everyone will not be too sad, and it will be enough to keep the beautiful scenes when we get together.

41. Whether the tea is strong or weak, let the fragrance stay in the heart forever; Whether the distance is near or far, let the memories connect with each other; No matter how many or how few contacts you have, let the blessing remain unchanged forever!

42. We are torn apart by our friendship for many years. We are convinced that the distance between time and space can not stop the distance between our hearts, but the distant blessings can not replace the mutual help of hand in hand.

43. When you step on the platform and walk alone, you know I'm worried. Even if there are thousands of words in my heart, I can only freeze you deeply; I'm so sad but I won't say it.

44. I still don't know what loneliness is. I haven't felt the happiness of love yet. Today, when I separated from you, I felt lonely and lost for the first time.

45. The former may meet again, but the latter will never meet again in this life! Sometimes the more afraid of parting, the more you want to retain it, the faster you will lose it.

46. A distance, a Milky Way, separates two worlds. Memories have pulled us apart for a long time. Long to the ends of the earth, even if a lifetime, still can not cross!

47. Fly, geese! Rejuvenate your vigorous wings. Rainstorms and bad waves will not always wait in front. There is also a sincere friendship in this world, which is accompanied by a peaceful lake.

48. The sea can block each other, but not my thoughts. Distance can pull us apart, but not our sincere friendship. Time can forget the past, but not our forever friends.

49. Wishes are the wind, happiness is the sail, and happiness is the boat. The wishful wind blows the happy sail and carries the happy boat to you, sending you all the happiness in the world. I only hope you can live a carefree life!

50. Although the road under our feet is small and winding, it leads to society and is the starting point of a broad and flat road. So, don't hesitate, don't wander, let's move forward with ease!

51. How bright the sun is and how delicious the flowers are. In this three-dimensional and multi-dimensional space, I would like to give you a word - I hope you can come out of the lonely and closed situation to pick a future flower!

52. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

53. How wonderful it is to miss someone. Even if there are only memories left, you can also refer to them. Until one day when you and I grow old, memories shine with the white hair, at least I clearly know that if you think of them, you will smile!

54. The most difficult thing in the world is feelings, the most difficult thing is love, the most difficult thing is friendship, the most difficult thing is kinship, the most difficult thing is true love, the most difficult thing is ruthlessness, and the most unforgettable thing is your happy expression!

55. Look at you, just look at you like this. So lonely and lonely you, let me feel sad for a while. I want to talk to you when you are constantly tapping the keyboard of your mobile phone. But through the glass. This is how we send messages.

56. Don't look at life and ideals as round as the moon on the fifteenth and sixteenth days. It is composed of yin, sunny, round and short. Be practical and hope everyone has more sunny days.

57. The petal rain blows past, leaving the flower heart to you, the four seasons wind blows past, leaving the maple leaf to you, the tide of the month flows past, leaving the joy to you, and the deep blessing to you in the dead of night. The weather is changeable, pay attention to your body!

58. Luxurious life, forget one season, empty memory, disturb lingering. The smile is gone, and the loneliness is endless. String, thinking of the Chinese year. Those Chinese years, suddenly like a dream. It is also like flowing water. Do not cry goodbye, do not tell the end of the war.

59. Gathering and parting seems to be a note that never stops in life, just like tasting a cup of bitter coffee. The bitterness of parting remains in my mouth, while the mellow fragrance, accompanied by the precipitation of years, remains in my memory forever!

60. With your sincerity, kindness and versatility, even if you are far away from your hometown and wander around the world, why not find a bosom friend who is congenial to you? Wherever fate takes us, the bonds of friendship will always connect us closely.

61. Waiting for rain is the fate of the umbrella; The short message dribs, does not care about you, the heart itches; In the wind and rain, blessing is all over the sky; It's sunny, and I'll paint a smile on your face. Take care of yourself when the hot summer comes and the rainstorm is merciless!

62. Farewell is wordless pain, and parting is years of injury; Farewell is bitter and bitter. Farewell is a deep tear; Farewell is the helplessness of deep love and shallow margin, and parting is the old pallor; Farewell is a sigh after wiping the shoulder, and departure is a fleeting scar.

63. Under the lamp, what I read from your eyes is the pain I can't get rid of; Behind your flowery smile is my scabbed wound. You emerge from the vast crowd, smile and frown, leaving me wandering at the crossroads, wondering where to go.

64. It seems that it doesn't take much time and process to go to work and get off work every day. Maybe this is the fate of friends.

65. In the face of the banquet set by the years, we smiled and earnestly urged each other to drink, as if all the unspoken love and reluctance were hidden behind the words. Because we all know that there is no wine more mellow and beautiful than this one in our hands.

66. Eternity always awakes in the dream, and attachment always comes after departure. If all reluctance is due to love, then without love, you can get a clear and bright moon. But this lack of love always has to go through many hardships to give up, so that the feeling will turn thin to thin, and then to silence.

67. Farewells go quietly and slowly in time, stirring the voice of parting in the years. This is also a normal parting in fleeting time. In addition to feeling green silk stained with frost, the sea changes into mulberry fields, and the taste of parting is only limited to the time beyond control.

68. I smiled but didn't speak. I looked into your eyes and burst into tears. I gently let go of your hand. The car is about to leave. I'm on my way home. Sit near the window, just to see you more. You walked slowly out of the car, looked back at me and told me to be careful.

69. After leaving, there is deep concern. My rainy day will not be your rainy day, but I will collect a bunch of sunshine sprinkled on me and send it to you far away, together with my care. Let the confused heart filled with the emotion of parting dance lightly because of concern.

70. At that time, when I was in the moonlight, I remembered the fate of that time, but I couldn't go back to the time when I had you, but I still remember that you said at that time, "Three lives are inseparable, and life is not abandoned.". However, there will be some defects in the three lives, just like us, once sad and happy, once separated and reunited, it will only be incomplete after all.

71. My friend, we are going to part for the time being. I will not say "Take care" again. In the night that is about to leave, try to cast a few small morning stars; Although it is not very bright, it can also make the early traveler happy.

72. Don't give up, friend, but you must go well. The misty smoke finally drifted into a drizzle in the wind. Open the umbrella and let the raindrops fly around. It seems that there are too many words left in a hurry. It's ok not to say. After so many years of growing up, we can read each other's mind without saying.