Reading the Leadership Class on Monday Morning
Go away smartly
2023-08-09 19:13:28

The first chapter of the book talks about responsibility. I have read 100% Responsibility before. The book focuses on how a person should do his or her job well and assume his or her own responsibility. The two books have the same interpretation of responsibility, so when I write my review, I have to mention responsibility again, because I feel that I want to do everything well, We must have a responsible attitude. Therefore, the topic of responsibility cannot be bypassed and must be discussed.

When I talk about this topic, I feel very heavy. The pen in my hand seems to weigh a lot. Because it is different from other topics, what you talk about and write must be your own true and correct understanding of responsibility, because you should be responsible for what you talk about and write, as well as your audience and visitors, Also because my age and my position in the enterprise also require me to do so, I will be very cautious, which should be regarded as a responsible performance.

In the past year, what I think most is also about responsibility. It happens that the enterprise carries out such reading and learning activities, and I have the opportunity to communicate and learn from many colleagues on this topic, which benefits me a lot. Over the years, I have really evaded responsibility in my work and life. In retrospect, every time I evaded responsibility, the result was very bad, and I have caused great harm to others because of evading responsibility, which makes me feel sad and ashamed. Maybe I will make the same mistake in the future. I am not sure that I have the ability to take full responsibility, but I will face it bravely, because I know the importance of taking responsibility for one's life.

I once said at a meeting: "A person who dares to take responsibility is a trustworthy person." If such a person who dares to take responsibility is your lover, or your brothers and sisters, I think you should be lucky because you have relatives who are trustworthy and reliable. If I have such a colleague, I will also be very lucky, because he (she) must be a person worthy of learning and trust in my work. The Leadership Class on Monday Morning said: "When you encounter problems and you blame, you focus on the past. If you take responsibility, you will look into the future. Only after you take all the responsibilities, can you make plans to achieve your goals." If he is the manager or leader of an organization, he is a responsible person, I think this organization must be very cohesive if it can do this as described in the book and take the initiative to do a good job in management. Because responsibility is an attitude, a spirit and a moral character. At the same time, a responsible person must be a person with a big mind. Such a person can respect and trust others, and at the same time can meet the respect and trust of others. With such a responsible person, we can also gain and be moved. His behavior will certainly affect us. It will have a positive impact on us. How can such an organization be ineffective? How can there be no cohesion? The answer is yes: such an organization must have combat effectiveness and cohesion!

Many of our colleagues, especially those at the leadership level, should be very clear about their leadership responsibilities, instead of always shifting the blame between department leaders when something goes wrong. What's more laughable is that they have no courage to bear the adverse consequences, let alone realize that it is their duty to bear the responsibility, After the problem occurs, I feel very aggrieved, sometimes it is summarized as bad luck, angry and funny. Such leaders always pay attention to their own land, even the work of the department is divided into several small pieces, and they and their subordinates are responsible for it. When there is a problem, when it is necessary to investigate the responsibility, the department leaders feel wronged, because they feel that the responsibility has been assigned to people and has nothing to do with themselves. Subordinates also feel aggrieved. It is clear that the leader should be responsible for this, but he was criticized and took responsibility. So we all feel very wronged and have a sense of responsibility.

This kind of problem is particularly prominent and serious in our company. In the final analysis, it is the problem of leaders. They put the internal problems of the department in the company for everyone to discuss and solve. They did not consider the problem from the perspective of the company or the department. How can we be united and cohesive without the sense of bearing all responsibilities, the demeanor of being the leader of the department, and the courage to bear responsibilities? How can we do a good job in our department?

The problems just mentioned are actually the problems of leaders, but the problems of leaders fall into two categories. First, the ability is not enough to realize that all the problems in the department are their own problems. In their opinion, except for the things they did wrong themselves, the subordinates should be responsible for their own mistakes. Such leaders may have strong personal ability, but they are really not suitable for being leaders. If they want to do it, they must study hard and raise awareness. Second, some leaders have excellent professional knowledge, but they are narrow-minded and headstrong. They can't accept criticism, but they can criticize others at will, be responsible for others and be ready for others, regardless of others' feelings. No leader has the tolerance that a leader should have. As stated in the Leadership Class on Monday Morning, the departure of some excellent employees is actually due to their dismissal of their superiors, rather than their opinions on the company. If their superiors can actively change themselves, they have feelings for the company and will return.

The problems of these two types of leaders can be solved through learning. In fact, many problems of the whole company can be solved through learning and awareness raising. Let's talk about the importance of reading and learning in Chapter 8 of Leadership Class on Monday Morning.

First of all, any organization is composed of individuals. The improvement of organizational quality must be based on the improvement of individual quality. Therefore, learning should start from everyone, which is also the reason why I agree with the company to carry out such reading and learning activities. Without individual learning, organizational learning cannot begin, and of course, it is impossible to form a learning organization.

Learning is human nature. Everyone is born to be an active and excellent learner. Many behaviors, knowledge and abilities of people are not born, but acquired. We have many colleagues who are good at reading and learning. I feel very lucky that the company has created such a good learning atmosphere again this time. Based on today's society, we should keep learning and lifelong learning. In addition to learning the professional knowledge we are engaged in, we should also gradually go deep into the level of philosophy methodology through continuous learning, so as to form a solid and unified value in the organization as a whole, and let our colleagues have a high degree of recognition of the company's goals.

The truly outstanding enterprises in the future are those capable of continuous learning, that is, "learning organization" enterprises. It's really meaningful to study and apply what we have learned. In the information age, we still need to learn a lot. For our own ideals and the development of the company, we will benefit a lot from learning the successful experience of others. When we share the knowledge we have learned and the experience we have accumulated in life and work with each member of our team, We will experience success and happiness.

Considering the reality, our company is still in the development stage, and a series of problems such as product upgrading and transformation need us to think deeply. The reality also forces us to change and innovate. At this time, learning activities are particularly necessary and important. Through learning, we can unify our understanding and improve together. I believe that through continuous learning, each of our colleagues can make the right decisions and do the right things in their respective posts, as described in the Leadership Class on Monday Morning, so that they and the company can get better development.

As an old employee of the company, I can grow with the growth of the company. From an employee to a cadre, my role is changing, and my understanding is also deepening, from only taking care of my own affairs to taking care of others' affairs. Although I have many shortcomings, including some of the problems of the department leaders mentioned above, which have occurred in me and still exist in me more or less, I will change myself through continuous hard study, make efforts to make the right decisions, do the right things and do things well in my work.

Reading and learning is happy for me. On the other hand, it is also responsible, both for myself and the company. Because through continuous learning, I can accurately realize what kind of responsibility I should take in life and work at any time.