A Short Quote of Local Love Talk
Harsh gentleness
2023-06-06 04:21:07

1. Do you know the happiest number? What is it? Five Why? You can compete five times (after the other party competes five times, they stretch out their hands and clasp tightly)

2. The world can be without sunshine, but it can't be without your smile, because without your smile, my world will be dark.

3. These days, I am totally in a frenzy and confusion. Your face is vague and expressionless. I may never know how difficult it is to climb the peak between love and lovelessness.

4. Don't let troubles dilute the wine, and don't let sadness affect you hand in hand. There is a long way to go, and you need to go together, so you can know each other forever.

5. "Look into my eyes, there is something" "No" "Nonsense, there is someone I like in it"

6. "If people have tails, it's a bit embarrassing to say so. Because when I am with you, I think I can't help wagging my tail."

7. "Guess what I'm doing now?" "What are you doing?" I'm talking to the most beautiful girl in the world. "

8. It's easy to get depressed when you play too much with your mobile phone, because you never know how I feel when I hold my mobile phone and wait for you.

9. The firecrackers in the evening are not as loud as I think you are

10. When I am angry, I must coax me to buy delicious food for me. When I am full, I will beat you to relieve my anger.

11. I was going to wander the Jianghu, but I feel I can stop when I see you.

12. Dear, we will always be together, only with you.

13. I have tasted apples, mangoes, kiwis, pitaya, avocados, and cherry tomatoes. When can I taste the forbidden fruit of love?

14. "Before I met you, I had many requirements for the future, but after I met you," What happened? "After meeting you, I just want to be honest with you"

15. I miss you when I am sad, just as I miss the sun in winter; I miss you when I am happy, just as I miss the shade under the scorching sun.

16. You know what? We both went too far. You are too beautiful, I am too obsessed.

17. "Have you been fat again recently?" "No, why do you say that?" "Then why does it weigh more and more heavily in my heart?"

18. Do you know the biggest difference between you and monkeys? Monkeys live in caves and you live in my heart

19. I make the same wish every day to let you enter my world from now on. When the dream becomes an oath, I believe that one day love will come true because of sincerity!

20. Fate is really wonderful, it connects you and me! Since they are linked together, I will not let go easily.

21. Think of you when you are lonely; When frustrated, I want to see you; When helpless, I want to rely on you; When I cry, I want to hug you; When I am happy, I want to thank you; When excited, I want to kiss you; miss you very much!

22. Before I met you, I saw a lot of scenery. You are the only one that attracts me most.

23. Adhere to the wife's absolute leadership. The wife is always the first, the child is the second, the dog is the third, and I am the fourth.

24. The full moon is like a mirror, hanging high in the blue sky. Although you are far away, it can certainly shine on you. Therefore, I always look for you in the middle of the month.

25. This is the back of my hand, this is the back of my foot, you are my baby.

26. You have the heart to make me lonely. The reason why I suffer for you is not busy, not careless, not ignorant, not tested, not temporarily forgotten, not withdrawn. You just don't love me.

27. "Do you know what objects best represent me?" "What?" "Compass. Do you know why?" "Why?" "Because a compass can only draw a circle. Its heart has not changed, just like I will not change my heart to you."

28. Feel the fabric of my clothes. Is it your girlfriend's material.

29. The wind takes away the dust and tells me that you have gone far! Rainbelt sorrow, wet the heart of the haze! Can you tell me why you don't speak? I still don't know how love can be free!

30. "I think you look like a relative of mine." "Who?" "My mother's daughter-in-law."

31. I want to tell you all the love words in the world so that you can know that all the love words in the world are not enough to describe my love for you.

32. It rained because the clouds cried, the flowers bloomed because the wind laughed, the snow fell because the sun was asleep, the moon was round because the stars were drunk, and I sent you a text message because I missed you!

33. I'm a little sick. Come and see me. Heart disease also needs a heart medicine doctor.

34. One hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years, that is, using eternal time to wait, I also want to see you again!

35. I don't want to hit the south wall, just your chest.

36. I will do for you what spring does for cherry trees.

37. To love you is to have a lot of things to say to you when I can't see you; When you are around, it's good to feel close to you quietly, even if you don't talk.

38. After meeting you, I spent all my time thinking about you, but I still feel that it is far from enough.

39. "I looked in the mirror this morning, and then I thought of looking for you." "Why?" "Because every time I see something good, I want to give it to you."