Spring outing sentence
Remaining sound of the northern ship
2023-07-04 22:16:45
Complete sentences

1. The spring breeze is vast, the spring rain is torrential, the spring scenery is beautiful, the spring scenery is boundless, ah! What a beautiful spring! This is a beautiful and colorful scene. The continuous spring rain has greened the earth, and the soft spring color has warmed the river.

2. Today's weather is super fine. The happy people watching the spring outing outside the window, looking back at the bitter computer and the schedule, racking their brains, did not think of the reason to go out for fun

3. The flowers are in full bloom, red like fire, white like snow like clouds, colorful. The peach blossoms on the mountain look like clouds from afar. The flowers dressed the world in a beautiful dress.

4. The season has changed its name, and the scenery remains the same.

5. We slowly sat on the boat, enjoying the picturesque scenery on both sides of the Lijiang River and forgetting the hustle and bustle of the city.

6. The grass grows and the warbler flies in February, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke. The children came back early from school, and they were busy releasing paper kites in the east wind.

7. The gentle spring breeze blew our smiling faces, combed our hair, and played with our clothes. We felt very comfortable along the way.

8. After crossing the wooden bridge, there appeared a person with bright eyes on his face, much like the chanting of Liu Yinhua and Mingyi Village. It turned out to be an extremely beautiful flower field, emitting a refreshing fragrance. Walking in, it seems that you are in a wonderful sea of flowers; Lie down, the soft flower bed will push you up, looking at the dark blue sky, all kinds of troubles have been swept away.

9. It is also March in the spring, when the flowers are red and the willows are green. Everything revives, presenting a beautiful scene of vitality.

10. When the cherry blossoms are blooming, it is the spring equinox.

11. The teacher took the children on a spring outing. "Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz? The children looked down in the flowers, "I found it, I found it, you see, it is a little bee, it is collecting honey!"

12. Today is Sunday. My parents and I went to the park for an outing. On the way, the spring breeze blows gently, and I feel the warmth of spring.

13. Spring is coming, flowers are blooming, bamboo forests are alive, butterflies are flying, and it is time to welcome the beautiful spring.

14. In the woods, many birds are flying freely and happily. When they are happy, they sing clear and melodious songs.

15. A day when the pieces of life in the busy time are online.

16. The beginning of spring, health care: drink scented tea, recuperate the body; Eat more leeks to nourish the liver and spleen; Exercise to regulate qi and blood; Go hiking and keep your mood; Pay attention to hygiene and keep healthy. Happy Spring Festival!

17. Even the spring rain and the spring thunder came to us continuously. Spring is a good season for sowing. The farmer uncle is taking advantage of this good season to start sowing. In autumn, there will be a good harvest.

18. What I fear most is that the person I care about suddenly changes his tone of voice. It feels like the whole world doesn't want you.

19. The body is covered with very soft hairs. It's interesting to look like a caterpillar.

20. I love spring, love her cold is still not lack of warm early spring breeze. It was she who gently awakened the earth, night after night the sleepless earth gladly opened its sleeping eyes, and then sowed the seeds of hope. Spring breeze is the messenger of life.

21. Look at the world with an ordinary mind. The blooming and fading of flowers are all landscapes.

22. When the spring rain breaks the bridge, people will not cross it, and the boat will stretch out the green shade—— Song Dynasty, Xu Fu, Spring Tour to the Lake

23. There are people flying kites on the dam, and the sky is enjoying the happiness of spring.

24. Spring girl comes with warmth in the breeze. She opens her arms, dances her slender hands, spreads green all over the earth, and puts flowers on the branches.

25. Green, green, green, green, full of green, gentle with our eyes. A little bit of stars like twinkling, a little bit of red, a little bit of yellow, a little bit of pink, a little bit of purple, also let us see a bright.

26. The lovely tram line is forbidden except in spring.

27. We visited the Museum of the Underwater Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the Tomb of the King of Chu, the Chinese Stone Museum and other famous scenic spots. Finally, we came to the Seven Tea Pavilions to have a collective rest. Our group found a better place.

28. Don't pessimistically think that you are unfortunate. In fact, there are many more unfortunate people than you; Don't be optimistic that you are great. In fact, you are just a drop in the ocean.

29. Life is a spring outing full of unknowns. What matters is the scenery along the way, and what matters is the mood to see the scenery. The spring outing will not end because of the beautiful scenery.

30. Spring comes slowly. Spring is romantic.

31. It must rain for a spring outing, because I am doomed to be unhappy.

32. Hair is happy when the spring breeze blows.

33. Where is spring? We can't see it. But look at the pink peach blossom and the green grass. Spring has passed through there. Not only there, but also the scenery of spring. All over the mountains and plains.

34. Today I have four times the happiness of "Weekend Coke Picnic with You".

35. I went for a spring outing with my family nearby. Man, try to protect the spirit in the mind, which is the closest trust of human beings to nature.

36. The stone wall is pressed up like a skyscraper, so high that it almost collapses. On the top of the mountain, the dense forest is like a huge black felt hat fixed on the cliff, with a dark green in the middle. From the cliff, a bunch of unknown wild flowers sprang out.

37. Eating breakfast, looking at the snowflakes falling outside the window, watching the cherry blossom sea in the south live broadcast on the mobile phone, looking forward to the time of spring outing

38. The fear of the unknown and the nostalgia for comfort will prevent us from becoming an adventurer. However, when you make such a choice, you will never regret it.

39. One after another heavy snow has passed, and it is the beginning of spring. I walk alone on the path of the park, feeling the fragrance of the soil and flowers. Feel the beauty of that spring.

40. Life is a journey, not about the destination, but about the scenery along the way and the mood to see the scenery.

41. When forgetting becomes another start, I took the first step of the journey!

42. If you catch a wind on your day, it will be a whole spring.

43. This is spring. This is the season of trance.

44. Along the way, we passed the beautiful East Lake and the foot of the magnificent Great Wall, and walked towards the old philosopher and businessman. A few sparrows followed us, chirping, as if boasting that we were full of vigor and vitality and were all pillars of the motherland.

45. Grandpa Winter sent away the cold of the earth, and Miss Spring came to the world with light steps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a vivid picture.

46. The sweet spring rain is as light as spider silk, as thin as a needle, as long as a thread, and as dense as a sieve.

47. Grandpa Dongse sent away the cold of the earth, and Miss Spring came to the world with light steps. The scenery in spring is very beautiful, just like a vivid picture.

48. The spring is bright and full of spring. The green grass is everywhere, and the tender grass is like emerald.

49. No matter how far the journey is, no matter how hot the sun is, everyone is going to the spring outing site with great enthusiasm.

50. The Qingming outing is planned. The staff are OK, the location is OK, the tickets for the journey are OK, and the tickets for the accommodation are all sold out! All the tickets for returning to Beijing in the three nearby cities have been sold out! Is my spring outing going to fail?

51. This is spring. Because of the ensemble of life sprouting here, I really feel a magical beauty.

52. I want to take photos for a spring outing, but the weather will change tomorrow before the clothes are delivered.

53. Misty rain, a spring rain baptized the soul of all things. Quietly found that it was a touch of green and a cluster of purples, the pace of spring is near, you can go hiking.

54. Be flexible in the use of personification, metaphor and other rhetorical methods, and be bold in imagination to write your own views or opinions.

55. Bright sunflowers smile to pedestrians from the high windowsill.

56. I went to spring outing today. I fell asleep excitedly and got up early. I happily took what my mother had prepared for me to go to school.

57. Don't hold the sword. Holding her hand is better than anything in the Jianghu.

58. Spring is like a baby that has just landed. It is new from head to foot, and it is growing; Spring is like a little girl, blooming, smiling and walking; Spring is like a strong youth with iron arms, waist and feet. He leads us forward.

59. The wind in spring is gentle, like a mother's hands touching a child's face.

60. Go hiking in the south garden in the spring, and the wind smells the horse neighing. Green plums are like beans, green plums are like silk, and butterflies fly- Ruan Lang (Tang Feng Yansi).

61. Qingyun goes to Qiuguan, depressed and with white hair flying- Lotte visits fools, sells wine and brings happiness, because he answers Feng in seven words (Tang Yuxi).

62. Spring outing and taking photos are goals, and the p chart is a sense of ceremony and goal achievement.

63. Spring is really coming. In the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere is full of vitality.

64. Biluochun before the Ming Dynasty, red bean and sugar porridge, stewed meat noodles in white soup, licorice honey plum cake. Spring breeze and green river south bank, I have to come here for spring outing

65. With the brisk pace of Spring Girl, the green grass breaks through the soil and sneaks out of the soil, tender and green. In the park, you can see these stubborn grass everywhere.

66. Spring is the season when everything recovers. How can you afford these delicious dishes and beautiful flowers if you don't go out and eat them? You can also feel beautiful if you taste the fresh spring outing.

67. Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is in the green grass. I came to the grass. The grass crept out of the soil, tender and green.

68. The spring water is circling, and the air is full of spring. The spring trees are budding, the spring flowers are in full bloom, and the birds are cheerfully praising the charming spring scenery... Kapok is a symbol of warmth, a symbol of spring. It opens early, warms early, and spring comes early.

69. Birds fly happily in the air; Small fish swim happily in the water; Green grass makes the earth green, dotted with colorful flowers; Ah. Spring girl, you let the earth put on a new dress. Flowers and trees thanked you, but you didn't show up. Are you shy? Then you should show up quickly.

70. When the spring returns, everything recovers, write a message, wish you health, pay attention to your diet, be sweet and warm, rich in nutrition, strengthen exercise, vomit the old and bring the new, nourish the viscera, spring outing, relaxed, cheerful, happy in body and mind, focus on action, healthy life.