24 Quotes of Super Speaker Lu Yu
Nowhere to find in the snow
2023-02-22 14:01:56

1. A beautiful woman should be able to spoil herself.

2. It is also a virtue to accept the kindness of others.

3. Life is only bitter, you can understand what is sweet.

4. I get hurt easily, but I never get hit.

5. What has happened is the only thing that will happen.

6. Elegance is a kind of realm. Elegant men make people feel like spring breeze.

7. A woman must be confident and independent to win her husband's love forever.

8. I always think that a man's greatest commitment and praise to a woman is to marry her.

9. When a person appears at the right time and on the right occasion, her brilliance will shine.

10. Love is skin to skin, love is a vegetable to rice, and love is our hero's dream.

11. A person who is extremely excellent in one aspect must be as wise as a fool in other aspects!

12. Everyone has their own appreciation of art. I am very emotional and self - conscious. I like to see things.

13. Whenever success comes, long or short, you will leave your feet off the ground for a period of time. But soon, life will let you fall.

14. Not only me, but also any young woman and anyone who wants to succeed must devote himself wholeheartedly, and professionalism is the most important.

15. Love needs to meet the right person at the right time. I always think that every love is a magnificent adventure, and the wise people always see hope.

16. When you succeed, there will always be a moment when your feet are off the ground. However, life will soon let you land gently, heavily, elegantly, or ungracefully.

17. I hope that if people have a unique vision, they can find a painter before others find him good. I think that feels great, but it is difficult.

18. Even if love tomorrow makes you black and blue, you still need to love today, even if it is only for a moment. Because at the moment you love, the world is really incomparable beautiful.

19. I believe that the total amount of happiness and sadness in this life is the same. I don't think anyone has less experience than others, so when I think about it, I won't forget myself when I am happy, and I won't despair when I am sad.

20. Many people say that if you persist in doing something for 21 days, it will become a habit of yours. If you insist on doing something for 18 years, what is it? I think it is not just a habit. It contains many emotional factors, such as responsibility, such as love.

21. Whether a person loves you or not depends not on the length of your time together, but on his willingness to give you a commitment. I don't know what retention is, I only know that the person who loves me will not leave me, because he knows that I will be sad. You can't wake a person who pretends to sleep, or move a person who doesn't love you.

22. I have always believed that as long as you really want to do something and miss someone, you will never give up this persistence no matter when and where. It's just a matter of time before you can achieve what you want. Of course, persistence is smart persistence. On the way to approaching dreams step by step, sometimes we have to retreat, sometimes we have to detour, sometimes we even have to give up temporarily. This is quite like war.

23. Don't think the world is very tough. As long as you keep changing, you will always open a gap in the cloudy place; Don't complain about the indifference of the society. As long as you face it with a smile for a long time, you can always gain a ray of warmth from interpersonal relationships. If you can't move others, you should reshape yourself. Put wisdom, confidence, struggle and tenacity in your withered bag. Even if you move forward a little, many people will be left behind.

24. I think love is like this. You should have courage and luck when meeting the right person at the right time. Sometimes, love is as beautiful as the sunset, and some people are in a trance. When it goes down, you will be in despair, thinking that it will never rise. But the next day, the sun will hang in the sky like a ghost, still bright, still dazzling. I am very proud that I have a pure heart. It has been played and cheated, and may be broken, but it still beats and loves. Indeed, even if love will hurt you all over tomorrow, you still need to love today, even if it is only for a moment, because at the moment you love, the world is really incomparably beautiful.