Poetry praising youth Modern poetry praising youth (70 selected poems)
Simplicity is happiness
2023-07-25 00:07:54
Complete Poems

1. Farewell to Huaiyin City on a drunken night. The moon shines on the tall buildings and sings a song.

2. The spring breeze is triumphant and the horse's hoof is ill. I can see all the flowers in Chang'an one day.

3. Ten thousand wine fights in Xinfeng, Xianyang Ranger for many years.

4. Tang Duoling, Reed Leaves Full of Tingzhou

5. But I see where my wife is worried, and I am crazy about poetry and books.

6. -- [Song Dynasty] Zhu Xi's Random Success

7. When will Feng Tang be sent to hold the festival?

8. The sound of wild spring flows into the inkstone pool on the bamboo screen of the window.

9. Seeing the sky at dawn and the clouds at dusk, I miss you when I walk and when I sit.

10. The reeds are all over Tingzhou, and the cold sand belt is shallow.

11. -- [Tang Dynasty] Meng Jiao's After Entering the Imperial Academy

12. Never dwell on the past. Good timing for leisure, and boarding.

13. Life is not drunk before flowers, flower laugh life is also stay.

14. When the rain hits the pear blossom, the door is closed, and the youth is lonely and empty.

15. Xiaochongshan · The willow is dark and the flower is bright, and the spring is deep

16. I advise you not to cherish the golden thread clothes. I advise you to cherish your youth.

17. Many people hate to meet each other across the river and the sea. The autumn wind blows down the Dongting Lake.

18. The chest and gall are still open after drinking. There is a little frost on the temples, why not!

19. It does not fall into the water with the flow, and it is used as flotsam on the mud.

20. When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless lovesickness.

21. Soft broken songbirds in the rain and wind. Delays in the day, still with a minute Yin.

22. I didn't realize the dream of spring grass in the pond, and the sound of autumn leaves in front of the steps.

23. Tongliu Fuzhi, Liu Qufei, Shi Minzhan, Zhou Jiazhong, Chen Mengshen, and Meng Rong. It was on August 5.

24. In the small collection of Anyuan Tower, the surname of Ji Huangqi, who was on the singing board of Youxian, begged for words from the Taoist in Longzhou to endow this "Tangduoling".

25. -- [Qing Dynasty] Yuan Mei's Miscellaneous Poems on the Lake

26. In the past, it was too dirty to boast, but today, it is too dissolute to think.

27. -- [Tang Dynasty] Du Xunhe's "Calling on Brother and Nephew"

28. The boat under Liuxia is still unsteady. It will be the Mid Autumn Festival for a few days.

29. The spirit of meeting is for you to drink, which is beside the weeping willows on the Ma Tower.

30. -- [Song Dynasty] Su Shi's "Jiangchengzi Hunting in Mizhou"

31. Singing in the daytime should be indulged in alcohol, and youth should be accompanied to return home.

32. I am different from tourists in my heart. I don't envy immortals and teenagers.

33. Spring in the Jade Mansion: Before the Wind, I Want to Advise Spring to Live

34. The day of youth is approaching dusk, and peach blossoms are falling like red rain.

35. Heartless is not like passionate and bitter. An inch is worth thousands of strands.