Museum impressions Military museum impressions
2024-01-18 09:27:29
Junior three
impressions of after reading

Approaching the Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution, a century wind of aggression and embodying the solemn history and the indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation came. There stands a statue of Comrade Mao Zedong in Zhengdang Hall. It is he who led 40000 suffering Chinese people to turn over under the butcher's knife of the enemy and create a perfect world today.
The central exhibition hall displays the military equipment of modern China, with models and objects. Every piece reveals the Chinese nation's spirit of never giving in and always making progress. The towering "Dongfanghong-1" missile is a reflection of the confidence and pride of the Chinese people.
The cold wind is biting to the bone, and the exhibition halls on both wings are quite cold. Some aircraft, tanks, ships, and artillery that participated in the battle and perhaps had countless combat achievements lie there quietly, hiding their previous arrogance and staying still, even though the wind whistles again and again. They have completed the mission entrusted to them by history. All they need to do now is lie there quietly and enjoy the endless respect of his people
From the beginning of a war in Dawenkou period to the eve of the founding of New China, China always seems to be shrouded in a layer of thick or light smoke: the change of dynasties and the suppression of rebellion require war and resistance against foreign enemies. Protecting China also needs war. In these countless wars, the great Chinese people have repeatedly displayed their infinite wisdom and created various advanced weapons. These weapons of various styles and types depict a picture of the reform of Chinese weapons: the first stone weapons, the later copper equipment, the later guns and guns, and now the guns, ammunition, and missile satellites. This series of development shows the wisdom of the Chinese people and indicates that the Chinese people will take off again!
Today's China has said goodbye to the old state of closed door and arrogant. The old pictures with dark colors and the ugly broken walls tell us about the Chinese people's struggles against foreign aggression and sworn to defend their homeland in Chinese history. It was a history of humiliation, but at the same time, it was an exciting history. Where did the old China perish, and where did the new China come from!
Let's hold high the great banner of New China. When the flowers are blooming in spring, our teacher organized us to visit the splendid exhibition of the 11th Five Year Plan in the Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Museum as part of patriotism education. We review the historical footprints with great reverence, and recall the eventful years in the past. We have benefited a lot.
Above the main entrance of the museum is the plaque of "Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution" written by Chairman Mao Zedong. The building is towering and magnificent. The military museum is the only comprehensive military museum in China. It is a national museum that collects modern and modern revolutionary historical relics since the Opium War in 1840, and studies and publicizes the history of China's socialist revolution and construction.
First, we visited the Weapons Museum. There are tanks, artillery, missiles, rockets and satellites developed by China. Suddenly, we were stunned by this majestic scene. Every weapon there is the blood and sweat of the Chinese people. Only a strong national defense can defend our country, and only advanced weapons can support a strong national defense.
In the Agrarian Revolutionary War Hall, we saw the huge oil paintings of turned over peasants fighting against landlords and dividing fields under the leadership of the Party. We saw the pictures of poor people struggling to send their sons and husbands to join the Red Army. We felt the support and love of the working masses for the Party, and saw the position of the Party in the people; There, we saw the battle telegram drafted by the older generation of revolutionaries in the arduous battle environment, saw the cowhide water bags and straw sandals used by the Red Army in the Long March under the leadership of the Party, saw the difficult steps when crossing the grass and climbing the snow mountain, and felt that it was the leadership of the Party over the army, the vanguard role of the Party organization and the Party members, Our army is invincible and invincible; We have seen the harsh environment and difficult situation faced by the new regime of the Party. It is in this environment that the older generation of revolutionaries are carrying out China's greatest war. At the same time, we also saw the iron pot used by the Red Army when marching, the bayonet used to dig wild vegetables, the artillery used in the war, the group photo of the military commander after winning the battle, the first student record of the military academy, the telescope used by Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, the pistol used by Zhu De during the Nanchang Uprising, the steel seal of the Central Military Commission of the Soviet Republic of China, the iron rope of Luding Bridge Zhang Xueliang presented Song Zheyuan with a commanding knife and various official documents. Covering my face and pondering, I feel that all languages are pale, and only moments can prove what happened.
After watching the Anti Japanese War Memorial Hall, I felt a lot! I really hate those little Japanese who invaded China! I feel sad for those civilians who died in the war! I feel sorry for those anti Japanese heroes and admire them from the bottom of my heart. I admire their selfless dedication and courage to fight and even die together without fear of sacrifice. I admire their bravery and bravery! We will never forget them - because they are our most lovely relatives!
In the next moment. We visited the National Liberation War Museum, the War Museum to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and the Ancient War Museum in turn. Due to the limited time, we ended our visit. Although the visit to the military museum is short, the impression of the military museum is always vague and clear, the history of the military museum is not well understood, and we are always full of respect and pride for the military museum.
On this day, I went to the military museum organized by my school. On a special day, a group of special people came to a special place - the military museum. For nothing but to celebrate a special day - the victory of the Anti Japanese War. It has been 70 years since we won. I can't help shouting on the sacred square. I am proud of my motherland and I am proud of being the Chinese people. I entered the gate of the military museum with great excitement.
After entering the museum, the first thing I saw was the statue of our great Chairman Mao, which immediately made me feel the whole hall has become solemn and solemn, and made me feel a sense of awe. Deep in the hall, one exhibit after another jumped into my view, and I walked with a heavy and slow pace step by step. I was lost in meditation when facing these objects. These items are neither expensive nor exquisite, but each has its own unique memory. These items are precious "guests" specially invited by the Military Museum to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War. To those guests who proved history, I could not express my feelings at this time.
These objects together compose a song of resistance against Japan. When we touch them with our eyes, images related to them emerge in our minds. That is the memory of these objects. It lets us see the hardships of resistance against Japan, the strong will of the Red Army soldiers, and the way they use their blood to build happiness for us. Not only was it a visual shock, but I also heard the sound of gunfire and rain during the Anti Japanese War between our army and the Japanese invaders, and even came to the scene personally, climbing snow mountains and crossing the grass. At that time, I really realized what it means to be a step between life and death. Just such a small step could make a living life disappear. However, our great Red Army soldiers walked through these hell places step by step with their feet. At this time, I firmly believe that our Red Army is a miracle, a miracle that will bring us a bright future. Looking at the list of martyrs who died for their own ideals and for their own country, my heart sank to the bottom. Just because I know that my happy life was bought by these martyrs with their blood. They worked hard for a happy life, but they died bravely without seeing it with their own eyes. I regret for them and am proud of them. They will always be the pride of all Chinese people. At this time, the air around me was frozen, and I stood in front of the list of martyrs, silent, just bowed deeply
I left the military museum with complex emotions. This visit taught me an important lesson in life. When I left the military museum, I looked back and saw the museum still standing there solemnly and heavily. I swear in my heart that people who have worked hard to build a new China, please put your expectations China's future depends on our generation. We will use our own actions to pave the way for China's perfect future. Never let down your efforts!
Comment: The context is clear, the sense of hierarchy is strong, and the qi narration is orderly and not disorderly. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot change does not fall into the stereotype. Occasionally, suspense suddenly arises and waves rise again and again, which is unexpected. The development process of the event reflects the author's innovative ideas.