84 messages for mourning the death
today we are no longer as we have been
2023-04-01 21:30:19
SMS Collection

1. People can't come back to life after death. Please be patient and cherish the people in front of you.

2. By the way, don't be too sad. Take good care of your health.

3. People will always die. He can walk with peace of mind! Don't be too sad.

4. In April, the grass is green, and I feel sorry for myself!

5. Do your best! Listen to God! Everything starts and ends! Follow the fate.

6. Birth, old age, sickness and death are natural phenomena, so we should be patient and change our sorrows! take care.

7. In order to love you and the people you love, you must be strong to go on.

8. It is very sad to hear of the death of the high hall. I hope you can bear the pain and mourn by the way.

9. Once again, in the name of our family, I would like to express my deep condolences to your mother for her death! Take care!

10. The family will have a good time there. I don't want to see you too sad.

11. Sprinkle with towel rain, wear a side hat wind; Flowers burn in the mountains, willows lie in the sound of water.

12. Those who have left just go to another world. They are still looking at you.

13. One day, a man will leave. If he is happy, he will have nothing to worry about.

14. Life is like this. If you want to have it but cannot, it may make people abandon themselves.

15. I am deeply saddened to learn that your family died of illness and express my deep condolences. Please take care of yourself.

16. Life, old age, sickness and death are all natural phenomena; Who has never died since ancient times? Just live in my heart.

17. The loss of loved ones is a painful departure, and it's hard to be wet. I don't know when to meet again. The sky and the earth are full of flowers.

18. Zhang Hong and I would like to express our sincere condolences to you and your family after hearing about the death of the old man, and please take care of our grief.

19. Dear relatives, believe me, I will take responsibility to make you happy and make you feel the warmth of home.

20. Life, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural law! Don't be too sad, he will feel your filial piety!

21. Parting is a bit difficult, but not disappointed; It is a bit regrettable, but not pessimistic. Because we have the hope of meeting in comfort.

22. All feasts come to an end. Although grandpa left him, he left a lot of things to live in his heart forever.

23. People who have lost should always keep in mind. This is the most valuable. Nature is born, old, sick and dead. We can't change these phenomena.

24. She is liberated and has gone to enjoy the good fortune. People can't come back to life after death. Grandma's spirit in heaven certainly doesn't want her children and grandchildren to be so sad.

25. I was shocked to learn that my old mother died of illness, and I am deeply saddened! I offer a flower basket to express our condolences. Please take care of yourself and take care of yourself.

26. We are deeply saddened to hear the sad news. I know that this is a very difficult time for you. You are in my heart.

27. Don't be too sad. He can look at us. When we are happy, he can be at ease. This is his greatest wish, isn't it?

28. The way of life is too hasty. It seems that water is flowing eastward. Tired of wandering autumn wind and the bright moon, this lost friend has quietly disappeared.

29. He is going to another place to complete his task. We should bless him. Because he is in close contact with nature. It's best to be happy every day.

30. It is a virtue to forget and think deeply. It is better to forget about life with the deceased than to put a pair of chopsticks for the old people every day and be unable to extricate themselves from grief.

31. Do you know that if you regard him as a gift lent to you by God, then now God takes the gift back, what you can do is to always carry the best memory with you.

32. I am surprised to learn that Aunt Yuling has passed away. On behalf of my family, I would like to express my deep condolences! I hope you will be relieved. Call me if you need my help.

33. I put the blessing and hope of the new century under the melting snow quilt quietly, let them grow along the seedlings in spring, and give you a full year of richness and fragrance!

34. It was hard last night, always suffering in nightmares and hearts! In the morning, when my son came together, he asked me why he cried at night? I told the child that he had a nightmare.

35. The flowers wither and bloom again. It can be seen that those years are fleeting. How many people once treasured them. What they once owned is now only memories?

36. Everyone can't understand and accept the pain of losing their loved ones at all, but everyone will face the loss of their loved ones, look on the bright side, and tomorrow will still come to your world.

37. Don't be so sad. You should comfort his spirit in heaven with your performance. Although he has left, our living people still need to live well.

38. I know that customs are quite different from place to place, but the common thing is to express my grief for the loss of my loved ones. I can only ask him to bow and bow for me thousands of miles away and lay a wreath!

39. Don't be too sad. The most important thing for me to do next is to cheer up. Nothing can be undone. We must continue to live, and live well for ourselves!

40. I can't change myself, let myself drift with the tide, let myself be hypocritical and indifferent, and I don't want to! Even if only those ignorant, sophisticated and seemingly mature cynicism are welcomed!

41. Birth, aging, disease and death, natural and man-made disasters, etc. Who can escape? Life is like this. You still need to continue, friends. If you want to cry, you can cry happily and release your depression.

42. You should be strong. Those who have left, those who hope to live, should not be sad because of his leaving. Please share every minute and every second that he will not enjoy.

43. I have always told myself to do my best and listen to the destiny of heaven, but there are always regretful flowers in the journey. They hurt my hands but not my heart. I will be strong and go on my future.

44. The so-called view of life is not pessimistic, but positive and optimistic. Not seeing through, but seeing through. Not doing nothing, but doing it in time. It is not nothing, but contentment with everything.

45. Please let me know if you need anything. God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

46. Your children, family and friends will always miss you; Your children will inherit your will and carry forward, and will continue to complete your unfinished business forever. Let you smile and rest in peace.

47. I have to admit that the fragility of life cannot withstand our repeated tests. Life or death may have been predestined. The passage of time is like this, and the living people are silent. Silence is the greatest respect for the dead.

48. Many years have passed. When I see water, I still feel inexpressible fear and sadness. I can't help but think of the classmate named Yang Jie and his mother's heart rending cry.

49. The world is fair. When you lose pain and sorrow, you also quietly live something that makes you mature, valuable and responsible. A heart of gratitude and dedication will make you grow up.

50. Year after year of Qingming, year after year of concern, time after time of missing, minute by minute of memory. Will not forget, will not leave, for the side, leave, work hard, cherish.

51. There are many things in the world that can not be achieved through our efforts. Some depend on fate and some depend on opportunities. It is not our own failure. So try to let go of what we cannot get and try another life.

52. I looked at the greedy smiles of people around me in confusion. I knew that these people were called relatives. Looking at their amorous smiling faces, I only had a strong desire for the world around me, so I looked at the good of my relatives.

53. In the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, when it rains one after another, the wanderers from other countries want to break their souls. They ask where the sky is going. The drizzle drizzles gently, moistening the earth all over the north and south. It conveys the blessing of two degrees of cold. The Yin and Yang worlds can't help crying. They can only use the rain to send sorrow!

54. Xie Gong is the least partial to his daughter, and he married Qianlou Pepsi well. Even though I have no clothes to search for my suitcases, he sells wine and pulls out gold hairpins. Wild vegetables can be used to eat sweet and long hops, and fallen leaves can increase the income of ancient locust trees. Today, my salary is more than 100000 yuan. I will hold a memorial ceremony with the royal camp to restore my camp.

55. Your relatives only see where you can't see them, but they can see you. They don't expect you to have a bad life because of them. Let them know whether you are a strong person and won't let them down.

56. Our yearning for our loved ones will never stop, but the yearning is various. Grandma's pain, mother's words, my little daughter's emotions, no matter what, the dead relatives will always live in our hearts.

57. Qingming Festival is coming! I just hope Dad and Grandpa can live happily in another world, and don't work as hard as they did when they were alive! Maybe they have met. One day in the future, we will meet.

58. Forget those unhappy things! Even God thinks that sorrow and trouble don't belong to you. Try to let yourself out, you will feel that today's sun is warmer than yesterday! The sky today is bluer than yesterday!

59. He should not be particularly happy. It will make him feel so miserable, but everyone is happy. There is a big difference. If you were happy and sad because you saw her sad, she would feel guilty. Let her learn to be strong.

60. Quickly make yourself optimistic and happy. As long as your mind changes, your body and spirit will also change. In that way, you will get a kind of upward power that will make you healthy and energetic!

61. The full moon in the sky and the half moon in the world make the meeting between you and me a kind of fate. Origination and extinction, changes in dreams, my world is wonderful with you. Once the memories, good memories, kept in the mind. May you be as happy in heaven!

62. There are always some flowers blooming in the Qingming Festival. These pure and sorrowful flowers in the image world shed tears when opening and closing their eyes; Maybe this rain is just my endless sorrow to vent, after venting, everything is fine.

63. It is another day to miss the dead relatives. The original time can not make people forget everything, on the contrary, it will only make people remember more and more deeply. The deceased aunt, if there is an afterlife, I would like you to be my aunt, and I really miss you!

64. My grandfather, who loves me most, didn't even see you last time, which is a great regret in my life! But you will always be in my heart, and all the people I love will always be in my heart! Wish you all the best over there!

65. What passed away is not only an elder, but also a guide to our life; It is not only a family member that left, but also our strong dependence. Grief trombone tears, let's pray that he will walk into the arms of heaven!

66. He has gone, but he certainly doesn't want our living people to suffer. He must hope that we will still live well after expressing moderate sorrow. He will bless us in another world.

67. The feeling of losing a loved one is very sad. It is a pain from the heart. It is useless for others to persuade. I hope you can say some inspiring words, so that your classmates can face this fact and wake up from it and work hard to live strong!

68. Since I met you, tiredness, hard work, tension and depression have been far away from me. In return, I miss you deeply. In return, I am in love with you. In addition, I have sweet restlessness and restlessness.

69. He didn't leave. He just went to a far, far place, but this trip made him like it and chose to settle down there. But he can see you and be a strong person. He doesn't want you to make him lose hope.

70. A dead person cannot be revived. The strong of the living is the best comfort for the dead. We have grown up, and our relatives can't accompany us all our life. We must face this day after all. I am very sad that such a thing happened. I hope you will be strong.

71. Therefore, from this year, the country has complied with the public opinion and made our ancient Tomb Sweeping Day a day of rest, just like the Spring Festival and the National Day, when we can get together and have fun, which is a great progress in our civilized society.

72. I didn't know how to continue without you, but I knew that you didn't want to see me like this. Instead, I dried my tears and regained confidence, so that you could see the upward looking me in heaven. I also wish you a good journey.

73. You are the guiding light in my darkness, the navigator in my life journey, and the sunshine and water for my healthy growth. I can't repay you for your kindness. I can only do my work better and let you bless me in heaven.

74. It is enough to let her feel the existence of friends, which will help her recover. Everyone can not understand and accept the pain of losing their loved ones, but everyone will face the loss of loved ones, look aside, tomorrow will still come to your world.

My heart, why do you make me so sad; Tears, why do you flow off and on; My son, why are you wandering in the distance alone; Wind, take us to honor you; I wish you a good journey, my departed son!

76. People's life, life, old age, illness and death, are all planned naturally. People will leave us one day when they are young and old. Maybe your grandfather loves you very much, so you will be very sad, but your grandfather doesn't want you to be so sad. Cheer up.

77. I regret that I didn't go to your funeral. Maybe I was far away from that family. They all forgot me. But I always remember your kindness to me. You treat me like your own daughter. If possible, I will go to your cemetery and kowtow to you.

78. The poem of mourning Shen asked to go to March and May in the autumn, and this autumn he will still take photos of Liang. This spring, the cymbidium is fragrant again. Sad that people are different. Thanks forever. The curtain screen was destroyed and removed, and the curtain mat was stretched. Dust covers empty seats, and solitary tents cover empty beds. Everything is endless, and those who survive will be hurt.

79. I am shocked to learn of the death of my loving mother, and I would like to express my deep condolences. Fortunately, I went to see my old mother a few days ago and wrote a article on remembering her mother. I have booked to go to Hainan on the 13th. If I can hurry back, I will say goodbye to the great old mother and ask my brother to send wreaths on behalf of my military sister-in-law.

80. I really remember the despair of life at that time, the endless nostalgia for the lost loved ones, and watching my father being carried farther and farther away. The despair of never seeing him again and the cold feeling of heart make my experience of life cruel, helpless, sad, and resentful.

81. We are getting old, and we are going to face this kind of departure gradually. You can't stop it from happening. All you have to do is accept. What you can do is to handle the feelings with your relatives at the time you can grasp. Please mourn for the lost love.

82. When people live in this world, there are too many things they want but cannot get. If they persist in pursuing, they will not only fail to get, but also may lose more things that should belong to you. Learn to give up, know how to give up, you will have more and better things.

83. After finishing the task at hand, I went to the telecommunications. I thought there was a special mode of condolence, but it has been replaced by ordinary telegrams. I felt the movement of heaven and earth, and recalled the grief of parting in life and death. I called: a close friend is like a brother, and the mourning hall is like a mother. The bad news spreads to the desert and deeply touches the Gobi!

84. Life is like this. If you want to have it but cannot, it may make people abandon themselves. If you really lose, you must be stronger. The past will let it go, and you cannot recover the past. Let's be strong. Losing one person, or at least others, won't make us feel lonely.