45 humorous blessings during the Qingming Festival
General construction on the road to success
2023-04-16 06:26:56
SMS Collection

1. During the Qingming Festival, it rained in succession, and pedestrians on the road did not carry umbrellas. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The big restaurant is ahead.

2. Good rain is clear and bright, falling silently. It's like a thousand lines of tears, knowing that I miss my old friend. Once people went by crane, the living should be strong. On Tomb Sweeping Day, may the dead rest in peace and the living be happy!

3. Attention, someone is following you behind you. If you don't believe it, look back. Ha ha, I fell into the trap. Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day. I just learned from my ghost friend. Don't you believe it!

4. Qingming rain is flying, Mengpo soup warms the lungs; There is a basket of money paper for offering sacrifices to relatives and friends; Filial piety and honesty are commendable, and the King of Hell cannot return home. May the world's good people live a peaceful life, and be filial early!

5. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you to meet hungry ghosts at work and drunken ghosts at work. You are surrounded by lechers, but they are all dead ghosts anyway; Happy Tomb Sweeping Day, kid! May you look more like the Great Devil!

6. Qingming Festival is coming, I want to say hello to you: Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the outing is just right; Grass and trees turn green to appreciate the spring; Everything is fresh and relaxed; Dress in plain colors and have a bright mood; Although the scenery is good, please don't overdo it.

7. The cuckoo calls Qingming, and friends should put it away. May you be happy and worry less, and your wealth and fortune will not go away. Health from head to foot, everything goes well. I wish you a wonderful holiday on Tomb Sweeping Day.

8. If you have a wish hidden in your heart, let it out. If you have a dream hidden in your heart, let it out. They will all come true. As for when, the devil knows. Ha ha, happy Qingming Festival.

9. It rains every year during the Qingming Festival. Sorrow surges in the Qingming Festival. Tears of homesickness flow freely during the Qingming Festival. The heavy mood is especially obvious in the Qingming Festival. Tomb Sweeping Day, mourn the loss of loved ones, cherish the good life.

10. The Qingming Festival is full of rain. People on the road miss their relatives. I exchange my heart for blessings. I wish my friends good luck, happiness, happiness, and happiness all the time! Life without sorrow! I wish you a happy holiday!

11. Burn incense sticks to commemorate the lost time; Knock back and say goodbye to endless sadness; Sweep the tombs to remember the ancestors' beliefs. On Tomb Sweeping Day, let's release our troubles, banish our disappointment, and welcome the bright spring!

12. You are sad, or shed tears, what has happened does not change; If you work hard, or struggle, time will not go back; You are frustrated, or laugh, life is still going on. Qingming Festival, forget the past and welcome the future!

13. When the Qingming Festival comes, the willow catkins are floating, and the rain is falling in succession. They are full of worries. Their loved ones are good, hard to forget, and their affection is the most precious. They send flowers, express their wishes, burn paper money, wish peace, send love, and trust their yearning. Although yin and yang, love is eternal.

14. During the Qingming Festival, it rained in succession. We all went to the tomb to forget the boredom and hardship of work and pay homage to the past love of heroes. You should pay attention when going out to visit the tomb. It is essential to guard against mountain fires. It is beautiful in spring to offer sacrifices to ancestors and enter the home safely.

15. During the Qingming Festival, the rain is falling, the deep tears of missing are flying, the worries and sorrows are flying, and the care and greetings are flying; Blessing words should fly, happiness and good luck should fly everywhere, wonderful life should take off, and a bright future should take off!

16. Tomb Sweeping Day is the time for ancestor worship, which reflects the spirit of ancestors; Qingming is a time for outing, which will bring beautiful nature to you; Tomb Sweeping Day is a time to get together, with happy smiling faces blooming. Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. Wish you good luck!

17. When the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, blessings will be sent to: Throw away all worries and sorrows, and happiness will naturally come quietly; Release sadness and depression, and good luck will follow. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you peace and happiness.

18. The Tomb Sweeping Day is the time to worship our ancestors. Go to the tomb with your family. Memories and affectionate complaints. Never stop on the road of life. Organize frequently and review more. Take it easy. The willow is fresh and the spring is not negative. Take care, as before.

19. The Qingming Festival is full of rain, so we should take care of our health; Outing, good season, anti allergy, flowers and plants far away; Mosquito bites should be protected, kept clean and prevented from diseases; Good rest, good spirit, good mood, more healthy!

20. When the wind blows, the willow leaves float. Blessings pass to your heart; The rain is continuous, moistening all things, warm and warm, cherish more; Friendly, not less, friendship is thick, care to send; Qingming Festival, good outing, invite you to join us, happy road.

21. Not only are porcelain dolls fragile, but also life; In the blink of an eye, it is not only the climate that changes, but also the outcome. Don't be too persistent, learn to let go and you will be happier. On Tomb Sweeping Day, may you forget the past and be happy forever!

22. When the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday arrives, the work at hand should be put aside early: go away and get rid of the troubles and worries; Shake, you will be more energetic and relaxed; Forget a forget, smile always remember. I wish you happiness during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday!

23. It's a good time to go hiking in Qingming Festival. You are invited to visit when the long holiday comes; Put aside the busyness of work to ease the tiredness of running; Take a walk to feel comfortable, relaxed and carefree; Relax and enjoy yourself. Enjoy your long vacation!

24. Burn a stick of Buddhist incense to light up your thoughts; Cut a bunch of paper money to let the thoughts of memorial ceremony run wild; Sweep back to the tomb hall to remember the ancestors' voices and faces. On Tomb Sweeping Day, let go of endless sadness and welcome the dawn of happiness!

25. Don't give up what you have, cherish what you have gained, keep what you have lost as memory, and work hard to pursue what you have. At Tomb Sweeping Day, may the living be healthy, the dead rest in peace, remember the past and pray for the future.

26. The Qingming Festival is full of love. I think you want to die today; Asking how much lovesickness is, this feeling is deeper than the sea. The prosperous and brilliant spring is thick, and the blessings are also warming up today. I wish you good luck and always come, and how happy the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is!

27. The Tomb Sweeping Day comes in April, and care and concern come. Regular exercise is good for health and timely mood adjustment. Light and spicy are well matched, and reasonable health care should be known. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I wish you good health and all the best!

28. The pace of work is too fast, and life is too tired. The spring is coming, and it is sunny outside. I have asked my friends to meet in the countryside, go hiking and dig wild vegetables, and set out right away. Don't wait any longer. I wish you a happy Qingming holiday!

29. The Tomb Sweeping Day holiday will give you endless surprises: let your troubles disappear and your happiness within reach; Let your hardship disappear in the blink of an eye, so that your happiness can hardly be submerged. It's hard to be unhappy during the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday!

30. When you smile, wolves will hang themselves; Your station is full of stink; When you shout, chicken flies and dog jumps; You sweat, lice disaster; If you don't dress up, you look worse than ghosts; When you dress up, the ghost is paralyzed! To the protagonist of Qingming Festival!

31. There are always memories that cannot be erased, and there is always lovesickness hidden in the bottom of my heart; There are always things that can not be repeated, and there are always people who are worth remembering; There is always friendship that lasts forever, and there is always prayer from the bottom of my heart. Qingming, wish people around you good health and pray for the future.

32. The breeze is clear to the attic. Willows and willows are soft and tender. The ancients gave them away. The slightest affection still exists today. I send greetings by text message. Every word is like wine. Talking and laughing can drive away the sadness of parting. May you have no worries and happiness for a long time on the Qingming Festival.

33. Worship in front of the grave, burn incense, hang paper money, and pay homage to ancestors; See the mountains and rivers, enjoy the spring scenery, take a walk in the spring, embrace the nature. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May your life be as red as spring flowers!

34. The wicker is long, just like my long friendship, dancing with the wind, just to float to your heart, and never change your persistent mind despite the wind and rain. The slightest care is still in the wind! Qingming Festival is coming. Please look at the willow branches. Do you see your missing?

35. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, many people think about it and send their greetings by SMS; Don't be too tired when you are busy, and keep your health in mind; Don't be tired when you lose your troubles, and don't waste your friendship; Fortune, wealth, happiness and beauty of life. Happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

36. During the Qingming Festival, the rain is falling, the tears of yearning are flying, the worries and sorrows are flying, and the care and greetings are flying; Blessing words should fly, happiness and good luck should fly everywhere, wonderful life should take off, and a bright future should take off. I wish you happiness!

37. Clear away your troubles and brighten your mind; Clear your wandering and brighten your future; Clear away your suffering and brighten your peace; The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I wish you a fresh spirit, a bright mood, good things like the wind, and close company!

38. In the Tomb Sweeping Festival, we will sweep away the sadness of the past, bow down to the sadness of the past, welcome the fresh hope, pray for the health of relatives and friends, let go of the rush of life, enjoy the power of greetings, and wish you happy every day and a happy Tomb Sweeping Day.

39. Clear away the troubles in your life and make your mood clear; Clear away your inner annoyance and make your heart like a mirror; Eliminate your laziness in work and make you smart and capable. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. May you know my concern and my blessing!

40. Go outing, worship ancestors, watch flowers bloom, have an outing, remember, and remember the songs and laughter of the past. Some relatives are gone, but you are still there; Some old friends have left, but you are still there. Qingming Festival, you miss, you remember, but you will be strong!

41. Qingming Festival, with continuous rain and murmuring feelings, is a time of cold in memory of old friends; Forget the past, look forward to the Ming Dynasty, and hope for a better life; Greetings, blessing shake, may you be in a good mood, tidy up a positive attitude, start a happy life, and have a happy Tomb Sweeping Day!

42. Qingming Festival, when it rains, the wind blows. No matter how strong the wind is, no matter how heavy the rain falls, thunder and lightning will not be afraid. My best wishes are to cover the wind and rain for you! Let you be happy forever! Who let us get along well! Always happy is fundamental! I wish you happiness!

43. Tomb Sweeping Day is a time to remember the past and think of our ancestors with deep feelings; Sweep away the pain and look forward, love lingering dreams; Take an outing and enjoy the beautiful scenery, with gentle feet and quiet heart; Send blessings to health, happiness and prosperity. I wish you happiness and good luck and a happy Tomb Sweeping Day.

44. On the occasion of the Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you all a "clear" life account, a "clear" emotional train of thought, and a high rise in the "festival" of work and career. In a word, this small day is enjoyable, harmonious and beautiful!

45. On the Tomb Sweeping Day, a melodious song of "clear water and bright moon" is better than the blessing of "high mountains and flowing water" than the blessing of "deep love and misty rain". May you be clear about my meaning and my heart. I wish you a happy life and a happy Tomb Sweeping Day.