92 Sentimental Quotations
More sensible than before
2023-05-29 10:14:51

1. If you don't take the initiative, you will lose. But if you take more initiative, you are really tired.

2. The leaves leave, is the tree does not retain, or the pursuit of the wind.

3. Some people, only miss, not contact; Just pay attention and don't disturb.

4. The so-called eternal love is from beauty to white hair, from flower to flower.

5. Simple life, simple love, when I am uneasy, please give me care.

6. Distance, not beauty, but the interpretation of vulnerable love.

7. When all that is left is once, I can't walk out under the pull of memories.

8. There are always endless things to do, endless complaints to vomit, and endless fat to reduce. This is called life.

9. I have passed your heart, not that I don't want to stay, but that you refuse to accept it.

10. Maybe I still miss you a little, but I miss more the time that I can't go back.

11. Go is go, never come back, even if you retain also useless.

12. My love for you has never stopped, but I will never let others know.

13. I would rather be a woman man in a man's heap than play with my brain in a woman's heap.

14. Time, can understand love, can prove love, can also love.

15. Understand that when leaving, even if there are thousands of reluctant, also want to give up.

16. The most difficult stage in life is not that no one understands you, but that you do not understand yourself.

17. Life is a grand encounter. Some people are just passers-by in your life after all.

18. When you were thin, you lived in my heart. When you became fat, you got stuck in it and couldn't get out.

19. I always thought I was a generous person, because I like to give things to others.

20. The wind has ripples, but how can it eliminate the injustice? Because of your departure, the worries come.

21. You don't understand that it is fatalistic to like a person. Even if it is doomed to disaster, it is also doomed.

22. The feeling that I can't bear is like the warm wind in April, like green willows flying, like green grass.

23. Father doesn't think so. In his opinion, this seems to be generous, but it is actually stingy.

24. Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore are the end of past happiness and the beginning of future happiness.

25. There are always some pictures in life that are fleeting, but their marks are more lasting than many lives.

26. I hope you can remember me when you leave. Don't ask whether the changeable world will remain the same tomorrow.

27. I bid you farewell with all my heart. May life bring you countless green hopes and lead you to the ideal world.

28. Although the moon shines through the sun, it will always stay with the sun and never leave.

29. What my father said that year benefited me all my life. Now, I don't give anything to others.

30. When you come, my expectation is far away; When you leave, you are the expectation of my dream.

31. When you are alone, there are only two things in the world that will not betray you: words and music.

32. The mountains and oceans separated us. I had no choice but to meet you again in memory and in dreams.

33. Don't say that opportunities never appear. They have appeared, but you are reluctant to give up what you have.

34. If you are not good at finding the sunny side, you will only magnify the happiness of others and narrow your own happiness.

35. Don't force yourself. Tomorrow is nothing special! Just want you to accompany me completely before I leave when you have time.

36. Tears of parting add new waves to the long river of memory; The blessing of parting is the prelude to meeting again.

37. The sadness of leaving love is because of the joy of getting together. If there is double joy of reunion, then I would rather suffer greater sorrow.

38. We had to part and say goodbye quietly, with gratitude in our hearts. Thank you for giving me a deep friendship.

39. Why not forget without looking back? Since there is no chance, why vow today? There is no trace like water. You will have no strangers tomorrow.

40. I lengthen the shadow of my memory bit by bit. The way I came is so far away. At the end, I can no longer remember your appearance.

41. There is only so much warmth in my life. I gave it all to you, but when you left me, you asked me how to smile at others in the future.

42. Break up silently, just as we met in silence. May the warm breeze here bring you my affectionate wishes and prayers.

43. There is a long way to go in life. We meet and we depart. The reunion is always short, but the separation is long. We only wish our hearts could follow each other closely.

44. Farewell tomorrow morning. I hope the clouds and the bright sun will accompany you to the far end of the world; Flowers and green grass will accompany you to spread a far future.

45. Reluctance: happy, sad, exciting, surprised, sad

46. When we parted, we had no lingering tears, and we were relatively speechless. Look at the setting sun shining through Wenfeng Tower and its afterglow on the bank of Xiqing River.

47. If it were you, you would not leave, because you were unwilling to hang the pearl from the shell of your own clam that had endured pain for half a life on others' necks to show off.

48. Departure can weaken shallow feelings, but make deep feelings more profound, just as wind blows out candles, but fans the fire more vigorously.

49. Although in the eyes, it is gradually far away, but in the heart, it is not far away, because even if I close my eyes, I can still see you, I love you.

50. When you leave, I will send you a bunch of flowers. The flowers are my smile, and the green leaves are my evergreen yearning

51. I don't know how sad it is to leave. I don't know how strong it is to say goodbye. Only separation, let time forget this tacit understanding.

52. We hold our hands firmly to say goodbye, let the feeling gently hold in our hands, and share an unforgettable warmth

53. We had to stare blankly at the falling stars and leave, making things simple, people becoming kind, like children, and we started again.

54. Your figure is a sail, and my eyes are the river. How many times I want to keep you, but I can't. I know that the most precious thing in the world is friendship, but more precious is freedom.

55. There are always too many things we want to catch, and when we catch them, we are reluctant to put them down. After all, what you can have is limited. If you can't let it go, you must give it up.

56. I am willing to say go, but I am reluctant to leave; I am reluctant to shed tears, but I am reluctant to shed tears in your face; I am willing to bear heartache, but I am reluctant to bear it when I think of you.

57. When you step on the platform and walk alone, you know that I am worried. Although there are thousands of words in my heart, I can only freeze you deeply; I'm so sad but I won't say it.

58. We bid farewell in a hurry and went to our respective distant places. There was no language, no tears, only eternal thoughts and blessings, which resonated deeply in each other's hearts.

59. When I get old in the future, I will be reluctant to die before my beloved. I will be reluctant to let him support his life in the world by looking at our past photos.

60. If you want to break, it is more difficult to break. Breaking is more continuous. How can you give up the pain caused by a thousand kinds of love? How can you treat the mark caused by a thousand kinds of feelings as a wound.

61. There is a kind of emotional pain in the heart, which is hard to give up. The pain from the bottom of the heart, really reluctant to let that kind of pain disappear, that kind of vague and hazy pain become nothing.

62. Can you feel it? Dispersed around my soul, how many helpless tossing and struggling? How much pain have you had? How many reluctant?

63. I am now trying to persuade others and myself: what should I do when I am not young? Don't plunge into the beautiful sadness and cry for help while trying to drill into it.

64. I have never seen an early rising, diligent, prudent and honest man complain about his bad fate; Good character, good habits and strong will will not be defeated by the so-called fate.

65. If I can, I would like to rub everything in my heart into today's difference. But I can't! Then, let's break up in silence! This is the silence of a volcano, which is better than any farewell!

66. Growing pains, dizzy dyes pierce the mystery of the years, and step on the white spots to beat ordinary colors. The warm world looks forward to the sight, and finally only the haze turns into a gorgeous scenery in the sky.

67. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

68. There will always be too many helplessness in life. I think it is good for you, but you think it is just cover up; I said goodbye with tears in my eyes and turned around to understand that our love is too lonely. I can only bless you!

69. When we got home, my father and I opened the box and found some small apples that were wrinkled and a circle larger than duck eggs. I can't help shouting: "What a piece of junk! Nobody wants it after throwing it away!"

70. Stick to the eternity of the moment. Because there is no eternity, we can't stick to the eternal moment. Because there is no instant, how much courage and tolerance should there be in the bitter struggle between persistence and willing. If there is no reluctance, we can only let go.

71. Not every time you look up, you can see the sun. The height of the sun and the moon are always shining on everyone who gives her a look for happiness. Don't refuse the tenderness of the moon because you can't get the warmth of the sun.

72. When I recall all kinds of old times, I always feel reluctant to part with them. In an instant, I feel reluctant to part with them. I cannot bear to part with your laughter; I hate your brotherhood; I can't bear to let you go slowly.

73. If it is OK, you can pursue my figure in a moment's leisure. I would like to be like a cocoon deep in the ground and sleep for another 20 years. Then in the warm spring sun, I will break out of the cocoon and turn into a butterfly, dancing for you under the blue sky and beside the green grass.

74. I think, I will try my best, I will change, I will treat you seriously, I will not be so mean, I will not be so coquettish, because I can't bear your leaving, because I can't bear your leaving

75. Everything we missed is like the time we missed. We can't find it back. If we miss a little, we will miss too much. Maybe we will miss it for a lifetime, leaving lifelong regret. Sometimes we can easily have it, but let it slip away quietly.

76. Learn to dominate your own life. Even being alone is not a bad situation. No self pity, no inferiority, no complaining, come day by day, go step by step, and the joy and inevitable arrival are our own practice.

77. We can't be children all our lives. We must grow up slowly. Childhood is beautiful, and we can't bear to part with it. But the past is the past, and we can't live in the past. More, believe that the past, the present, and the future are also beautiful!

78. When doing things, you should be curious and excited as if you were the first time you came to the earth, but when you get along with others, you should be just the opposite: everyone you meet today should cherish it as if you were the last time you met. There is no time to say thank you, and there is no regret left for later.

79. The world is perfect because of the sun, and the species is wonderful because of the pursuit of the other half. If you give up half, the other half will be lonely, meaningless and lifeless. Even if they hurt each other, they should endure the pain.

80. We love many times in our life, and they often end up with nothing. Like a flower that opens in the wind, if a flower can bloom forever, it should no longer be true, so withering is the only way out. Only repeated parting can remind us of love again.

81. Every woman in love should not only work hard for the happiness of the two people, but also leave a way of retreat for herself. This way of retreat is nothing else, but just to stay self conscious. There is no way out of any normal relationship unless you voluntarily cut it off.

82. My father looked at me and continued to say, "Remember, don't treat others as fools. He will know the value of this thing just like you do. If you don't give it away, you can give others what you think is the best, favorite and most reluctant thing."

83. After pain, we know how to protect ourselves; After crying, I know what it feels like to feel heartache. After being silly, I know how to insist and give up at the right time. After loving, I know that I am actually fragile. In fact, life does not need such meaningless persistence, nothing really can not give up.

84. Let the two people understand and forgive each other. I hate to be the other party, for fear that the other party will be hurt by myself. This kind of hurt from the closest person is the most painful; In fact, what we hate is ourselves. How can we avoid hurting ourselves while hurting others?

85. When I decided to turn around, what fell behind me was a string of reluctant, but I could not turn back. I was afraid that my expression would reveal my unwillingness and make you worry about it. Yes, I only hope that my departure is a goose crossing without trace, even if you have a slightest tie and sadness, I would not be willing to part with it.

86. People always have to grow up, and slowly understand in tears and deceit that the sadness of the reality is depressing and tragic, and slowly understand the strength after crying, and the indifference after forgetting. Calm after decadence. The clamor after loneliness, life is covered with magnificent chapters, the solo march, can not cross the backward chapter.

87. The weakest part of people is reluctance. I am reluctant to part with a relationship that is no longer brilliant, a sense of vanity, and applause. We always think that the best days will be very long, so we don't have to leave so soon. Just when we were soft hearted and lacked courage, the best days passed without mercy.

88. I bought new clothes, wore them several times or didn't wear them at all, and gave them to my cousin if I didn't like them. I received many toys and ornaments at Christmas and birthday parties. I picked out my favorite and gave the rest to others. Many of my relatives and friends around me have accepted my small gifts. They must like me and thank me, I think.

89. People's mood is really complicated, just like the weather is sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes cloudy, sometimes sunny, unpredictable, and difficult to grasp. When you are in a good mood, watch the flowers bloom and the sky is blue every day. When you are in a bad mood, look at whether the willows are green or the clouds are white. As the saying goes: Things change with the heart, and the environment is created by the heart. In fact, things have not changed. What has changed is our mentality.

90. What people fear most is the sudden feeling. Sometimes, when you look back at the love, everything becomes dull. Sometimes, when I look back at it, everything disappears. Sometimes, I am so worried that I will look back at everything and everything will go wrong. Sometimes, the pain is too painful to live, and when you look back, everything is vast.

91. What kind of person you are, you will hear what kind of songs, see what kind of writing, write what kind of characters, and meet what kind of people. You can hear the song of healing, see the warm text, write stubborn words, and meet the right person; You will believe those old words of faith, warmth, dream and persistence, because you are such a person.

92. Life is like a movie. It will cry, laugh, and be reluctant to throw it all away. After the performance, it will take a curtain call and leave those happy memories in the past. Maybe one day when we see some scenes, we will recall some memories, and some people have appeared in our lives. I think that at that time, we will no longer sink into tenderness, but will only smile soberly, Originally, we also had love.