100 long famous sayings
Ideal octogenarian
2023-04-15 07:25:53
A complete list of famous sayings

1. A truly talented person is always kind, frank, straightforward and never reserved—— Balzac

2. A person with a strong heart can be robbed of his property, but his courage will not be robbed—— Hugo

3. The lovers who can never be reunited are often not those who separate in anger, but those who separate on the basis of friendship. -- Hardy

4. Love can only come into being and exist in the profound and mysterious intuitive world. Having children is not about love itself Vladislav Soloviev

5. People who make friends with you because they are profitable will also break up with you because they are unprofitable—— Seneca

6. Experience makes us suddenly realize why we often don't learn from experience—— Bernard Shaw

7. Experience is a gem, which is of course, because it often comes at a great price—— Shakespeare

8. A person's life may burn or decay, I can't decay, I am willing to burn—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

9. The love of marriage makes human beings continue; The love of friends makes human beings reach a more perfect state; Evil love corrupts human beings Emerson

10. We judge people's activities according to their purposes. Only when the purpose is great can the activity be said to be great—— Chekhov

11. As long as a person has a pure heart, no worries and no hatred, his youth will be prolonged—— Stendhal

12. Faith, you can't do anything with it, but you can't do anything without it—— Samuel Butler

13. Only for friends can you freely talk about your worries and joys, fears and hopes, suspicions and comforts—— Bacon

14. Every fool will learn from his own lessons, and smart people will benefit from the help of professional teams—— Bismarck

15. If happiness lies in pleasure, then it should be said that cows are happy when they find fodder to eat—— Heraclitus

16. Friends should abide by the following rules: Do not ask others to behave shamelessly, and if asked, they should refuse—— Cicero

17. I wish God would tell us not to make stupid friends, because fools who are too hospitable are more dangerous than any enemies—— Craylov

18. The greatest effort of friendship is not to show our shortcomings to a friend, but to make him see his own shortcomings—— Laroshfko

19. If you don't learn to laugh when in trouble, you won't smile at anything when you get old—— Aidehua · Hao

20. Busy and nervous, can bring high work mood; Only when you concentrate on your work can you produce high efficiency—— Konosuke Matsushita

21. With true morality, one must have true courage. Those who are afraid of heaven and people and ghosts must have ghosts in their hearts and behave badly—— Xuan Yongguang

22. Life is short, science is broad, opportunities are rare, experience is false, and judgment is difficult—— Hippocrates

23. What is really remarkable about a real scholar is that he has done a lot of great work secretly and is not famous for it in his lifetime—— Balzac

24. The best way to avoid doing bad things is to do good things, because the most difficult thing in the world is to try not to do anything—— Carlisle

25. No matter what happens, please accept life quietly and happily, and smile bravely, boldly and forever—— Luxembourg

26. If you dare to think what others dare not think, you have already succeeded half way. Dare to do what others dare not do, which itself is a success—— Qin Liang

27. Everyone has talent, but when talent is led astray, courage seldom coexists with it—— Eliza Jorge

28. The most amusing thing about the stock market is; Every person who buys and sells at the same time thinks he is smarter than the other person—— Fischer

29. Never promise others what you are not competent for. Once you have promised others, you must fulfill your promise—— Washington

30. As the saying goes, nothing is difficult in the world. Only those who have a heart are afraid of it. Those who have a heart are also determined, and those who have a strong will are not afraid of failure—— a dose associate of Mao Zedong

31. Life is like a book, which is flipped over by fools and read carefully by wise people. Why. Because they can only read it once—— Paul

32. The more things you lose, the richer you will be: because the mind will create what you lack—— Roman Roland

33. Experience is a strict teacher. She first gives you an exam and then gives you a lecture—— Spudi Tengms

34. A teacher should not be specialized in teaching. His responsibility is to teach people how to behave; A student should not study exclusively. His responsibility is to learn the way of life—— educational theorist and reformer

35. To succeed, we must continue to cultivate our ability and improve our learning methods and efficiency at any time—— Ye Shengtao

36. I don't want to compare our friendship to an iron chain; Because the chain may be corroded by rain or broken by fallen trees—— William Peng

37. Don't get friends by gifts. You must contribute your sincere love and learn how to win a person's heart in a proper way—— Socrates

38. Technical education is the sublimation of manual labor, which can improve the efficiency of manual labor to the highest degree—— Wei Gladstone

39. One of the most valuable talents is that there are never two words where one word can be used clearly—— thomas jefferson

40. Life is short, but this can neither prevent us from enjoying the joy of life, nor make us glad that it is short because it is full of hardships—— Wovinag

41. Experience is like the light of a bright lamp, which makes the hazy things already existing in the mind suddenly clear—— Della Mayer

42. There is no way to break the barrier between one person and another. The soul is really a terrible lonely thing—— Tagore

43. Friendship is the communication between equal people who leave their interests, while fraud is the despicable relationship between tyrants and slaves—— Goldsmith

44. It is not our talents that play a role in the progress of the world, but how we use them—— Bradford Robertson

45. A good behavior may also be a bad behavior. Whoever wants to save the wolf will kill the sheep. Whoever repaired the wings of the vulture is responsible for its claws—— Hugo

46. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. It is not that I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you—— Zhang Xiaoxian

47. Life is a school. There, rather than happiness, it is misfortune that is a good teacher. Because, survival is in the abyss of loneliness—— martin heidegger

48. If a person fears pain, various diseases, unexpected events, danger of life and death, he can't stand anything—— Rousseau

49. Only perseverance can make us succeed. Perseverance comes from unswervingly taking the necessary means to achieve success—— Chernychevsky

50. We should take care that we don't use words to hurt other comrades, but when others use words to hurt ourselves, we should also be able to bear it—— Liu Shaoqi

51. If a person does not know the truth and only catches wind and shadows on people's opinions, his articles will be ridiculous and not artistic—— Plato

52. If there is a misunderstanding between friends, they should exchange views frankly and not slander secretly; If you have a mistake, you should exhort him personally and praise his merits behind his back—— Beiyuan Yixuan

53. Whoever accepts pure experience and acts according to it will have enough truth. In this sense, growing children are smart—— Goethe

54. No matter how powerful a person is, if he cooperates with everyone, he can play a greater role than if he works alone—— Samuel Butler

55. One day, truth will win. Even if the truth fails to win in his life, in order to adhere to the truth, he will become better and smarter—— Huxley

56. Those who limit friendship to two people seem to confuse the sense of security of wise friendship with jealousy and folly of love—— Adam Smith

57. When choosing stocks in an industry, you should choose two stocks, but not just two. You should choose the best and the worst—— George Soros

58. Even if people all over the world hate you and believe that you are bad, as long as you have a clear conscience, you will not have no friends—— Charlotte Bronte

59. There is no smooth road to science. Only those who are not afraid of hard work on the rugged path can hope to reach the glorious peak—— Marx

60. Experience shows that the market itself can speak, and the market is always right. Those who despise the market ability will eventually suffer—— William J. O'Neil

61. Whatever happens, please be quiet and happy! This is life. We should accept life as it is, and smile bravely, boldly and forever—— Luxembourg

62. Truth, kindness and beauty are very similar qualities. Add some rare and excellent conditions to the above two qualities, and the truth will appear beautiful, and the good will also appear beautiful—— Diderot

63. People are very efficient only when they do things for themselves, and procrastinate when they do things for others. If an organization can make the group look like a person, it will be more efficient—— Zeng Shiqiang

64. I learned silence from talkative people, tolerance from intolerant people, and kindness from cruel people. But strangely, I am not grateful to these teachers—— anonymous person

65. If money is the value scale of commodities, then time is the value scale of efficiency. Therefore, a person who is inefficient will pay a high price for this—— Bacon

66. False knowledge is worse than ignorance. Ignorance is like a piece of empty land, which can be cultivated and sown. False knowledge is like a wasteland full of weeds, and it is almost impossible to uproot the grass—— Kangtu

67. For a kind-hearted person, the idea of paying the price must be rewarded is an insult in itself. Virtue is not an ornament, but a manifestation of a beautiful soul—— Gide

68. Each of us feels in our heart that a carefree and indifferent attitude towards life will compensate for all his own shortcomings—— William James

69. Avarice, lust for power and vanity make people miserable. These are the three pillars of public consciousness. They support the unswerving mediocre world whenever and wherever—— Aite to Toff

70. Live each day as the last day of your life. Helen Keller was born with us to be the torch, not to illuminate herself, but to illuminate the world—— Shakespeare

71. Love will flourish only when it is free. The thought that love is a kind of obligation can only kill love. Just one sentence: you should love someone, which is enough to make you hate the person to the bone. -- Russell

72. Where are the thorns to be cut? Where is there an immortal jackal? Where is the mountain that can't be pushed? You just have to fight, fight bravely; Keep going, keep going forever, victory is yours—— Deng Zhongxia

73. When an misfortune comes, the best way is to let it pass as soon as possible, so that you can spare more time to do more valuable things, and you can live more efficiently and have a better mood—— Yu Dan

74. The difference between friendship and love is that friendship means two people and the world, while love means that two people are the world. One plus one equals two in friendship; One plus one is still one in love—— Tagore

75. The mind of a person without education, knowledge and practice is like a field. Even if this field is naturally fertile, it will not bear fruit unless it is cultivated and sown—— Grimes Hausen

76. In terms of fate, people are not barbarians or beggars. People are surrounded by real and noble wealth - physical and spiritual wealth—— Horace Mann

77. Civilization is good and barbarism is evil; Freedom is good, and bondage is evil. But it is this imaginary knowledge that eliminates the instinctive, happiest and primitive need for good in human nature—— Tolstoy

78. There are two ways to achieve the goal, namely, force and perseverance. Force is owned by only a few people, but perseverance is shared by most people. Its silent power can often reach an irresistible level at any time—— Napoleon

79. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. No matter how the environment changes, his original intention and hope will not change at all, but will finally overcome obstacles to achieve the desired goal—— Edison

80. Love is a fiery friendship, quiet understanding, mutual trust, common enjoyment and mutual forgiveness. Love is faithfulness that is not affected by time, space, conditions and environment. Love is that people learn from each other and recognize each other's weaknesses. -- Ann Laders

81. I never want to abandon my struggle life. I attach great importance to the experience gained through struggle, especially the happiness gained after overcoming difficulties. A person must first go through difficulties, and then step into prosperity to feel useful and comfortable—— Edison

82. The person whose heart is burned by the sacred fire always tries to pour out his heart and show people what is full of. Such a person would like to take out his heart and put it on his face. He would never want to dress up—— Rousseau

83. It is impossible for us to tell the exact moment when friendship is formed. Just like pouring water into a container, the last drop will make the container full; Many friendly words and deeds are the same. It is the last time that people can lead the spirit and the source of friendship—— Boswell

84. I believe that a strong goal, the sincere spirit that can enable people to accomplish anything, and the self loyalty are the biggest factors that make people's minds achieve in the industry—— Frederick B. Robinson

85. If only fire can awaken the sleeping Europe, then I would rather burn myself to death, let the light from my pyre light up the long night, open those closed eyes, and introduce mankind to the temple of bright truth—— Bruno

86. The Chinese people have a problem that they hope that the companies they invest in will be managed by themselves, just like their children have to take their surname. Investors who cut off their entrepreneurial teams and manage their own businesses are not familiar with the industry, which often makes the company die halfway—— Zhou Hongyi

87. Every time evil "defeats" goodness, it compresses itself, because it declares its ugliness. Every time goodness is defeated by evil, it promotes itself, because it publicizes its own light—— Wang Meng

88. When there is a true love between two people, it will not take into account the external insignificant factors such as age, economic conditions, beauty and ugliness of appearance, height and so on. If there is such a problem between you, you should first ask yourself whether you really love. -- Roland

89. The most important thing to deal with the fear of external enemies is to make friends as much as possible; For those who cannot be friends, at least avoid making grudges with them; If this is not possible, we should try our best to avoid dealing with them and alienate them for our own interests—— Epicurus

90. The most sad distance in the world is that two people were far away from each other, but suddenly one day they met, fell in love, and became very close. Then one day, they no longer love each other. The two people who were close to each other became far away, even farther than before—— Zhang Xiaoxian

91. The kind of love that sublimates and empowers us with beautiful feelings and thoughts can be regarded as a noble passion; And love, which makes us selfish, timid and cowardly, and leads us to blind instinct and indecent behavior, should be regarded as an evil passion. -- George Sang

92. Most kind-hearted people like to think of people as good, always think of people better than they actually are, and always exaggerate their benefits. For such people, the disillusionment in the future is very sad, especially when they feel responsible—— Dostoevsky

93. One should never turn his back and try to escape when confronted with dangerous threats. If so; It will only double the danger. But if we do not shrink from it immediately, the danger will be halved. Never run from anything, never—— Winston Churchill

94. To go towards a certain goal is "ambition" and never stop halfway. It is "qi" and the combination of the two is "ambition". The success or failure of all undertakings depends on this—— Carnegie

95. Perhaps there is nothing more important in personality than firm decision. If a little boy wants to become a great person or play an important role in any aspect in the future, he must be determined not only to overcome obstacles in his career, but also to win after thousands of setbacks and failures—— Theodore Roosevelt

96. When everything seemed hopeless, I watched the stone cutter knock on his stone for hundreds of times without any cracks. But at the 101st time, the stone was split in two. I realized that it was not the blow, but the preceding blow that cracked it—— Jaco Reiss

97. Fear is the most destructive emotion in the world. I fought against it and overcame it by helping people who were less fortunate than myself. I believe that anyone can overcome his fear as long as he does what he fears and continues to do it until he has a record of success—— Eleanor Roosevelt

98. One's life is always full of ups and downs. It will not always rise like the rising sun, nor will it always suffer. Repeated ups and downs are just training for a person. Therefore, there is no need to be proud of those floating on the top; There is no need to be pessimistic about those who are at the bottom. We must be frank and modest, optimistic and forge ahead—— Konosuke Matsushita

99. The vulgar mind can never understand the comfort of boundless grief to a suffering person. As long as it is solemn and great, it is beneficial to people. The extreme of pain is relief. It is nothing like mediocre pain, mediocre joy, selfish and indecent troubles that oppress the mind, attack the mind and cause the mind to be in a hopeless place—— Roman Roland

100. When your friend confides his mind to you, you should not be afraid to say "no" in your heart or hide "can" in your heart. When he is silent, your heart should still listen to his heart; Because in friendship, without words, all thoughts, all wishes, and all hopes are shared in silent joy—— Gibran