38 love words for men and women
be cynical
2023-07-17 06:33:56
Complete sentences

1. "Your dimple has no wine" "I'm drunk like a dog"

2. "Give me your hand" "Shih, you electrified me"

3. Ldquo; When someone says "happiness", "I am full of us"

4. Ldquo; I want to see you every day "" After all, I really want to stick to you "

5. Ldquo; I want to steal your temperature "," talk "," hug "

6. Ldquo; Do you want a dog? " "What kind of dog?" "The single kind"

7. Ldquo; Why can't I pass the airport security check? " "Because they found that there is still one you in my heart."

8. Ldquo; What do you belong to? " "I belong to pig" "No, you belong to me"

9. Ldquo; Where are you from? " "XX" "No, you are my sweetheart"

10. "Let's make friends" "Why" "Because we are going to start love"

11. Ldquo; Guess where my heart is? " "Left" "Wrong, on your side"

12. Ldquo; Can I buy a piece of land from you? " "Where?" "Be determined"

13. Ldquo; Why hasn't my order arrived yet? " "What", "Our Future"

14. Ldquo; Why did you want to kill me? " "What's wrong with you?" "I like you so much"

15. Ldquo; How long have you been single? " "From birth to now" "Sorry to keep you waiting"

16. Ldquo; You must be exhausted, aren't you? " "Why?" "Because you have been in my mind for a day."

17. Ldquo; Do you know what time it is? " "Nine o'clock" "No, it is the starting point of our happiness."

18. Ldquo; Are you tired? " "Not tired." "But you've been running in my heart all day."

19. Ldquo; I feel why you are so strange today? " "What's so strange?" "It's so beautiful!"

20. Ldquo; You must come when I get married? " "Why?" "Because it would be embarrassing not to have a bride."

21. "I must have eaten too much salt." "Why?" "Because I always miss you!"

22. "Don't believe boys' lies easily." "For example?" "I'm afraid I don't like you anymore."

23. "You don't want me to just like you." "Ah, what?" "I want to love you, spoil you and hurt you!"

24. ldquo; I want to say thank you "" why "" because your beauty corrects my vision "

25. "What's wrong? Are you sick?" "Because you are stuck in my heart."

26. "You dropped something." "What is it?" "You put your hand out and you dropped me."

27. "Do you find my eyes beautiful?" "What do you mean?" "Because it's full of you."

28. ldquo; Can you stop talking? "" I didn't speak. "" Then why is your voice all over my head? "

29. "If I push you down in the garden, I will not find you" "why" "because you are as beautiful as flowers"

30. ldquo; I did poorly in the exam recently. "" Why? "" Because no matter what question I met, my answer was you. "

31. "Once upon a time, there were two people: I love you and I don't love you. I don't love you. Who is left?" "I love you" "I love you too"

32. ldquo; If I have a baby with you, what do you think he will be? " "What seat? Gemini?" "No, our masterpiece."

33. "Before I met you, I had many requirements for the future." "What do you want?" "When I meet you, I just want to be honest with you."

34. "Do you know what the happiest number is?" "5" "Why?" "Because, 520"

35. ldquo; Just remember that "when I'm looking for you," "I miss you so much," "when I'm not looking for you," and "I miss you so much."

36. "I like you!" "Then what?" "Be my girlfriend!" "That's no good." "Give me back the four words." "I like you." "I like you, too."

37. ldquo; What is the name of the box containing the ring? " "Ring box" "What's the name of the box for shoes?" "Shoe box" "What's the name of the box for us?" "What?" "A perfect match"

38. "What is a wooden door?" What is the "wooden door" and "iron door"? What is the door to happiness? "" Fumen "and" Fumen "? No, it's us