83 allegorical sayings about shoes
Fan wind
2023-03-06 01:11:43
Collection of allegorical sayings

1. Pajama shoes - soft soles

2. Liu Bei sells straw sandals - the Bank

3. Liu Bei's Straw Shoes - Expert

4. Dead people wear satin shoes - waste

5. Oil the soles of shoes - slip away

6. New Shoes Tread on Stink -- White Wastes

7. Wear soleless shoes - down-to-earth

8. Grass sandals are like nothing -- while playing

9. Throw shoes across the wall - I don't know anyway

10. Wipe oil on the sole - want to slip

11. Daughter wears mother's shoes - the same way

12. Bow to the straw sandals - slip away

13. Children wear adult shoes - forget it

14. Mattress as insole - overqualified

15. Wearing a suit and straw sandals - unbecoming

16. Guapi spiked shoe sole - not the right material

17. Put on rabbit shoes - run fast

18. Suit with slippers - neither fish nor fowl

19. Change straw sandals when walking - like the new and hate the old

20. Wearing floral shoes for lameness -- look while walking

21. Put on the shoes in the wrong direction

22. Wearing 30 pairs of shoes in January - daily renewal

23. Poe suits and straw sandals - local and foreign combination

24. Mother in law makes shoes for father - the same way

25. Grandchildren wear grandpa's shoes - the same old style

26. Children wear adult shoes - forget it

27. The brim of the hat is used as the insole - to the end

28. Tie shoes without tying knots - give up halfway

29. No awl for shoes - real; Needle line

30. The bricklayer meets the shoemaker - can't help

31. Emperor's mending shoes - difficult to sew; Rare

32. Shorts wear high-heeled shoes - height is limited

33. Wearing skates on the beach - you can't slip away

34. Wearing slippers and hats - neither fish nor fowl

35. Wearing spiked shoes and leaning on crutches - stabilizing

36. Walking on the dirt road with spiked shoes -- a little bit step by step

37. Stupid daughter-in-law accepts the sole - uneven

38. Having eaten the uppers in the stomach - knowing the bottom

39. Enter the rink and wear skates - slip away immediately

40. Choose hats and shoes - comments

41. No awl for shoes - really (needle) good

42. Shoe uppers and hat brims - step up to the sky

43. Eating a shoe upper in one mouthful - knowing the bottom

44. No hammer for shoes - really (needle) good

45. No awl for shoes - needle (real)

46. No awl for repairing shoes - needle line; True

47. No awl for making shoes - needle line; True

48. Sister wears sister's shoes - identical

49. Wear big hat and small shoes - top heavy and foot light

50. Use leather shoes as hats - up and down

51. Wearing a suit and straw sandals - a combination of local and foreign

52. Use shoes as hats - up and down

53. Do not use awls when holding shoes - true; Needle line

54. No awl for shoes -- needle line; True

55. New shoes landing - the first time; First time

56. Wearing rotten wooden shoes - broken shoes; Bad

57. Wear spiked shoes and stick on crutches - double safety

58. Feet on hats and shoes - upside down

59. No awl for mending shoes - good stitches; splendid

60. The wrong man wore the wrong shoes - mistakes add mistakes

61. Peony embroidery on the sole - good for you but not good for you

62. The left foot is wearing the right shoe - wrong place

63. Shoes sole hanging on the thorn tree - prickly skin; Wrangle

64. Walking with slippers loud and small

65. Wearing straw sandals to climb the tree - lack of dragging; Improper; Underpaid

66. Fire in the upper shop - lose face; Losing face

67. Wearing straw sandals and hats -- neither fish nor fowl; Disproportion

68. Wearing high-heeled shoes to go up the mountain - I can't get along with myself

69. Women's sole - thousands of stitches; All true

70. Women tie shoe soles - thousand true (needle) thousand true (needle)

71. Shout for shoes when you lose your hat - one sentence on the head, one sentence on the foot

72. Wearing high-heeled shoes to go up the mountain - I can't get along with myself

73. Alanjin sells straw sandals -- now she sells them; Sold on the spot

74. Wearing cotton shoes in the month - good hot feet; Good Sun Foot; good days

75. The unmarried daughter makes shoes - regardless of the size of her son-in-law's feet

76. Do not use awls on shoes - stitch; True line; Good needle; splendid

77. A thousand layers of shoe soles are used as gills -- a thick skin; Thick skinned

78. Sister wears sister's shoes - identical; It's no different

79. Shoe fastening without awl - needle line; True line; Good needle; splendid

80. The girls in the dye house wear white shoes - they don't dye themselves; Otherwise; Not a trace of stain

81. The slippers in the bathhouse -- no right; Unpaired; No way to mention; Not mentioned

82. Shoes without heels - dragging; No way to mention; Can't mention it; Don't mention it

83. Straw sandals beside the road - some say short, some say long; Others have their own weaknesses