Dogs, cats and mice
No pain, no gain.
2023-12-30 05:19:06
reaction to a book or an article

The article "Dog, Cat and Mouse" compares some people with the description of the nature and behavior of cats and mice. It often quotes fables to explain the source of dog cat feud, which is actually a mockery of the conclusions made out of nothing in society. In the article: 1. "Its temperament is different from that of other beasts. Whoever preys on birds and mice will not bite them to death. He must play hard, let go, catch and let go, and treat himself to be tired of playing. This is the same bad temper as people's gloating and slowly tormenting the weak. 2. Isn't he of the same family as the lion and tiger? But he has such a fawning attitude! But this may be due to talent. If its body is ten times larger than it is now, then I really don't know what kind of attitude it takes. " In this passage, the author uses metaphor to describe the cruelty and obsequiousness of reactionary literati, which makes me feel annoyed with cats and people with the same quality as cats. Lu Xun's satirical articles also reflect his clear mind of love and hate. As for all the cats we met, they were just chasing and attacking at first, but later they became more skillful. They could gather their heads with flying stones, or lure them into empty houses, which made them depressed. The articles went deeper and deeper, activating the "promotion" technique, and the language was very clever. "Now I can't remember what it was like at that time, but my feelings with the cat finally didn't mix up. When I arrived in Beijing, because they hurt the children of the rabbit, I mixed old feelings with new ones, and made more bitter remarks. The story of" hating the cat "also spread from then on. These words are accurate, so that readers can see them at a glance.
This article, centered on discussion, interspersed with the description of childhood life, has a clear context. Lu Xun skillfully used the past to hijack those who invaded our country. He also used different methods to do his best and made a great contribution to the national morale.