120 sentences in 2021
The fragrance of wild lotus
2023-03-31 00:01:42
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Young frivolous, happy time.

2. It starts from heart attack and ends with confession.

3. We are all easily defeated by emotions.

4. One night's sleep, one dream will last forever.

5. Don't know too much, you will be sad.

6. Listen to sad songs and watch happy plays.

7. Looking back at the old days, how happy is it?

8. Our love is always on and off.

9. The longer the explanation, the bigger the lie.

10. The mood of going to work is heavier than going to the grave.

11. No place to place, our distant youth.

12. Only mother is good in the world, and father is also good.

13. Perhaps the price of going too far is loneliness.

14. I won everyone, but I lost you.

15. Don't think I can't live without you.

16. If you don't have it, don't you have to lose it?

17. Pick up the pieces of memory and stab the hands piecemeal.

18. Some people, more and more distant, more and more strange.

19. Now I am as quiet as a rock, painless.

20. Xu life commitment, love white clothes, vicissitudes of life.

21. Don't leave what doesn't belong to you. Let her go.

22. Live each day abundantly and look at each day happily.

23. Don't use my tolerance to be your shameless capital.

24. I'm just used to having you, not without you.

25. Some love can only share weal and woe, not rich and noble.

26. Love is like drinking water.

27. The memory of the failure of tulips in Holland is like a dream.

28. Don't laugh when you are drunk on the battlefield. How long has it been since ancient times?

29. You are a wall in my heart, blocking external injuries.

30. It's really difficult to get to the same kind, but there are many similarities.

31. Women should smile and be strong like sunflowers.

32. Who delayed me for a while, I will make him regret it all his life.

33. Don't retaliate against the person who hurt you. It is he who teaches you to grow.

34. When I was young, I often wet my bed, and when I grew up, I often cried to wet my pillow.

35. People who live in the applause of others cannot resist the test.

36. What's wearing a couple's outfit? It's arrogant to drive a couple's car in the future!

37. Promise me to live well and not let yourself get sick.

38. Those who trample on others' self-esteem are those who have no self-esteem.

39. Who would be so angry if he didn't care.

40. My love for you will last until the end of the news broadcast.

41. Delete your memory and leave the initial blank.

42. If you shed tears in rainy days, you can't see my sadness.

43. In this gorgeous rainy season, we will always stay together.

44. Appropriate reality is necessary, and excessive reality is evil.

45. A student who sleeps or doesn't listen in class but still studies well is called Xueba.

46. Never remember easily, because I know I never forget easily.

47. How can we easily forget such a warm hug before.

48. Listen to your favorite songs quietly. Like people, look far away.

49. Listen to your favorite songs quietly, and watch them from afar!

50. When the play is over, all I can do is to lead my own dream.

51. I knew that kindness is always inevitable. Why do you have to love deeply.

52. Where there are many weeds, there are few crops. Where there is much talk, there is little wisdom.

53. It is difficult to extricate oneself from teeth. Love is even more difficult than tooth extrication.

54. It is happiness to meet you at the best time.

55. At that moment, it was not you who kissed me, but I kissed you happily.

56. Who? I love you so much that I don't even want my own feelings.

57, listen, I have my attitude, it's not your turn to say I fail.

58. You kiss me because you are lonely, and I don't resist because I love you.

59. You are a chance in my life and the theme of my life.

60. No matter how good the past is, more memories will make the taste fade.

61. Wandering between forgiveness and despair, the only feeling is hurt!

62. The past is just a piece of ruins.

63. A man's heart is as big as his anger is.

64. Children. There is a virus in your computer some day. It means you have grown up.

65. When everyone keeps a low profile, they can keep a high profile, but they can't be out of tune.

66. Repeated forbearance and concessions resulted in lies at the feast.

67. The world is so small that I can meet you everywhere. Destiny said that it was fate.

68. Don't always say that I am like a fly around you. You really think you are shit.

69. Baby, as long as you are happy, I will be happy, no matter who you are with.

70. When the wine enters the throat, there is a cracking sound, like a song of despair.

71. My heart is too small to let go of your sadness. Please lighten the burden for it.

72. I can't interpret the heartlessness so incisively and vividly like you.

73. The story of stars is to accompany you in the sea of people, but not to let you lose.

74. I still have to go by myself in some ways, and I still want to understand some reasons.

75. Love is too fake, or we are too stupid. In short, everything is too unreal.

76. Life is a song of joys and sorrows. We are all the singers.

77. The meaning of life is to spend extra time and cherish precious time.

78. Don't forget the distance you decided to reach just because of one defeat.

79. If young people don't work hard, they can only drive Xiali. If they suffer bitterly, they can drive Land Rover.

80. When you sincerely believe that everything will be fine, everything will be really fine.

81. I would rather keep silent than complain to those who don't care about me at all.

82. If I hadn't heard you say goodbye, I wouldn't have believed that you would leave me.

83. To follow fate is not to muddle along, but to do everything and listen to the destiny.

84. Enjoy the leisure in the afternoon. The windowsill is very quiet, surrounded by a magnetic melody.

85. If one day I really forget you, will you feel a little lost.

86. Wait for expectations and dreams, rub shoulders with those who don't love, and join hands with those who love.

87. When I step into the end of my life, I think I will remember the love I had when I was young.

88. Many times, the hardest things in life forge the strongest you.

89. You built a bridge for me to walk out of the abyss, and I will send you an unforgettable love.

90. Trust is a piece of white paper that cannot be smoothed back.

91. Don't always try to take me down by Romeo's means. I'm not your Juliet at all.

92. Tell more jokes and act in a humorous manner, so that life will be easier.

93. I believe in false love because of the gentle smile in your eyes.

94. I am not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, or that the two worlds cannot be drawn into a circle.

95. Everyone who says he doesn't want to fall in love has a person in his heart that he can't have.

96. It is not the shoulder of others that can make you climb high, but your own knowledge.

97. The oath is just a momentary slip of the tongue; A promise is just a lie told by a liar to a fool.

98. There is no right or wrong, only trust or disbelief, no hate or injury, only what you think.

99. Live like a crumpled piece of white paper, which is obviously nothing, but has been scarred.

100. Honey, I'm tired of going out and playing. If you are injured, come back. I'm still waiting for you here.

101. You are not me. You will not know how much I love you, nor how afraid I am to lose you.

102. If one day you can go to my heart, you will see that it is all your sorrow.

103. Never regret the road you chose, whether ten years ago or now.

104. When we were young, we also got lost. Fortunately, we went around and found that you were still here.

105. Looking back on my past life, the most wrong thing I did was not pass you by.

106. It is a kind of positive and fearless life to keep calm and calm in the face of life.

107. The evening lights and dim street scenes, if we meet, we will interpret the sadness of this season together.

108. You love the sky. Not me, so I found your sky, but still stay in my world.

109. I know many great principles and persuade many people, but I can't fool myself and still can't live a good life.

110. For every unsustainable love, there is someone responsible for preserving it, so that another person can move forward in peace of mind.

111. Don't offend me. I have a secret weapon: one slap will kill you, two slaps will kill you, and three slaps will kill you.

112. Never explain yourself to anyone. People who believe in you don't need it. Those who don't believe you will say nothing.

113. You seem to be in the stream of mountains and rivers. The green water is vast. With a gentle gentle call, you can knock down the sadness and make the place blue.

114. In my life, my requirements are not high, and I cannot have any requirements. No one caters to my requirements for no reason.

115. Have you ever told you that love is my unchangeable belief? Have I ever told you that love is to keep one person in mind forever.

116. The moon tonight will never sink to the west. Only this dream, no longer wake up. From now on, we will stay together forever and swear for you.

117. If others don't love you, you should learn to let go. You should understand that whether you let go or not, she will never love you again.

118. I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you. The reason why the feeling of loneliness is so important is that I think too deeply.

119. Time flies by like a fleeting horse, and the only thing we can catch is now. But, knowing these reasons clearly, why are they indifferent?

120. Some roads seem very close, but they are far away. People who lack patience will never get to the end. Life is half reality and half dream.