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Gu Lian Tea is fragrant
2023-03-22 12:10:05
Complete sentences

1. You have the right to abandon me, and I have the capital to make you regret.

2. The taste of missing someone is like drinking a glass of cold water and then condensing into tears drop by drop.

3. In the adult world, there is no eternal backer. Your strongest backer is your efforts and independence.

4. How worried I am when I should be playing; The youth should be indulged, but how can it only be resigned to fate.

5. Real love is not a temporary favor, but I know that it is not easy to meet you, and it will be a pity to miss it.

6. It's most comfortable to like the right thing. You don't have to be good. I just like it. I'm not very good. You just don't hate it.

7. There is no predestination between you and me. It is all up to me. I know that you look like you don't lack me. How dare I embrace you deeply.

8. People who care about you, you cough, he thought you had a cold; People who don't care about you, you fall ill and he thinks you are lazy!

9. Time is ruthless first. It will make you sorry for what you owe and become unable to pay. It will turn a lot of sorry into too late.

10. In a busy day, learn to find a reason to be happy every day, even if it's just that the sun is warm and the electricity is full.

11. Thank you for those difficult days, let you learn to grow. What kind of road you choose, you will have what kind of life.

12. There are many reasons not to love: busy, tired, good for you, etc. There is only one expression of love: I want to be with you all the time.

13. I always believe that there must be another person in this world who is doing what I dare not to do and living the life I want to live.

14. For those children who dare not go to the toilet after watching ghost movies, I want to say that ghosts have dignity too. They will hide in your toilet and wait for you.

15. I tell you a secret secretly. In fact, there is no such thing as a first kiss. With the constant updating of epithelial cells, every day is a first kiss.

16. One day, you will always meet the person who is willing to bend for you. You don't talk about status or money with each other. You only talk about being together and your whole life.

17. The four principles of life: do not deliberately disguise in life, do not over rely in love, do not rush to explain when listening, and do not intentionally offend when speaking.

18. Only those who do not avoid pain and confusion are qualified to talk about optimism and firmness. Destiny will not treat anyone kindly, nor will happiness and sadness be prepared for you alone.

19. Because the sadness left by death does not belong to ourselves, but only to those who love you deeply alive, so we will cherish the second half of our lives from now on.

20. When love comes to an end, the weak people cry incessantly and efficiently go to find the next target, while the old driver has already changed the spare tire and started on the road.

21. What a feeling of helplessness and hopelessness. You are close to him, but you cannot love him. You are willing to give him up just to make him happy.

22. If you are ugly, don't talk. If there are many people, go away quickly. Otherwise, let the dog go. Don't yell when you are angry. Don't do anything. As long as you have money, the earth will shake three times.

23. Learning slag is hard, learning slag is tired, learning slag can't sleep before the exam, learning slag can't take the exam, learning slag is very decadent after the exam, learning bully said he can't take the exam, and the final exam was all right!

24. If there is sunshine in your heart, you will see that there are so many beautiful things in the world that are worth looking forward to. Believe in yourself. If you can bind yourself, you can break the cocoon and become a butterfly.

25. Two people who really love each other will not lose to their appearance, distance, height, age and other people's nonsense.

26. In this world, there has never been an effort once and for all, just like there is no success without effort. If you want to live a successful life, there is no shortcut other than constant effort.

27. Later, I met a person who looked like you very much, but I never felt excited again. Later, I understood that no matter how much he looked like you, he was still not you.

28. I hope you will work hard to feel the world; May your heart be calm and strong, and your life be free and unrestrained; I hope you will live a good life in this lively and publicized age.

29. Let bygones be bygones. We missed yesterday's sunset, and we can never miss today's sunrise. Keep a balanced attitude, and every day will be full of sunshine.

30. Never indulge in comfort and muddle along. What can shield you from the wind and rain can also make you see the future. Only by making yourself stronger can you truly support the sky.

31. Woman, don't live like a cigarette. When people are bored, they will light you up, and then bounce you away after smoking. Remember! If you want to live like drugs, either you can't abandon them or you can't afford to smoke them!

32. No one is perfect, and there is no need to cover up his own shortcomings. People should be able to raise their heads and lower their heads. It is not only a posture, but also a kind of attitude and quality.

33. You are the bus that I missed even when I ran to gasp for breath. It's a pity that I haven't tasted the snacks for a long time, that I haven't finished my dream after waking up suddenly, and that I haven't seen the movie for a long time.

34. Is house important or love important? Mmm. When only love, house is more important. When there is only a house, love is more important. When love and house are available, other things are more important.

35. Every excellent person has a period of silence. That period of time was a time when I made a lot of efforts to endure loneliness and loneliness without complaining or complaining. When I talk about it in the future, even I can be moved.

36. When you see a person without exposing him, you understand the meaning of forgiveness; If you hate a person without turning your face, you will know the utmost respect. In life, there are always people you can't stand, and there are also people who can't stand you.