Warm words to comfort the lost (30 selected sentences)
It's worth living
2023-02-09 04:41:53
Complete sentences

1. About a person for a long time, the tolerable loneliness index is also increasing. Those things that used to be the most romantic things for two people to play together, gradually I realized them myself.

2. Later, I gradually understood that it is useless to say many things, just like you hold a cup of hot water, although you are thirsty, you will still put it down.

3. There is a person in my heart who can never be with him.

4. When I look back, I still feel pity when I look at the end of the world. Who has the heart of poetry and the bones of words through the fleeting years and quietly wrote about romance? How can I know the charm of romance in this world?

5. A long time ago, I thought: if I suddenly disappeared, who would think of me.

6. Love makes people cry, but it also makes people black and blue.

7. There is nothing to worry about. Whatever you are afraid of will happen, and whoever is worried about gain or loss will lose. Instead of being suspicious and worried all day, it is better to try to become better, so that you will not be afraid to lose anyone.

8. Can not reach the happiness, do not want to force. If you will lose, why have it.

9. There is no permanence in the world, and no permanence. Anyone can go first for any reason.

10. It's OK. I'm fine. When I feel sad, I cover my heart and continue to laugh.

11. The annual yellow leaves are all over the ground, and I can't help feeling sad. A season of prosperity, quietly ended, the once charming and enchanting flowers faded, bleak and no light.

12. The reason why people suffer is to pursue the wrong things.

13. The sun will not give up on the sky I will not give up on you.

14. Experience tells you that caring too much is the beginning of loss.

15. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but the stars looking at each other have no intersection track.

16. A simple melody will always kill a not simple memory

17. Some predestination is doomed to lose, some predestination will never have a good result, love a person does not have to have, but have a person must love him well.

18. A stranger is someone who doesn't know each other at the beginning and doesn't know each other at the end

19. There are two souls living in my body. Their host is a waste by day and a monster by night

20. If you don't love me, please tell me earlier. Don't suddenly say that everything is over when you leave.

21. We are too close to memories and too far from freedom. Sometimes I just love memories. A hesitation, a betrayal, an accident, enough to let it wither. Get rid of everything and disappear.

22. The important thing is not to succeed or fail, but to concentrate on and work hard. Even if there is only a little hope, you should stick to it. Never give up without confidence.

23. The more you want to know whether you have forgotten, the clearer you remember. I once heard that when you can no longer have it, the only thing you can do is to make yourself not forget.

24. I like the morning with light rain in spring and the feeling of running in the rain

25. Suddenly one day, the night owl went to bed early, indicating that she was injured. Only when she fell asleep, could she forget the pain.

26. Many people who said they would accompany us for a lifetime have gone to the ends of the world in a blink of an eye.

27. Do you really forget some people and things if you want to forget them?

28. I can breathe in your smile. Why are you always crying.

29. If heaven is too crowded, we will go to hell together.

30. Love is a war. I am not afraid of being hurt, but you are unhappy.