Reflections on "Outlaws of the Marsh"
No big deal
2023-09-21 18:51:54
second grade
reaction to a book or an article

Today, I read a book called "Outlaws of the Marsh", which benefited me a lot.
Main content: There is a man named Chao Gai. He made many friends and played well with them. But some friends offended others, some were arrested by the government, and some escaped. The evader and Chao Gai heard that there was a man named Liang Shanbo. Chao Gai and others went to this place. Later, they recruited people and opened the history of the Water Margin.
After reading this book, I learned about the history of ancient China, the rebellious spirit of the heroes of the Marsh and the corruption of feudal society. This is indeed a very thought-provoking book.
Comments: The sentences are smooth, the sentence meaning is smooth, the words are beautiful, the description is vivid, bright, and the language expression ability is strong. The details are appropriate, the priorities are clear, and the ideas are clear. Carefully selected, the materials seem to be customized for the theme. The plot twists and turns, and the narrative process has a certain sense of ups and downs, which reflects the curved beauty of the plot and is fascinating.