54 sentences about pain
A sea of people
2023-04-16 07:16:53
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1、 Only because I can't go back, I miss it more.

2、 Even if the pain is too weak to cry, you should pretend to be just tired.

3、 Because like, so willing, not so many why.

4、 He is not a stranger, but pretends to be stranger than a stranger.

5、 If tears can hide sadness, how long will it take to cry to be strong.

6、 How strong my heart must be to withstand your repeated injuries.

7、 A fool who wants to give himself a big mouth and forget the pain after getting rid of the scar.

8、 Emotional debt, like the sea of time, is beyond our reach.

9、 Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but that you value the other person too much.

10、 I want to use a lifetime to remember your every smile and every move.

11、 The day you left, I decided not to cry. I held my eyes against the wind without blinking.

12、 Sadness is a cup of bitter tea. Time is water, which makes all the sadness more and more weak!

13、 Some people make you cry, but you fly moths to the fire. Some people make you laugh, but you ignore them.

14、 I still like myself, not disappointed, not worried, not moved, not disappointed.

15、 I used to be you when I opened my mouth and closed my mouth. Now, no one around me dares to mention you.

16、 People are sad not because love is over, but because when everything is over, love is still there.

17、 Maybe we can love many people, but only one person can make you smile most brightly and cry most sadly.

18、 Time tells us that feelings can fade, words can be ignored, and loved ones can be replaced.

19、 There is always a person who, when you say you don't love him, gets hurt when you hear the news about him.

20、 Clear your eyes and see every figure in front of you, which one is the one that will never disappear beside you.

21、 You must understand that you can't keep those who want to leave, you can't wake those who pretend to sleep, and you can't move those who don't love you.

22、 Emotion is used to maintain, not to test. Lovers are used to love, not to hurt.

23、 Those who have not been hurt will laugh at others' scars; Those who have not lost anything will not know how painful it is to lose.

24、 The beginning of the story is always like this. The end of the story is always like this, two flowers bloom, and the world is far from each other.

25、 What really makes people sad is often some small things, such as the heavy rain that day, others are waiting for an umbrella, while I am waiting for the rain to stop.

26、 You don't know how many people envy your position in my heart, but you don't know how to cherish it. You forget memories, I forget forget.

27、 A nostalgic person is always vulnerable, and likes to spend the rest of his life waiting for a word of peace. But if you remember your past, he can remember how long you are.

28、 My unhappiness, my pain, I try to leave it to myself, I never expect anyone to love me, to carry all for me.

29、 Sometimes what you say is not the same as what you think. In fact, I need you very much, but I dare not disturb you.

30、 You are the tears that my heart will never wipe away. Even if I try hard, I can't control the faint pain when I think of you in a moment.

31、 In fact, many things had a premonition of the end from the beginning, and all the twists and turns in the future were just to delay the end of the show.

32、 Those who leave without even saying goodbye will probably never meet again. After all, those who are disappointed will not turn back.

33、 I thought that as long as I worked hard, I could let you love me. I thought that as long as I loved you, you would find my good, but these are all my thoughts.

34、 When you trust a person unreservedly, there will be only two results in the end, either the person in life or a lesson in life.

35、 The space formed by singing is free to come and go in time, so the face of the person who is still protecting has never changed and there is a huge and endless hate.

36、 The first button was wrong, but you didn't find it until the last one. Some things are wrong at the beginning. But I had to admit it only in the end.

37、 Once upon a time, I thought I had found the happiness I wanted, but when I gave without reservation, I found that it had always been my wishful thinking.

38、 Sometimes love is just a disease. Some people get sick and lose some good things. Some people get well and get happiness.

39、 Probably because no matter how much you like it, you can't change the future. After separation, there are 10000 possibilities in the future, but there is no you in this possibility.

40、 This cup is for you, for you walked into my life carelessly and destroyed my life quietly. After drinking this cup, I didn't mention anything about love.

41、 We are all wondering whether the other party will think of ourselves. We are all expecting the other party to take the initiative first in our hearts, so we each have our own thoughts, and finally we gradually move away.

42、 Pain, like joy, will create an atmosphere. When you walk into someone's house, you can know at the first sight what its tone is, love or despair.

43、 I'm waiting for someone who can draw a pause in my lonely story, who can accompany me to listen to all the sad love songs, but will not make me want to cry.

44、 Once people have estrangement, they can't get close. I never blame you for those moments when you don't understand me. You can never grow up, but I can't never feel insecure.

45、 You advise me not to drink. It seems that you care about me, but you don't know why I drink. You advise me not to stay up late, like caring about me, but don't know that you are the reason why I stay up late.

46、 About a person for a long time, the tolerable loneliness index is also increasing. Those things that used to be the most romantic things that two people could do together, gradually I realized them myself.

47、 As the fireworks soared, the flames fell into the sea. Forgetting, like remembering, is the best memorial for each other. Love is never the end result. It is not our salvation.

48、 Little by little, memory floats in my mind. It's broken and sad. It used to be bright and empty, but it's hard to get a heart from a piece of sincerity. Why the vicissitudes of life? Only Tao is unpredictable.

49、 Some people should forget it. They don't care about you. Why should they wronged themselves? No matter how painful, no matter how sad, people will not see, nor will they love you. Who will you show when you are sad?

50、 No one cares how much you have been wronged, how many late nights you cried, how many people will not care about your vulnerability, you have to stand alone, no one will care about you, except yourself.

51. My smile does not mean that I am happy. I hold an umbrella, not just for shelter. You never understand what I'm thinking. If what you give me is the same as what you give others, then I will not give it.

Fifty-two, i think the most sad thing is not to be unable to meet. But met, got, but in a hurry to lose. Then my heart became a scar. When it hurts, it hurts.

53. Hating a person is the same as loving a person. I would rather block all information about her than see another person standing beside her. The best way to forget is to keep working hard to find a better person and make her regret later.

54. The noise and brightness of the world, the joy and happiness of the secular world, are like clear streams. In the wind, in front of my eyes, they are burbling, and the heat is pouring out like a spring. I don't want to see it. I just want you to be happy, not sad.