500 words after reading the general history of China
Encounter tulips
2023-07-03 10:13:22

There are ten general histories of China, which are stories and cultural relics from prehistory to the Qing Dynasty.

The first book first summarizes the fossils of ancient Chinese humans, and then tells prehistoric mythological stories such as Pangu's plan to open the world, Nuwa's plan to mend the sky, Shennong's taste of hundreds of herbs, and Yao Shun's abdication. Next, there are some events in Xia, Shang and Western Zhou. What I feel most is the brutal King Zhou of Shang and the princes of the beacon fire drama. King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty ignored the state affairs for a concubine and was narrow-minded. He even had to go to prison when others sighed for him. There were also war drama princes. In order to make Bao Si (his wife) smile, King You of Zhou teased the princes, so that the princes did not believe him, and finally the people suffered.

The second one is very similar to the first one. It tells about the Spring and Autumn Period, the Warring States Period and the Qin State. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Song Xianggong claimed to be a benevolent and righteous teacher. He did not know that he was always ready to fight with fraud. He also repeatedly lost the chance to win, saying that he could not win with despicable means. During the Spring and Autumn Period, many masterpieces were published, such as Sun Wu's The Art of War and Thirty six Stratagems, and Laozi's Tao Te Ching. After the Spring and Autumn Period, it was the Warring States Period. The seven countries of Qin, Wei, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Qi and Korea launched a war that lasted for 254 years. There were also many interesting stories. Shang Yang's reform talked about Shang Yang erecting a three long wood at the south gate. He said that whoever could carry it to the south gate would get a reward of 10 taels. After a while, it was changed to 50 taels. A man carried it and really got fifty taels. Later, people believed the government, and Qin became stronger.

The third book is similar, but it is the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms. Liu Bang, the Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, was able to defeat Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty. As he said, I am not as good as Zhang Liang as I am when it comes to strategizing; I am better than governing the country; I'm not as good as Han Xin when it comes to leading a war. And I just make good use of these people. Liu Bang was tolerant and trustworthy, but his wife, Lv Zhi, was mean and cunning. After Liu Bang died, she monopolized power, killed his four sons, and made Liu Ying the most incompetent prince. There were also Dong Zhuo's autocracy, Cao Cao's uprising, the Taoyuan Uprising, the Guandu Battle, the Chibi Battle, and so on in the Three Kingdoms era.

There are seven books behind, which tell the stories of the Sui Dynasty, the North and South, the Jin Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Liao Dynasty, the Jin Dynasty, the Western Xia Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. I will not tell you one by one.