Qq personal signature super sad qq personal signature sad (selected 95 sentences)
Women are like flowers and dreams
2023-05-23 17:41:38
Complete set of signatures

1. The moment of heartbreak is the beginning of heartbreak.

2. Cigarette women are so beautiful that they break one's heart.

3. When time goes by, what are we still aching for?

4. If you drink, I will get drunk.

5. All youth is rotten, even you are gone.

6. I am very happy, happy only lonely.

7. Tears can dry, how to mend a broken heart.

8. The initial dependence, turned around has been light.

9. Obviously, my heart was broken in two, but I said it was broken and safe.

10. I will never regret waiting for you.

11. If you have no ghost in your heart, don't be afraid to walk alone at night.

12. Special love, for special you.

13. Know that there is no result, but still persist.

14. Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up.

15. The flower heart is not wrong, but the world is too single.

16. Tell me how you love me.

17. Clearly want to forget, but was deeply buried in the heart.

18. You are really good to me, but how much do you love me?

19. I don't want to leave you.

20. We should all face the sun. Live proudly.

21. Love needs bread. Do you have bread?

22. How can you entangle your life when the spring leaves without trace?

23. A toast to the past, no matter how beautiful it is, don't look back.

24. The fatal ambiguity makes me unstable.

25. Why is there only sadness after joy?

26. The mood of flowers is not flowers, and the lines of things are not things.

27. It was a long time ago, just a misunderstanding.

28. It's a lie to say I'm not sad.

29. What you want is not me. My heart is broken and loses its outline.

30. Too much is missed and the ending is too painful.

31. Being deeply loved can make trouble without reason. I am not qualified.

32. It's a pity that it's not you. Take me with you.

33. Initial companionship and final needs.

34. There are miracles every day.

35. A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.

36. Sometimes, emotions can only be expressed in words.

37. Do you know how uncomfortable it is to feel heartbroken?

38. I haven't said it all the time. I'm very sad without you.

39. You can't see my tears, how can you understand my heartbreak.

40. The cardamom of that year will be forever.

41. Do you have expired love and medicine without regret?

42. It hurts to love you. I can't bear to leave you.

43. Don't secretly love your sister. She will only break your heart.

44. I know everything, but I didn't say anything.

45. As long as the earth turns, we still have time to meet.

46. Hangover every night, I hope you can care about me.

47. Who really takes who seriously.

48. I won the love bet, but my heart ached.