How to write Ma Liang's feeling after reading the sixth grade magic pen
The peak man
2023-10-07 06:11:55
Grade 6

Today, I read the book "Magic Brush Ma Liang". Now let me take you into the world of this story!

The story goes like this: There was a poor boy named Ma Liang. He liked painting very much, but he could not afford a pen. He used branches as pens. One night, Ma Liang lay in bed and soon fell asleep. At this time, Grandpa Baimustache appeared and gave him a magic pen. Ma Liang was awakened: "It was a dream!" After waking up, Grandpa Baimustache disappeared, but he had a magic pen in his hand. Ma Liang jumped and jumped with joy. What he painted would really appear. He also painted specially for poor people. When the landlord knew about it, he wanted to steal Ma Liang's magic pen. Smart Ma Liang didn't let the landlord succeed.

After reading this book, I think Ma Liang is a kind, intelligent and brave boy. After he has a magic pen, he first doesn't think of himself, but paints for the poor people what they need most. This is worth learning! If I had a magic pen, I would do the same as Ma Liang.

If I had a magic pen, I would draw a pair of bright eyes for blind people to see their dear family, close friends and the beautiful world; If I had a magic pen, I would draw the road wide, so that there would be no traffic jam at the entrance of our school, the whole road would be unblocked, and our family would no longer worry that we would be hit by a car; If I had a magic pen, I would draw many pills called "good" and take it when the child was born, so that there would be no more people called "bad people" in the world.

If I had a magic pen, I would also have the most selfish idea: to draw a moving chair for my mother. Because my mother goes to work at 7:00 every day and doesn't get off work until 9:00 at night. It's really hard. If there is a mobile chair, my mother can sit down to finish her work, whether at work or doing housework, so she will no longer have to work so hard.

In the book, 'Ma Liang really has a magic pen in his hand, but my magic pen is just a supposition, so from now on, I have to work hard to realize so many of my wishes!