Reflections on Reading Global History
Recalling the past
2024-01-08 19:25:06
reaction to a book or an article

800 words after reading the General History of the World: the ethnic distribution in 8000 BC, 1000 AD and now. There are 6 main races, Caucasian, Mongolian, black, Bushman, Australian, Pygmy. Nowadays, there are few Bushmen, Australians and Pygmies left. Caucasians have been showing a growing momentum and are currently the largest ethnic group in the world. After reaching the peak in 1000 AD, the Mongols showed a gradual downward trend, with the decline of the Mongols in America being the most obvious.
Corresponding to the era of 1000 AD, it was the Song, Jin and Yuan dynasties, the most prosperous period in the history of mainland China. In particular, the Song Dynasty was politically open and economically prosperous, and even ordinary people were very prosperous. After the Yuan Dynasty, from the perspective of civilization history, the Chinese mainland was a large downward channel, and this trend was gradually changed after the Republic of China.
From 1350 to 1550, the European Renaissance, after which the modern industrial revolution began to sprout, spread throughout Europe in 1700. 70 years is too short for the rejuvenation of a nation to succeed without the historical accumulation of 1~200 years. The Chinese nation has a long way to go.
The development of black people is basically confined to the African continent. When it expanded to southern Africa, it was also invaded by Caucasians from northern Africa. So generally speaking, the development of black people is very slow.
In the history, the mutual penetration between Caucasians and Mongolians is difficult to last. At present, Caucasians have a slight advantage. From the perspective of race, are China and the United States natural enemies? This conclusion is very sad.
However, the assimilation and infiltration of Caucasians into black people has been effective. Maybe in the future world pattern, whoever controls the black people will continue to dominate the world.
In the past decade or so, China's massive expansion in the African continent may have caused the growth of dissatisfaction among local people. The national policy of the Belt and Road Initiative requires us to introduce a large number of black overseas students, which is appropriate, but is it too urgent to achieve quick success in the implementation process? For example, Shandong University's student partner system for overseas students has been very popular recently. The school partner system itself is no problem. In the early years, a large number of Chinese students went to Europe and the United States to study, and the partner system of the other side helped our students a lot. I believe that every student studying abroad has a deep impression. We don't know that the relationship between capitalist people can be so harmonious, instead of the relationship between capitalist people and people, which we learned in our early education, is very callous. Maybe China has a long way to go before opening up to the outside world.
Ten thousand years is too long, seize the day.