After Reading Crabs and Herons
Rebellious middle-aged man
2023-08-30 17:50:24
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

Today, I read the story "Crabs and Herons". The story is:
Once upon a time, there was a heron. It used to eat fish in the pond for a living. Later, it gradually became old and difficult to find food.
The heron decided to use her intelligence to visit the famous crab, which was a small broadcast.
The heron pretended to be afraid and said to the crab, "Some of my bird friends said that after a period of time, the fisherman will take a big net and prepare to catch all the fish."
The crab quickly told the fish the bad news. The fish were scared to death, so they asked the heron to help them move. The heron caught them and ate them all on the way.
The crab thought the fish had been saved, so he also sat on the neck of the heron. When the heron flew up, the crab saw fish bones all over the ground, and finally understood. It angrily clamped the heron's neck with big pliers, saying: "If you don't put me in a safe place, I won't loosen it." Finally, the heron had to put the crab in a safe place.
Henceforth herons and crabs became sworn enemies.
This story tells us that as long as you do something bad, you will be found out sooner or later. If you hurt others, you will also be punished.