87 verses with the sun
Beautiful mood
2023-07-31 15:29:35
Complete Poems

1、 There are no days left after the end of the calendar, but more plans are made to promote the dawn equation -- Song · Song Qi's New Year's Eve

2、 Exploring the Day without Void and the Sound of Victory in the East of Huaihe River

3、 The setting sun corrects the dark clouds, the wind blows the white waves -- Sun Jie, Song Dynasty, After the Rain

4、 Today, when we go to Dongtai, our heart is clear in Lu Hun -- Tang Yuan Zhen's "Going to Dongtai"

5、 On a new warm day in Wugong, Haiyan and Swallow flew to -- Feeling Spring by Li Qunyu of Tang Dynasty

6、 The sun and the moon walk in the sky, the rivers walk in the sea - Short Song of Yuan Kai in the Ming Dynasty

7、 In the evening, I would like to stay in the evening

8、 The colorful clothes show of that year, this day Yangzaocheng -- Song · Li Chuquan's "Xiaogan Hall"

9、 It is difficult to collect civil works because of the criticism of Mao on the day of Coyett -- The Second Rhyme Pavilion by Hong Hao of Song Dynasty

10、 At sunset, I lean against the courtyard and the cold wind listens to the rustle

11、 When the water and spring cables disappear, the sun rises and the wild boat sails -- Tang Du Fu's "Climbing the White Horse Pond"

12、 Wild days are desolate and white, spring is flowing away and clear away -- Du Fu's "Man Cheng Er Song" of Tang Dynasty

13、 A monk returns at night, and a flock of herons stay in the cold wave -- Tang Yanqian's "Passing the Three Mountain Temple"

14、 The beautiful city will be covered by the sun for thousands of years from now on -- Song Qi's "Mourning for the Old Man"

15、 The sun sets at the beginning of Guanhe River, and the frost and snow fall in a poor winter -- Tang · Huang Tao's "Sending a Friend to the Border"

16、 The examination paper is accepted year by year, and the scriptures are read day by day -- Song · Liu Kezhuang's "Retreat the Scholars in Lin"

17、 The spring of the ninetieth day is over today, and I don't know why I want to see off the spring

18、 No one comes to travel far, and go to the high city every day -- Tao Bi, Song Dynasty, "Climbing the South Tower in Autumn"

19、 The sun is cold and unlight, and the plain is far away -- Song Mei Yaochen's "The New Wind Sends Uncle Yong"

20、 The Bianshui River is shallow day and night, and you can't stay when you return to the boat -- Song · Mei Yaochen's "Send Hu Chen Scholars Away"

21、 At the beginning of the day, I pay attention to the bright window, and the sound of young warblers and young swallows outside the window -- Song Cai Xiang's "Spring Dawn"

22、 On the 10th day of the beginning of autumn, a new cool face appears in the morning -- Song Zhuodan's "Pinling (New Autumn)"

23、 Looking for the fragrance in the sun and the waterfront, the boundless scenery is changing all the time -- The Spring Day by Zhu Xi of Song Dynasty

24、 Sunset over Huai River, the name of Han general passed down by people -- Ming Dynasty, Lone Pine Show, "Huaiyin Marquis Temple"

25、 Live in a leisurely place on the east side of the street, and return when the afternoon is hot -- Tang Bai Juyi's "The Residence of Ti Xinchang"

26、 Today, the west boat makes the wind go up. Where can I come from and rush to the waves

27、 One day, the book of Qiu Chi was written to remember a small hole -- Song · Li Shi's "Cimou Dynasty Zuo sees a gift of rhyme"

28、 Thousands of families have a bright day, and always replace the new peach with the old charm - Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi, "The First Day"

29、 There are few people under the trees on the mountain side, and there is a new spring at noon

30、 When to hold the bowl? When to pass the lantern? -- Tang · Sun Ti's "Send the Master Silla back to the country"

31、 People in the past flew out of the haze, and the setting sun was empty with eternal feelings - Xiuyuan Pavilion by Wang Li of Song Dynasty

32、 Emperor Qiong and Snow are wronged, and the atmosphere is faint in the daytime -- Tang · Li Bai's "Calligraphy of Cai Sheren Xiong"

33、 On July 7, when there was no whispering in the Hall of Eternal Longevity in the middle of the night -- Tang Bai Juyi's Song of Eternal Regret

34、 Thousands of miles of clouds open up and the sun rises, and the carved roof is connected to the Jiuzhong City. -- Song Yueke's "Look North and Close the Door"

35、 Returning to the east, I feel as if I have been living in Shanqu, and my leisure days will grow even in winter -- The Winter Night Drama Book by Lu You, Song Dynasty

36、 When we meet and laugh, the white hair on the horizon is new -- Song · Zhang Lei's One of the Two Essays on Chen's Performance

37、 Outside Guowai in Henan Province, I feel dizzy all day long -- Tang Censhen's "On the Wall of Yongle Wei's Mansion"

38、 Heaven knows you will come out today, and you will be introduced to the new cool overnight in advance -- Song Yao Mian's "Between Yuzhang Taoism"

39、 Deep in the mountains, the sun sets, few people walk, and lonely people are crowing over tall willows -- Song Peng Danian's Song of Chu Pingge

40、 Only in this way can we get a new sunny day and become stronger in half a day, and clean and fine can cover the morning light again -- Outside Quzhou, Song Dynasty, Zhao Fan

41、 Peaches and plums blossom in the spring, while Chinese parasol leaves fall in the autumn -- The Song of Everlasting Regret by Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty

42、 It's hard to get to the Danbo Gate, but it's easy to pass in a leisurely way -- Tang Qi Ji's "Wishing to Visit Masters in a Dry Day"

43、 The Three Mountains of the Past and the Ten Thousand Sentences of the Past -- Tang and Song Zhiwen, The Originating State Entered the West River at the Beginning

44、 Sing slowly, dance slowly, and concentrate on the silk and bamboo. The monarch can't see enough of it every day. -- The Song of Everlasting Sorrow by Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty

45、 A few days before the snow stops, the head of the river is enjoying a railing -- Song Liao Xingzhi's "Watching the Snow in the River Tower"

46、 When the sun sets and the peaks are shadowed, the clouds come back and cool at night -- Tang Dynasty, Yang Shidao's "Responding to the Imperial edict in the late summer"

47、 In the old days, he was happy and poor and could drink water, but he was willing to follow the custom and make a mess

48、 Up to now, I have lived on the wall, and I have heard about it every day -- Song · Louyao's "Sending a Letter to My Brother in law, Mr. Naiweng"

49、 King Wen is frugal and virtuous, and Junyi begins to prosper in court -- Tang Dufu's "Reward to Judge Xue Shizhang"

50、 Wang Qiqian's thousand year old sun and moon, and hundreds of rivers and mountains embracing the Jing and Wu -- One of the Two Auspicious Songs in Autumn by Yuan Gui of Ming Dynasty

51. When the day is full and the gap is empty, I will endure when I am near the medicine. Song Qi's "Taking the position of Master Nie Changru in the midst of sickness and benefits"

52. When the wind blows, the Meng is as light as a sail, and the sun shines as high as the sky

Fifty-three. The public is like a bitter bamboo shoot, and tomorrow's green clothes can be taken off -- Song Dynasty, Huang Tingjian's "Second rhyme, looking at spring dishes"

54. In the Western Qing Dynasty, the screen was hidden in the daytime for a few days, and the green dust and moss were everywhere in the leisure hall

55. Just a glass of wine to comfort Liu Zhen every day -- Tang · Pi Rixiu's "Lu Wang's Two Suburbs in Autumn Evening"

56. Shadows by the water in the slanting sun, and the sound of bowing doves outside the solitary smoke forest -- Song Fan Jun's "Second rhyme, younger brother, Maotong, clear at night"

Fifty-seven. The Ark will chase and send off a new feeling of shame. There are two agendas for a good meal -- One of the Five Farewells by Cheng Gongxu of the Song Dynasty

Fifty-eight. The pillow is leaning on the elbow in the morning, and the bed is ripe. Who is chirping and chirping? -- Tang Dufu's "Ode to the Four Brothers"

59. Sunny wind and warm day are urging each other bitterly. What do you know about spring things

60. Xihe urged the sun to rise and support the mulberry trees, and beat the drum to frighten the flag's center -- Song Shi Baotan's "He Shi Wei Gong burnt yellow"

61. I don't know that there is no day to mourn, but I want to start from the beginning -- Song · Zhao Fan's "Traveling in Taochuan Mountain with Old Rhymes of Chen and Su"

62. It has come back to Ningxia and accompanied us to the north and south of our village - Song · Liu Kezhuang's Five Characters and Twenty Rhymes Farewell to the eldest granddaughter of Fang

Sixty three. In the future, we will cherish the relics of the past, and the lonely boat will be close to the ancient temple. -- Song Zhang Lei's "Yizhou Xucheng Drama Presented to Qi Lang on February 3"

Sixty four. Gu Jun drinks and flies to Penglai, where the sun and the moon grow long

65. The evening equinox is the first day to see, and the moon is still and far away to hear the music -- Tang · Liu Yuxi's "Farewell my brother to Wangwu Mountain to live in seclusion two songs"

Sixty six, with his wife and son, like a brother -- Song Hongsukui's "One of the Two Elegy Poems of Li Zhiyuan's Mother and Wife"

67. Looking at the planting day of the Qingming Festival, why don't savages return to farming? -- Ming · Gao Qi, Huai River in Spring (Two Songs)

Sixty eight. The autumn overcast will only wait until the wind is over, and I will be free to spend more time. - Song Dynasty, Huang Min asked for "Message from Huang Yishan at Shouning Temple"

Sixty nine. I think you will vote for Zhu Fu one day. When will I pick up another? -- Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi, "Send a reward to Cao Boyu for inviting him"

70. The shadow of the sun is gradually moving away from the high pavilion, and the dew is still touching the pines in the imperial street -- Ming Dynasty · Ni Yue's "Meng Chun Accompanies the Temple and Enjoys the Chronicle"

71. Liu Che sent the poor away last night, and Jie Gu came today to welcome the spring -- Yuan · Yang Weizhen's "The Beginning of the 25th Day of Jiashen December"

Seventy two. Everything has gone wrong in this life, and one of them is today's perfect. -- Song Wu Fu's "Reading Beggar's Words and Feeling Not to Allow the Imperial edict"

Seventy three. What's quiet in the east pavilion? The sound of the warbler is sad about the setting sun. -- Tang Dynasty, Qian Qi, "Sitting alone in the small garden of Yongning Villa in late spring, sending to Mr. Wang"

Seventy four, the meeting must be ordered to drive early, and it should be called back soon -- Song · Wu Fu's "Fu Xuan Traveling with Yandang Geng, His Place and Fan Xiang's Mountain Charm"

Seventy five, autumn enters the garden day and night rarely, regretfully, it is more and more close to the Qi -- Song Zhao Fan's "One of Two Poems of Mr. Han in the Second Rhythm South Stream"

Seventy six. The wind returns to the state of Panpan's feast, and the sun reflects the makeup of Princess Yang when she is drunk -- The rhyme of poems about red peonies with Lady Chen by Wang Zongxiao of the Ming Dynasty

Seventy seven. It was painted at the Jiangcheng Tower, and sent to Chang'an today - Tang, Zhang Ji, "Answering the Painting of Hangzhoujun Tower"

Seventy eight. When I asked you how many days you would return to today, I was uncertain about the date of my return to my family

Seventy nine, seven years of spring, seven days of strength, Mengmeng spring rain swallow the river township - Song · Dong Sigao, "Xin You Fu Chi Lantern Festival Write Two Songs One"

80. Encounter a good friendship day, and dethrone it to the public time -- Tang Yang Ning's "The Next Later Waiter Signs to Show Gratitude to the New Generation"

Eighty one. It must be sunny. Seeing the red clothes wrapped in plain clothes is particularly enchanting -- Modern Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Spring Snow"

Eighty two. Dreams can't fly away from the pillow, and the red sun seems to be coming and setting westward. Huanxi Sand, Five of Five, by Qin Guan of the Song Dynasty

83. Don't say goodbye all day long, dance waist and look back at snow -- Song Dynasty, Wang Zhidao, "Niannujiao, Helu Ruhui Mid Autumn Festival"

Eighty four. The soft strip and the tight wind are weak, but it can't help but be cold and clear for days. -- Song Dynasty, Yang Zixian, "Magnolia flowers slow, tea in the rain"

Eighty five, the rogue place, the beautiful terrace, the chaos, the strange road, the unique idea -- Song · Zhou Bangyan, "Look at the flowers, the wind is beginning to disperse and warm"

86. Desire to enjoy yourself for ten days, and envy the birds when you are tired of flying. -- Song · Chen Fuliang's "Xie Xuan comes out before he finishes his examination and pays with three chapters of poetry"

Eighty seven. The sun has been highlighted, the spirit has been revealed, and it also shows that the morning is full of qi. Song Xia Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song Song