57 words of blessing to the chairman
Once loved
2023-03-14 16:31:44
SMS Collection

1. The beginning of autumn is coming fast. It will be cool. Thank you for your missing and your concern. May you remain young and welcome a bright future.

2. Eat less and eat more. Sleeping without covering your head, walking in the countryside at dusk, and cleaning houses without anything is better than going to a pharmacy. Often wash clothes and often bathe, often dry bedding and less disease.

3. When autumn comes, the air is cool and high, the golden wind blows, the red fruit is noisy, the cauliflower is fragrant, and the plum rain consumes 90 thousand li. If you want to enjoy the scenery, don't catch a cold. Take your brothers and climb high together. I wish you good health!

4. It tastes like frying its viscera and rotting its bone marrow. Worry and anger contradict their righteousness, and think to dispel their spirit; It is light and harmonious with its viscera, and fragrant to nourish its bone marrow. Laughter and music retain their righteousness, and have few desires to pacify their spirit.

5. Looking at the dim moon, I am alone to the cold wind; Love is a strong bosom friend, though friends are scattered, they are concerned in their hearts; A short message to, blessing voice not late. Dear friends, it's cold, please add clothes.

6. For the sake of convenience, many people like to take water directly from the solar water heater and boil it for drinking, but experts remind that the water in the solar water heater has not been tested, so it is better not to drink it.

7. Drink some crude tea, eat a light meal, and live a simple and sweet life. Playing Tai Chi, dancing, happy days flow happily. Don't climb wealth, work hard and create, and keep healthy.

8. Spring Equinox health preservation takes nourishing the liver and protecting the liver as the priority. Drinking more water can promote the secretion of digestive glands and bile. If digestion is good, absorption is good, waste is discharged, and liver damage is small, then you will naturally have a healthy body.

9. When the dog days come, sweat drops like rain. Don't want to get wet with sweat. Close the door quickly, turn on the fan air conditioner, and hold the watermelon in your hand. It's cool and thirst quenching. It's a nice day, and the closing door festival is a great joy for the whole family!

10. Life is like a play, we are destined to meet. We must cherish our friendship. A trivial fight is a mediocre act. Great wisdom looks like foolishness. Give up your private interests and seek justice. Lofty and happy. Take things as they are, and you will become a natural interest.

11. In dry winter, those with dry lips can speed up healing by eating more carrots; Ensuring adequate sleep can alleviate the discomfort of autumn dryness; For prevention, we should eat more lungs moistening foods such as pears, kiwi fruits and green leafy vegetables.

12. As the weather warms up, the blessing is written on the mobile phone, which burns the parts and burns the screen, so it is sent quickly. I remind you with my warm blessing that today is the beginning of summer, but the weather is still changing a lot!

13. If you have a bowl of porridge in the morning, don't eat enough for dinner. At dawn, he rose and kowtowed thirty-six. When you sit or lie, don't let the wind blow. Walk a thousand steps after dinner, often with your hands rotating your abdomen. The late autumn has come, send your best wishes by SMS.

14. Spring is intoxicating. Don't waste your health. Let the sun shine on your back, let the happy mood eliminate fatigue, drink more water with balanced nutrition, and exercise people are not tired. Health is the most precious. May you smile brightly.

15. When Bailu arrives, he has a good health. The autumn scenery is beautiful and the mood is happy. Nourish the lungs and stomach, and lose the battle with anxiety. Invigorate the spleen and liver, get off work when sick. Prevent dryness, nourish yin, and promote happiness. Keep vigorous and healthy.

16. The weather is cold, remember to add clothes; Although it is important to earn money, we should also keep healthy; It's not easy to work. I'm busy outside every day; Although separated by two places, the friendship still does not forget: I wish you good luck and happiness forever!

17. The cold wave is surging in the world. Blessing SMS can keep warm. Thousands of words to send around, warm feelings to prevent cold. Go to bed early and get up late to beautify your appearance, warm your body and exercise your health. I only wish my old friends could enjoy themselves and laugh in the cold season.

18. The spring wind blows, the spring rain smiles, and the spring sun shines; When summer comes, the sun shines, and the four shot ship rises; At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, I was in a good mood, and my friend gave me a blessing. I could not say a thousand words without wishing you all the best.

19. The hot summer has come, so there is a good way to replenish water correctly. Hot tea relieves heat and thirst, and fruits and vegetables are effective. Appropriate amount should be taken before meals and bedtime, and the time for rehydration is more important. Exercise rehydration is particular, and electrolytic drinks prevent collapse.

20. When autumn comes, health care should pay attention to: in autumn, health care should maintain the yang in the body. You can eat more soft food such as sesame, glutinous rice, etc. You can also stew more dates, lotus seeds, ginkgo, and porridge. The effect is better with yams and horseshoes.

21. The leaves are yellow, the autumn rain is cool, and the beginning of autumn comes again; It's cool in the morning and evening, and the temperature difference is large. Don't be lazy when increasing or decreasing clothes; Busy work, tired life, good health is the key; Friends, remember, SMS for me to send care!

22. It is better to be active and calm when keeping fit. Movement and stillness are mutually reinforcing. Eating and living in a proper way. Eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more hot drinks. The blood pressure is balanced and the heartbeat is stable. Food and medicine are both important for health and longevity.

23. Fold a beautiful paper pigeon, carrying my endless blessings, and fly to you by the breeze. May the paper pigeon rest in your heart, wash away yesterday's fatigue, and usher in a happy today! I wish you happiness every day!

24. Get up early and step on dewdrops in the mist and dawn. The sun is poisonous during the day, and the wind blows occasionally. The heat is coming to an end. Greet me with cool air. Greed cold to prevent colds, and feel chilly at night. Friends bless you so much that today is the beginning of autumn. Happy autumn!

25. Time went north and came to winter. Missing breaks the light fog, flutters in the snowflakes, chasing the amorous radio waves, and lands in your heart. May this elegant and peaceful greeting warm your winter.

26. For health preservation in spring, we should maintain a relaxed, cheerful and optimistic mental state. In terms of living, we should adhere to proper exercise, regular sleep, quantitative meals, and purposeful recuperation to achieve the best results.

27. There are several treasures in late autumn. Let friends remember: eat more, run every step, and take a hot bath; The clothes should be thick, the mood should be good, and you should come on time; Don't forget to read some love messages, such as mine!

28. The beginning of winter is very cold, and the north wind whistles and frost is thicker. The feeling of missing is getting stronger, and the SMS blessing is ringing. Attention should be paid to keeping warm in cold weather, and cotton quilts should be added in time. I wish you good health, no pain, and a happy winter for your family!

29. This is a warm short message, which can warm your hands and heart. After reading it, you will feel warm and warm. I'll give it to you as a gift. Please keep it away. You can read it all the time to keep warm!

30. Alarm clock time: next spring; Mode setting: ring tone plus vibration; Ringing tone: About Winter; Vibration: Rolling spring thunder. The alarm clock has been set, and the mobile phone signal has been blocked. Welcome to your humble home and start hibernation!

31. The plan of a year lies in spring. My best wishes come first. I hope you can sleep with health, dream with happiness, get up with happiness, and embark on the road to success with diligence. I hope you have a bright future in spring!

32. Free to eat three meals a day and wear three pieces of clothing at will, which can take up space for a bed; Food, housing and clothing are limited, ideal can be unlimited, and pursuit can be continuous; Money can be earned less, honor can be ignored, and health can be exercised.

33. Nourishing the mind is the first step in spring. Regulate mood and keep happy mood; Walk around and don't forget outdoor exercise; Cold clothes, hungry meals, friends remind Jin not to change; Love accompany, send warmth, wish you healthy every day.

34. Run to witness your health in winter; Rock climbing, let winter treasure your happiness; Swimming, let the winter breathe your warmth; Bicycle, let winter turn your happiness. More sports, let beauty witness your life.

35. After the summer vacation, the temperature has entered a significant change stage, declining day by day, and the heat is no longer pressing. At this time, we should pay attention to prevent dryness, and adjust food and daily life carefully. Eating more vegetables and fruits has the effect of promoting fluid, moistening dryness and eliminating heat.

36. It's unbearable in summer. When you go out, pay attention to sunscreen, cover your belly when you sleep, and be naughty when you are cold. Wear light colored clothes often, eat more fruits and vegetables, and don't be disturbed. Remember to be happy. I wish you cool and happy in summer!

37. The continuous drizzle has moistened everything and watered down troubles; Washing the world, ushering in a fresh; Drive away the melancholy, happy mood; It embellishes the scenery and enriches the picture scroll. May you enjoy romance and happiness in the rain!

38. The fallen leaves know the autumn. Friendship is like wine. When the wind is getting cold, there is no joy or worry. As time goes by, when I look back, I still say hello. Friendly, always around, smile to send this greeting: the seasons change, pay attention to the body.

39. Precautions for winter health: 1. Go to bed early and get up late to keep warm from the cold. 2. The diet should be warm, salty and bitter. 3. Winter practice "three nine" to prevent disease. 4. Take medicine to recuperate and supplement according to syndrome differentiation.

40. The summer blessing pass begins. Catch it quickly: I wish you a good life; Worry is not worth mentioning; Good luck is always enough; Be resourceful and resourceful in work; Life is full of contentment; Kick away the depressed ball; Kick the tired ball; Play the happy ball well!

41. Fish flavored agaric: a delicacy composed of pork tenderloin, winter bamboo shoots, carrots, agaric, red pepper, etc., can resist and reduce the harm caused by ultraviolet radiation on human body; Enhance the body's resistance to ultraviolet light through food.

42. When summer comes, the weather turns cool. The weather changes from hot day to cool night. The daily routine should be adjusted. Sleep early, get up early, and feel refreshed. The heat will subside, and the temperature will drop. Prevent dryness and increase acidity. Drink salt water and night honey soup in the morning to moisten and nourish the lungs. Wish you a happy summer.

43. The temperature in summer is too hot; Do not care too much about heatstroke; Take good care of your body; Early to bed and early to rise, sleep complement; Eating well and drinking well is help; Feel comfortable and recover quickly; I wish you health, happiness!

44. It is time to nourish in spring, and several vegetables should be eaten more; Spinach eye care and anti-aging, 50 grams per day is better; Shepherd's purse can clear the liver and heat, and the nutrient absorption of soup is high; Tonifying kidney and essence belongs to yam, and porridge is a good recipe. Wish you happiness and health!

45. Tips for preventing colds in autumn: wash your face in cold water, wash your feet in hot water, rinse your mouth with salt water to kill bacteria in the morning and evening, get up in the morning and exercise outdoors, and open the window for ventilation; Don't worry about changing clothes to avoid catching cold. Wish you a healthy and beautiful autumn!

46. It is the time of late autumn, and the rain is cool. Add clothes to keep warm. Don't settle accounts after a cold in autumn. Try to work hard every day, and don't panic if you combine work with rest. If you have more money to earn, you should be healthy. I wish you happiness and health!

47. Enjoy the backyard in spring rain, and let the rain beat the fragrant flowers. With hot tea in hand, I think I can fly far across thousands of rivers and mountains. Blessings have arrived is missing, rain to keep warm. The heart is like a pair of nets with thousands of knots, which can make people happy. I wish you health and happiness every day!

48. One two three four five six seven, red bean pumpkin mashed potato; Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Stewed hen with angelica and poria cocos. Health preservation in autumn is very important. Health preservation is not only for fun, but also for exercise and rest. A short message reminds you that you should take care of your body!

49. The dog days have come quietly. Do you know I'm missing you? You are moved, that is my tears of missing. I would like to use tears to send you a cool. I love people, you must be happy? I hope you are enthusiastic and energetic in dog days.

50. Dance a few times a day and live to 95. Early to bed and early to rise, can live old. Breathe to the navel, longevity and old weather. Those who work hard in their shape live long, while those who enjoy themselves live short. Jumping and jumping, you are light all over. You can't walk without moving. Machines will rust if they don't turn, and people will live longer if they don't exercise.

51. There are "eight injuries" in health care, including worry and sadness, beer hurting the stomach, liquor hurting the liver, smoking hurting the lungs, thinking hurting the spleen, eating more hurts the kidney, fatigue hurting the mind, and desire hurting the body. Autumn health care avoids "eight injuries". I hope you are happy and healthy.

52. The scenery in spring is infinitely good. Keep in mind the secret of health preservation. Don't be angry, don't be anxious, and laugh when everything looks bleak. Neighbours should help each other and not quarrel. Harmony is the king's way. Go to bed early and get up early, feel good, and run briskly. Enjoy the beautiful scenery without worry, and enjoy the happiness of your body. Wish you a happy spring equinox!

53. Keep in good health in winter and guard against colds. Wear more clothes and skip less. Carefree talking and laughing, happy mood and good health. Taste cold food and hot drinks carefully and chew slowly. Eating less and having more meals is prohibited. Wash your face in cold water and soak your feet in hot water. You won't catch a cold if you do enough kungfu. Our goal of health preservation is to avoid colds. Wish you good health!

54. Survive the ice in winter, through the warmth of spring, and usher in the glory of summer. Good luck rises like new green bushes and spreads over the happy heart wall. Swallows in May fly to make nests. Bees and butterflies in June wind among the flowers, and flaunt the fruits of the season. May you be as beautiful as summer flowers, love as summer wind, and happy in the summer! Happy Beginning of Summer!

55. Winter is cold, fools are hibernating, snowflakes are drifting, blessings are spreading, positive and upward, health is exercise, clothes are warm, food is warm, words are emotional, language is moving, beauty is moving, happiness is understood, friends are connected, happiness is common.

56. If your hands and feet are always cold, as long as your feet are warmed up first, half of the disease will be removed. It is particularly important to keep your waist, navel, knees and feet warm. There are many ways to keep warm, such as hot water bag, hair dryer and baby warming. Warm waist, back, navel and tailbone. As soon as the feet are hot, people will have confidence and vitality, and will no longer be afraid of the cold.

57. Take care of yourself in spring and play ball games with tips. Look, "keeping warm" is a upside down golden hook, and "cold" is kicked into the goal; Look, the three-point goal of "eating fruits and vegetables" was scored, and the "anger" suddenly dropped; Wow, the ball of "frequent exercise" hit the blank area of "virus", and they lost. Once tips are given, health will always follow.