19 verses to comfort others in love
Plantain in the Rain
2023-05-15 01:13:31
Complete Poems

1、 The moon and the wind have been together for a long time.

2、 Not satisfied with life in the world, the Ming Dynasty scattered boat.

3、 Since then, he had no intention to love Liang Ye, and let the moon go down to the west tower.

4、 Where there is no grass in the horizon, why do you love a flower.

5、 Zhuang Shengxiao dreams about butterflies, and Wangdi Chunxin entrusts cuckoo!

6、 It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, but it is not a cloud except Wushan.

7、 Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees spring before the diseased tree.

8、 Mo Si has endless things to do outside his body, and he has limited cups before he dies.

9、 If the enemy makes you angry, it means you are not sure of winning him.

10、 Those who abandon me cannot stay on the day of yesterday; Those who disturb my heart will be worried today.

11、 Ten years of life and death are boundless, without thinking about it, I will never forget it. There are thousands of miles of solitary graves and nowhere to talk about desolation.

12、 All of us want to go to the sky and see the bright moon. The water flows even more when the water is cut off.

13、 In this gate last year, people's faces and peach blossoms match each other. People do not know where to go, peach blossom still smile at the spring breeze.

14、 Good dreams are hard to come by. Who knows my current situation. Tears in front of the pillow cover the rain in front of the pillow, and drop to the bright through a window.

15、 The autumn geese can be sent by the long wind to the tall buildings. Penglai article Jian An bone, in the middle Xie Qingfa.

16、 The lovelorn woman is the most beautiful. There is no doubt that Sister Bilin is also moving. The flies and bees come here before they are farting?

17、 Failure is the mother of success. Gains and losses can make people calm, free from worries, and self cultivation can be successful without the pain of "asking for nothing". How can we suffer if we don't ask for anything?

18、 Where will Xingyun go in a few days? If you forget to return, the spring will be late. On the cold food road with hundreds of herbs and flowers, whose tree the fragrant car is tied to/the tearful eyes lean against the floor and often talk alone. When Shuangyan came, did she meet strangers? Teasing spring sorrow is like catkins. There is no place to find in a dream.

19、 Who says leisure is abandoned for a long time? When spring comes, melancholy still remains. Everyday before flowers, I often get sick and drink wine. I never forget the beauty in the mirror/the willows on the banks of the river. To ask new worries, what happens every year? The independent bridge is full of wind, and the crescent people in Pinglin return.