Reflections on "Entering the Mountain City Three Times"
Doomed to vicissitudes
2023-12-14 03:50:22
Junior 1
impressions of after reading

A classic movie thriller, a hero who cried. On the way to the Long March, Communists showed their tenacity and bravery everywhere along the Jinsha River, on the Dadu River, on the iceberg and on the grassland. During the war of resistance against Japan, there were the resourceful and brave commander of the Eighth Route Army, Liu Lianchang, who went to the mountain city three times, the leader of the guerrilla team on the plain, Li Xiangyang, the fiery King Kong who had inspired several generations of young people, the Flying Tigers who were proud of the earth... The immortal monument recorded the respected Premier Zhou, Jiang Zhuying who loved science and pursued brightness all his life, and the famous doctor Bethune, Li Lihong, a rural cadre who led the masses to shake off poverty and become rich... They left infinite thoughts and sustenance for the people and wrote songs of praise for life.
However, the most shocking thing to my mind is that I just saw the film "San Jin Shan Cheng". The wisdom and courage of Captain Liu, the ingenuity and cleverness of Xiaoma and the heroism and unyielding of Aunt Tian left an indelible impression on me. Ono's ruthlessness and cunningness, the obsequiousness and servility of the detective captain Diao Desheng, and Wang Translate's muddling life are also lingering in my mind for a long time.
In the autumn of 1943, the Japanese imperialists gathered 5000 to 6000 day puppet troops in Jiaodong and carried out a crazy campaign against the Yashan Anti Japanese Base Area... This is the story background of "Three Enters into the Mountain City". In this context, in order to reduce the pressure on the Yashan Anti Japanese Base Area, our army sent a 38 member detachment led by Captain Liu to attack Qiyang City in the enemy's rear. Captain Liu and others went into and out of Qiyang City three times, blew up the enemy's ammunition depot, captured Diao Desheng alive, shot and killed the captain of the field, and successfully restrained the enemy's mopping up in the base area
In the process of entering and leaving Qiyang City three times, blowing up the enemy's ammunition depot, and eliminating the Xiaoye Detachment, Captain Liu and other party members and cadres kept close contact with and depended on the masses, actively played the vanguard and exemplary role of the Communist Party members, fearing no sacrifice, brave and good at fighting, and charging ahead, which can be said to show the advancement of the Communist Party members in the revolutionary era vividly.
I also understand the reason why the Chinese nation exists and develops. That's because we have generation after generation of Communists and national heroes who are not afraid of sacrifice. They explore and struggle on the front line and master the rudder of the historical ship. We are a great and cohesive nation, which is the inexhaustible power of the ship.
Time is always passing, and the world is not always peaceful. Moreover, the passing of time can not erase the suffering of our motherland mother. It has been more than 70 years since the end of the Anti Japanese War, but every Chinese can hardly hide their shock when they think of shame. Tolstoy, the Russian writer, said: "No matter whether it is big or small, once people are faced with the survival of the country, they will have a huge power in their hearts. This is beauty, and this is the human spirit." Tolstoy called this spirit "Russian spirit". And judging from the history of the Chinese people's anti aggression, is it not the spirit of the Chinese nation?
The martyrs spilled their blood on the battlefield, defended their families, saved people's lives, and resisted foreign invasion with national spirit. In the midst of deep suffering, the anti Japanese warriors dyed every corner of the Chinese nation red with blood, making the Chinese land full of vitality again. Use hate bullets to pierce the enemy's chest, and let hand grenades smash the enemy's dream of occupying our country.
Living in the era of peace, we must not forget the bloody days, and we must always remember those thousands of revolutionary ancestors who have left no name but have consecutively sacrificed themselves for the cause of people's liberation. Love me China!