The Canonization of the Gods
Drink all the worldly things
2024-01-05 22:21:06
first grade

Feelings after reading the Romance of Gods
After reading the book "The Romance of Gods", I can never get tired of the number of characters in it, such as the clever Jiang Ziya, the cruel King Zhou, the brave and good Kunlun disciples, the original Tianzun, the Tongtian Sect leader, and so on.
The Romance of Gods refers to King Zhou, the last king of the Shang Dynasty, who was dissolute and cruel. Under the instigation of Daji, the fox spirit, singing and dancing day and night, captivated, killed the loyal and good, abandoned the government, civil strife rose everywhere, and the people could not live. I also heard that Daji, the fox spirit, had thrown people into the snake pit. Lutai: I don't know how many people died in this Lutai.
I admire Jiang Ziya most because he is proficient in all kinds of magic, such as water escape, fire escape, light escape, five element magic, etc. He obeyed Ji Fa's accession to the throne, led the army to the east, and broke the Jiuqu Yellow River Array, the Immortal Trap Array, the Blood Melting Array, the Immortal Array, and so on. Defeat the cruel King Zhou. In the end, the King Zhou could not beat the rascal and asked Jiang Ziya to withdraw, because he was the king of Jiang Ziya before. Jiang Ziya announced the top ten crimes of King Zhou, which made him helpless.
In the end, Jifa forgot that beating drums was an attack, so the princes all over the world rushed to kill King Zhou.