Sad and beautiful sentences about love
Cold cloud
2023-07-29 20:21:17
Complete sentences

1. I was ecstatic when you came! Heart sweet, sweet to sad! Sorrow is because I didn't go to see you off last time, leaving you alone. I can't imagine your lonely back when you left.

2. At daybreak, the white fish belly in the east, the first ray of morning light, has my infinite admiration. Admire the infinite light and power. At dusk, the setting sun in the west is fading away, which is my best fantasy. I imagine the gorgeous sunset, which makes people unconsciously intoxicated.

3. The flowers are red, the willows are green, the flowers are fragrant, and the birds are singing

4. I tried my best to make you pay attention to me, and finally found that I was too sentimental.

5. It's terrible to be sentimental. He smiles at you and you think he likes you. If he can't bear to refuse you, you think he loves you.

6. Those beauties are smiling. Watching you dancing in the wind quietly, watching you smile behind you, one person's world becomes two people's world, one person's happiness becomes two people's happiness

7. You are a trace of sadness in my memory. If the wind slowly lifts my heart and tears my feelings, it will make my heart ache and make me cry.

8. The feeling is just like this. You have seen his most untidy side, but in the end, he walked much cleaner. You have seen that he is a bit serious, and finally he is a bit serious.

9. When I miss you, will you just miss me.

10. The rain pillar at the door almost covered everything outside the door, and the rain and fog filled the air. The houses of the opposite door were dimly visible. The trees in the fields were leaning in the wind, and the pond in front of the door suddenly filled with water. The rain would flow into the dilapidated straw house.

11. Where can someone like solitude, but they are fed up with disappointment

12. In your past life, you have already forgotten who you hurt, but the person you hurt will never forget you. He will never remember your advantages, but remember your harm to him.

13. Many past events in front of us become so vague, once so convinced, so persistent, always believed, in fact, nothing, nothing.

14. I caressed your eyebrows that day. It was white and bleak. I still saw the peak and felt cold. I thought I was going to kiss your eyes. After all, the pool was too deep to touch.

15. The seemingly warm air goes with the wind, passing through the annual rings of years, precipitating sadness, making the heart ache faintly. My tears, wet the peach blossom all over the tree, but you don't know that I cry for you.

16. The phone call made me breathless, the SMS message made me feel soft, I cooked for you forever, and I went shopping with you until my legs were short. What am I trying to do? You take over the rest of your life.

17. There is a kind of fate called love, a kind of feeling called having, a kind of ending called destiny, and a kind of heartache called endless.

18. When you fall in love with someone without being loved by the other person, it is a very harmful thing. But the most painful thing is that you love someone but don't have the courage to let him know how you feel.

19. All sadness will always leave a trace of joy. All regret will always leave a perfect corner. I look for the gap of hope in the deep sea of the ice peak, but always wake up in a dream. Will you look back on the past! And I am still looking for a harbor that can let me stay in the vast sea of people.

20. I'm going to express my sadness in a big way. I feel sad ten thousand times a day on average. I don't want to see it as soon as possible.

21. There is a kind of love called no fate, not no love but no fate, and there is also a kind of love called fulfillment! To help others and yourself.

22. My dear, I left you not because I didn't love you enough, but because you loved too freely!

23. If I don't stop you from being mean, it doesn't mean you can advance further.

24. On the path in the distant mountains, there are lonely shepherds shaking in the north wind. The cold wind flows through the gullies eroded by the years on the old man's face, smells the strong breath of the old man, and tastes the ups and downs of the old man in the wind and rain. After picking up some branches, the old man lit them with dried yellow grass roots, burning them into a pile of desolate warmth and warm hopes.

25. Go to a city without you and forget all your memories.

26. Once a dream was broken all over the place, pick it up, try to piece it together, then break it again, pick it up again, piece it together, until one day it can't be pieced together again