Sentences full of sunshine for women Proud and inspirational sentences for women (170 selected sentences)
One meter sunshine
2023-05-26 14:07:29
Complete sentences

1. I love you till the end of the world

2. My love opens for you, like white lightning breaking the sky; My love runs for you like red blood

3. In this life, if I can't have you, I will hate myself

4. God created fingerprints because he wanted people to know that everyone has scars.

5. If fortitude comes from crying, let me cry in the dark;

6. I only hold your hand in this life. Because you are enough in this life

7. Think of the joy of watching the sunrise and sunset with me

8. Remembering is the most powerless thing in life. Looking at the scars, you think you are old, but in fact you are empty.

9. Your tenderness is like water, your smile makes me drunk

10. Under the sun, you do not fall in love with the city, but let me have an unspeakable love.

11. Add your heart to mine, even if it is painful

12. Encounter, turn around, separation, joys and sorrows, let the years flow relentlessly, you are still a passer-by.

13. In every night with you, it is no longer lonely

14. People can see the happiness on their faces. Who can feel the pain in the heart.

15. Never be a man who can't stand up after a fall

16. If falling in love with you is also a mistake, I am convinced that it will be the most beautiful mistake in life, and I would rather make a mistake all my life

17. I swear. Fifty years later, I still love you as I do now

18. If you shed tears, it is my heart that wets first.

19. I can't write love letters, only "heart"

20. People with deep karma always look at other people's mistakes and shortcomings. People who really practice never look at other people's mistakes and shortcomings.

21. I love you with the passion in my old worries and the loyalty in my childhood

22. The sky is blue and blue, and the sun and moon shine brightly

23. My motivation is to see you and talk with you every day

24. Love will never last forever. Anyone can leave first by making an excuse.

25. Waiting can be so beautiful because I love you

26. I thought I could be strong without you. I finally knew I could not

27. Since you appeared, I have known that love is so beautiful

28. You make my life full of love and tears

29. If I could, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you~~

30. My future will be full of sunshine. I will get everything I need and everything I want

31. Strive to move forward and get closer to your dream.

32. No matter how many girls there are in the world, you are the only one in my heart

33. Now when I wake up and open my eyes, I see your sunny smile on the wall. I wish that when I wake up one day, the first thing I see is the real flower like sweet sleeping face of you

34. It is not terrible to work in a downturn. Be tough and courageous; What is life's wind and rain, standing tall and unyielding. The army should have iron discipline and life should have iron will; Blow the rally call to occupy the highland of happiness! Happy August Day!

35. In this life, I hope the years are quiet and the world is stable. I can see his smile every day.

36. You are the person who always supports me when I am in the most difficult situation!

37. Although I can't satisfy your biggest material life, I can satisfy you with my heart

38. Women can not be strong enough to crush but must be tough enough to cut.

39. I know the sweetness of love only after I love you

40. Love is silent, but time is regretful.

41. Don't think that you have made love with several women, and then you can show it off everywhere.