Moving copywriting Short copywriting in the circle of friends (moving to send copywriting in the circle of friends)
Wind at the end of sunset bridge
2023-02-14 01:08:08
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1. Health and longevity compare with mountains. An open mind makes everything perfect. Friendship is soft, love is willing. Kindness of people is inherited from family. Money and luck are linked. Job relocation and new residence. The country is peaceful and the people are happy. Happiness is predestined, happiness is boundless!

2. Qiaozhaixi, heaven, earth and people are happy together; The new residence is full of prosperity, happiness, wealth and longevity.

3. In this world, there is no firewood that cannot be split, only an axe that is not fast enough; Nothing is impossible, only unexpected people. In life, as long as you really want to do it, you will always find a way. If you don't want to do it, there are reasons everywhere.

4. I am glad to hear that I have moved to a new house, and the good news has spread thousands of miles. The small house is becoming wider today, and the old house is becoming new today. I send you a text message, wishing to attract money and enter the house. I wish you happiness and prosperity. Move to Daji.

5. A friend had a birthday. I mailed him a gift online. When I paid, I told the seller to write a note for me. Happy Birthday! After receiving the gift, my friend asked me why the gift was accompanied by a note "Happy Birthday".

6. Don't complain about the daily life. Good days bring you happiness, bad days bring you experience, and the most unsatisfactory days bring you lessons.

7. Move to a new house, and change the environment. Abandoning the old and ushering in the new is stronger every year. From then on, a new saying came into being: there are three joys in life, namely, pay rise, promotion and relocation to a new house.

8. Push away what you like and call it growth. Don't take feelings as everything. You are not a waste

9. We often say that we miss. In fact, sometimes there is no mistake but to say that some people never belong to you.

10. Safe and blessed land, Ziwei Zhidong, Jiqing people, spring breeze sets the beam.

11. When I moved to my new house, my friends came to congratulate me. Purple air comes from the east to the garden, and the wind of calligraphy spreads all over the hall. The source of wealth is coming from all directions, and the people are prosperous and the home is prosperous! Happy move!

12. A good life in a new home, a true old friend -- congratulations on your move: the spring breeze is full in China, and the new house is full of color and joy.

13. But I can't put it down all the time. I still think of it when I'm alone.

14. A man who tries his best to make money without paying attention to his health is working for another man. A woman who tries her best to save money without paying attention to self-restraint is making room for another woman.

15. Yingqian moved to Renli, and Yanhe Delin congratulated her on moving to Renli. The room was filled with autumn fragrance.

16. Only the hardest waiting, the hardest persistence, and the most noble dream of persistence deserve the most enduring applause. Youth is like wine, growing fast, all good things will be shared, all wrong things will be forgiven, and all immature things can wait.

17. Others' breasts are like this: ⊙ Your breasts are like this··

18. Maturity is not growing old, it's just tears in the eyes, but also keep smiling.

19. Eat a piece of sugar every day, and then tell yourself that today's day is really sweet.

20. Sometimes love can be so fragile that it can't stand a blow; Sometimes they can hold up a piece of sky on their lovers' heads.

21. Don't envy others, because you don't know how much you will get in the next second. No matter how long the road is, you can walk it step by step. No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without stepping forward.

22. I am not afraid of waiting, aging or dying. I am not afraid of anything. I'm afraid that the person I like falls in love with others.

23. After thousands of mountains and rivers, if you meet each other, you will smile, greet each other, wave, and reply "I'm OK!" instead of complaining about the sorrow of separation, you will only say that you met.

24. Eat only one stick of fried dough sticks for breakfast, use only one chopstick for dinner, use only the bus, use only one Mahjong stick, and use only "Loneliness for a lifetime" for karaoke. Singles should also be free!

25. Those who cannot be thin will always be in turmoil, and those who cannot be fat will have no fear.

26. Be glad to come to the door with a clear breeze and bright moon; Blessed by the homestead, jade heaps gold.

27. "What if your girlfriend makes you angry by doing something wrong all day?" "The little ancestors you choose will be spoiled even when you cry."