Copy of the circle of friends for the graduation season in June 2022, the first day of 2022 (98 selected sentences)
the brevity of life
2023-02-24 12:51:00
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1. Gathering is a fire, and scattering is full of stars. Wish us a bright future and meet again at the peak.

2. The wind in June has scattered friends for many years, but the sunshine in September cannot warm the hearts of new people.

3. This time, I will say goodbye to you forever. See you next time, I will regard you as rebirth.

4. The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the cloud is flowing, the song is free, love is intentional, love is crazy, the day is eternal, and you are unforgettable.

5. Grade, with the click of the sound camera, we graduated.

6. The former schoolmate's life is a string of candied haws. The charming sweetness and acidity will never end.

7. After graduation, the fights and quarrels we had together have gone away.

8. In order to hug that person, I smiled and cried and hugged the whole class without saying goodbye.

9. The so-called good friends are just like us. They can talk about their feelings, care about each other, take care of each other, laugh, fight, but don't care.

10. Define our time today with youth, calculate our brilliant tomorrow with happiness, discuss our unfinished dreams forever, and wish you success in setting our different ideals, classmates, graduation, and refueling.

11. I am afraid of failing to get into a good school, I am afraid of the disappointment of my parents, I am afraid of the separation in June, and I am afraid that my three years' efforts will be denied by a transcript.

12. Girls, don't cry for me on graduation day, just smile and go away.

13. Friend, let me say hello gently. Although life is bound to get together, you are the most cherished and unforgettable friend in my heart.

14. We are about to enter a new life. There is still a long way to go. Let's cherish the youth and friendship we have today and water the buds of friendship with our true feelings.

15. There is no banquet that never ends. Dear students, after graduation, let's wave goodbye, say treasure, say blessings, thank each other for their good memories, and cherish our sincere friendship. Wish you a bright future!

16. We are going to leave now. It is not easy to say goodbye and pay homage to our ignorance and three years of youth.

17. The boat set sail in the port of youth, and we broke up temporarily, full of ideals and pursuit. When will we meet again? In the harvest time!

18. Worry about others' worries and enjoy others' happiness. Your kindness, enthusiasm and selflessness are forever engraved on my mind.

19. In the growing years, the friends who used to laugh with you and worry with you will never be forgotten. May each other cherish this friendship and become friends forever.

20. I put on my bachelor's clothes and took my graduation photos. From then on, I am a social person and happy to graduate.

21. We are about to graduate and embark on a new journey. We will never forget our original starting point.

22. After graduation, you left. I watched your smiling face when we graduated.

23. Silent parting is just like meeting in silence at the beginning. May this warm breeze bring you my affectionate blessings and prayers.

24. Don't cry because of today's separation, life is meaningful; Don't cry because of the pain of graduation. If friendship is really close, give up the feeling of loss and light up enthusiasm. Happiness is the destination. I wish you a happy life after graduation.

25. I am not always reluctant to let you go, but I always want to see your smile and listen to your laughter.

26. The wind has blown away the heart of blessing, and the rain has blurred the vision of expectation. I have tightened the complex of missing. I believe that one day we will meet again!

27. I can't bear to let you go, but I can't keep you if you want to go. I can only say "Have a good trip"!

28. Farewell, tears become a message, you said: the tears can be condensed into pearls, become a permanent memorial.

29. Meet on the beautiful campus and have the same spirit; Acquaintance in the most beautiful season, friendship priceless; Gather in the ocean of youth, enthusiastic and unrestrained; It's hard to part with each other at graduation. In the graduation season, I wish my classmates a brilliant future and a wonderful journey!

30. Is it possible to say goodbye to three years of junior high school life with just one graduation photo?

31. Destiny makes us know each other, and life makes us separate and apart, just like the moon and stars, far away and forever together.

32. Today's cheers and laughter, and tonight's clear breeze and bright moon, are beautiful but not eternal. We have not had time to share the last cup of wine, but we should go our own way, cherish, friends

33. Whether you quarrel, bicker, be happy, or vent your anger, you will always be my best friend.

34. I wish you a bright future, even if you don't meet again in the future.

35. After graduation, do you still have a lot to say, do you still have a lot of wishes not fulfilled, and do you want to say something to the students who have experienced these years together?

36. Don't be sad, don't look back. May your wish come true in the end.

37. May you start small and end big.

38. I will firmly remember your face and cherish the thoughts you give.

39. Don't look at the days and ideals as round as the moon in October and June. They are made up of ups and downs. Be practical and hope that everyone will have more "sunny" days.

40. Goodbye, my dear primary school. I will come back to see you after the summer vacation!

41. There is a long way to go in life. We meet and separate. It is always a short time to get together, but a long time to leave. We only wish that our hearts would follow each other closely and never be separated.

42. Forget the memory of the year. Just for the tomorrow that will laugh, without taking away any involvement or missing. Just don't want to cry.

43. Goodbye, friend! Take care, friend! The running water is in a hurry, the years are in a hurry, and only the love will remain in my heart forever.

44. Junior high school is about to pass, but life has just begun. Take a new step and say goodbye to the past. Continue to write your own books, create your own poems, compose your own songs, and arrange your own dances. I will find that life is so wonderful.

45. Like bees and butterflies flying over flowers, like clear springs flowing through valleys, in the heart screen of memory, the life of the student days is like a colorful picture page, also like a movement with happy notes jumping.

46. In the season full of yearning, we are full of sincere blessings and are willing to bring you infinite joy and warmth.

47. Like bees and butterflies flying over flowers, like clear springs flowing through valleys, in the heart screen of memory, life in high school is just like a colorful picture page, and also like a piece of music jumping with happy notes.

48. I didn't call you because I missed you, and I sent you flowers because I couldn't help thinking of you.

49. Years drag the shadow of missing into a long and winding color block, but a warm blessing always firmly ties our feelings.