500 words after reading childhood
Gentle wind and warm sun
2023-10-17 19:10:27

Childhood is an autobiographical novel written by Gorky based on his childhood. It exposed the darkness, cruelty and inhuman life of the Russian tsar period. Golgi has lived in such an environment since he was a child, suffering from torture and humiliation, both mentally and physically. But Gorky did not lose confidence in life, but walked out firmly.

Gorky's original name was Alexei Maximovich Bishkov, and his nickname was Alesha. He lost his father when he was young, and came to his grandfather's house with his father and grandmother. It is not so much home as hell on earth. Grandfather is in charge of everything in the family. His temper is very irritable and he is as good as his money. Golgi, the hero, is often beaten for making mistakes; Two uncles often quarrel and fight for the separation of family property; The women in the family have no status, and let their husbands beat and scold and vent. All this left a shadow on Gorky's young mind.

Later, Gorky left his grandfather's house and set foot in the society alone. He used to do chores in many places. During this time, Gorky was humiliated, but he survived. His strong and unyielding spirit has always supported him.

But now we really don't know whether we are lucky or not. We don't worry about food or clothing. Golgi, however, was not full and dressed warmly, and was beaten and bullied. The tragic scenes made me think: what if we lived in the Russian tsar period? Would you think that it is not a place where people live?

The times are progressing, but people are becoming more and more cowardly. They want to retreat, escape or take shortcuts when encountering difficulties. Turgenev once said: "If you want to be happy, you must first learn to bear hardships."

A good life can only last for a long time if you have something to pay for.