87 sentences of the most classic sexual signature
How can I rely on my strength
2023-02-07 05:28:31
Complete set of signatures

1. Don't be infatuated with your brother. My sister-in-law will beat you.

2. You said we couldn't get along until you had her.

3. Round and smooth, smooth and live, live and pass.

4. If you can't open it with your tongue, just bite it with your teeth!

5. One's life should be radiant.

6. Brother, not lonely. Because there is loneliness with my brother.

7. Think you happy, can't think of breaking up you just happy.

8. Sometimes it's not just silence, it's just inability to tell.

9. It is not easy to grow old. You can't have everything right.

10. Since ancient times, no one has died. You don't need paper to shit.

11. As long as the hoe dance well, there is a corner that cannot be dug down?

12. When the sky darkens, you are the light, the light that belongs to me only.

13. It makes you comfortable. Take off your pants.

14. No matter how awesome Chopin is, I can't show my sadness!

15. Don't let bygones be bygones, because they will eventually pass.

16. I never talk to people. I always talk about myths.

17. Laugh when you are happy, and laugh later when you are unhappy.

18. There was a fool who loved you, but later she was not stupid.

19. Such a busy street, but there is no place for me to hide.

20. What is terrible is life, and what is smooth is death.

21. Love is like a ghost. Many people believe it, but few see it.

22. Why do I try my best to be happy.

23. Don't say I'm arrogant, just that I refuse to deal with animals!

24. If the sky beats me, I will be Haohao; If you defeat me, I will shake!

25. You should really save money, otherwise you will be hurt to death when you are sad.

26. It is said that women are clothes, and elder sister is a brand you can't afford.

27. Having learned a lesson, I won't do it next time. There will be no next time.

28. I'm used to indifference, but I don't really care about anything.

29. I never give up loving you, but the intensity becomes silent.

30. The people I love with all my heart have finally become the lovers of others.

31. Don't tell ghost stories at night, because people love to hear, so do ghosts.

32. The flowers bloom not for the sake of falling, but for the glory of that moment.

33. How can those injuries be relieved by saying sorry.

34. You can't understand me because you look at me from your own position.

35. If I lose a lover, I will not lose love because of it.

36. The dark night bears too much sorrow, while the old menstruation cannot stand waiting.

37. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

38. People probably shed a lot of tears before they become invincible.

39. When you see your empty seat, look at your empty heart.

40. People who have been fathers will make trouble for no reason.

41. If I have to make a new choice; I will choose not to come to this world.

42. Our only tacit understanding is that I will not contact you, and you will not contact me.

43. In the end, we all know, but we don't have the courage to hold each other's hands anymore.

44. Teachers always like to say that China will be destroyed by your generation.

45. Boredom is a person's feelings for the plate after eating the food in the plate.

46. It is your tolerance to tolerate. It is my ability to tolerate you.

47. When I see through everything, I know that losing is more reliable than having.

48. The beautiful and painful memories left behind are already changed.

49. I have been forced to love you, but finally I found that time can't help me.

50. The biggest advantage of maturity is that you don't want what you didn't get before.

51. Please believe that life will always meet the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.

52. Zhuge Liang didn't take soldiers before he went out of the mountain. Why do you want me to have work experience!

53. Life is a grand encounter. Some people are just passers-by in your life after all.

54. If you want to fully understand a man, you'd better not be his lover, but his friend.

55. Sometimes, two people will not realize how much they want to be together until they are separated.

56. I wanted to hold the hand of my son and grow old with him, but I didn't want you to hold the bow and cut me like a string.

57. The better the relationship between two people, the more difficult it is to say that I like you.

58. I closed my ears to your topic. As you said, your happiness has nothing to do with me.

59. I think of you only when I feel uncomfortable, because my heart is full of seriousness when you comfort me.

60. Between time and reality, youth and beauty are as fragile as wind dried paper.

61. Every grain of sand lost in the hourglass enters my eyes and makes me cry constantly.

62. Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have, but only on how you think about it.

63. I used to crush my favorite things, and I used to drive my favorite people away.

64. There are many people who like you, but I'm not short of one; I like very few people, except you.

65. Love is not to find a perfect person, but to learn to love an imperfect person.

66. Love a person should not be so humble, and being loved by a person should not feel like suffering.

67. Only I know the silence after laughing, but I want to know how to let go early.

68. I think it's not because of my lonely nature, but because of my stubborn belief that I can tolerate loneliness.

69. Let me stand at the place where my heart is broken, and gently tie a knot, a kind of sewing, to prevent the pain from flowing out again.

70. It seems that after waiting for a hundred years, I suddenly understand that even if I meet again, a mature performance is better than not seeing.

71. Some people treat you well because you treat them well, while others treat you well because they understand you well.

72. I really hate that feeling. I feel sad, but I don't know why. I just feel sad all the time.

73. What is the director? He is a person who destroys your friendship and then your love, but he will not let your family go.

74. Being a parent is a highly professional career, but most parents go to work without any training.

75. Some promises must be fulfilled since they have been promised, even if they have been forgotten, they will not be let down.

76. In that year, we felt that the world was very small. Now, we know that if we go our separate ways, maybe we will live forever.

77. You are another person of mine. Love is like a community of life, but now you can only write down this memory.

78. The god of luck often comes because you have seen more, thought more and taken a step more.

79. We have grown up, and many dreams are flying, just like the red dragonfly in our mind. Goodbye to the students.

80. In fact, most people are just busy talking about buttons. They don't care about the people you like. They are boring now.

81. Some people, some things, should forget it. People have never trusted you. Why should you be sentimental.

82. Sometimes, choosing to let go is not because you cannot persist, but because you find that something is doomed to be impossible.

83. Life is not an idol drama. There is no such earthshaking change to make us hysterical and sad.

84. Hating others is like burning your own house to catch a mouse. But the mouse may not be caught.

85. Today I am myself, but tomorrow there will be no me, only cold words. I still insist on beating again and again.

86. When the college entrance examination results came out, the teacher took a long breath and said to me: In fact, it is a kind of happiness for you and the university not to pass the exam.

87. Love will sink. On ordinary days, the most important thing is to gently shake the "cup" of love